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Posts posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. No matter how good vocals are, I still place auto tune in the chain in case. no one in the world is a perfect pitch.(Ok I know im wrong maybe but seriously)

    Half the time you will never know if a song has auto tune or not(or the vocalist not synth instruments) because of how transparent it is used.

    For guitar songs I really like odd time riffs OR I like 80s/90s style songs with cool sounding riffs... I dont know why but I think they sound cool (or im very 80s and 90s O.o).

    For Guitar and House songs, I (Now very rarely) send a signal to a mixer to a tape deck, then record the tape back into my daw because it sound warmer and saturated kinda...I dont know why I do that but it sounds like how I would like it to sound.

  2. Man I want to remix this one too!

    The mix is not bad at all imo, but the kick has a bit too much verb so a bit of loss of power there. arrangment is pretty close to the source by OCReMixes standards.

    Now you can improve this song by giving the wub a *Tiny* bit of roomy reverb.

    *Some other people can give more input, I just came home tired, but this sound pretty good to me, I really dig this, I would replace this with the original if I was playing the game!

  3. http://soundcloud.com/aires/partially-sunny

    source is "can you feel the sunshine" from sonic R.

    This thread is hear because I'm about to do a "Air3s Experience " fix/edit on this remix

    What that means is that I'm making sound like my new production/mixing standard

    The last thread went badly with the "oh shit it's hardcore dubstep, screw this" and "I hate glitchy shit"

    And all that crap.

    This thread is for opinions on this track so when I see a good idea I will add it to the edit list. So please song opinions only, no genre opinions.

  4. Are you using 4Front Bass? :o

    It has some interesting flourishes in it, but I'm not quite sure of the arrangement idea you have going. It seems somewhat clunky. I just have no idea what to expect next.

    Keeps the surprise going lol.

    A bit old , but there is some thing about this mix I can't remember.

    And yes lol 4front

  5. Alright, next request! I'm thinking...Launch Base Zone: Act 1 from Sonic 3. Because it's been covered plenty already, I'm leaning more towards an alternative rock/funk rock/pop rock sort of style, either with or without lyrics (what can I say, I'm a sucker for a good vocal mix.)



  6. That's not what you said about them before...

    I'v complained about your lead a lot(which im still not sure if its your playing or lack of attack in tone etc...), but not your rhythm tone.

    your (i think, cant remember) streets of rage remix had a pretty good rhythm tone,

    but when you compare this remix to that one, your previous tone had alot more mid and high end (and questionably scooped sounding) but still better, but like I said only a small thought. This tone you have now sounds good too but just not with a good Eq curve.

  7. Pretty much what everyone else said, guitars feel bassy with no mids and very little highend. the drums feel very electronica'ish unless thats what your going for, if not try adding variation to the velocities and a good convolution (IR) reverb.

    As for the lead while the melody is good there is no sustain between the notes.

    Those are the only things I see, but still a good composition.

  8. I like that you have a realistic view of your own music

    this song is pretty fuckin' awesome, but it is not "ocr passable" in its current state. in my opinion.


    Ocr does not really have a liking for heavy compressed music(maybe for quality or easy listening) , but I think they maybe not like it because of the obviously wavetabled brass for some reason lol

    So what's with the artwork on SoundCloud? Just threw it in?


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