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Posts posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. I use a voice recorder app within the soundcloud android app and upload it to soundcloud, best way to get any capture any insperation I get.

    the best melodies you will ever comeup with at mind is when your not pressuring your self to make a cool kick ass song. taking walks,going to the park, car rides, airplane,watching tv,rec rides etc... will be where insperation hits the most.

  2. Alright, due to me having NO way of listening to audio properly, death egg will be released as a single and there will only be 12 or 13 tracks on this album instead of the proposed 20:(

    Im not buying temp headphones because im saving for a 5150, so maybe after that I will buy cheap pairs of headphone. but all I have now are earbuds (which I mixed Icecap with) so I maybe do some music, but its beyond unconfortable and the speakers here are for listening only, not that great for anything audio.

    Sorry guys. Album drops when art is finished and when final render for sonic 3 is finished.

    I Only got 3 new tracks done (private on soundcloud) which sucks but having broken equipement sucks too and im really going to save for this amp.

    Again Sorry guys. Still album will drop at any time.

  3. I like his music when isn't his "style", like

    He used to make alot of songs in that style, and alot of break beat, then again, he usually only shows them on stream or post them on soundcloud nowadays.

    When doesn't deadmau5 rant? In this particular rant, he has a more or less good moral, if you can dig under the ridiculously pretentious tone he used to write it.

    I dont think he is trying to be pretentious, but he does rant alot lol. His "3D Movie rant",Beiber, and his Skrillex rant was so funny on his stream, wish I had a link.

  4. Or maybe you dont like/tired of his style, he is not exclusive to one style of electronica music, and modulars are screaming devices waiting to be "pew Pew!!!" :tomatoface:

    then again, his style has become more random every time I listen to him, but its his (or his labels) calls.

  5. I thought he was just saying that he doesn't like superficial lyrics on his tracks, which he puts a lot of extra expressive effort into.

    It's like spending an entire day preparing the perfect ham dinner for your family, so everyone sits down and gets ready to eat, but then your obnoxious uncle comes in and says "you should put some ketchup on that shit, awww yea"

    Bingo, my thoughts exactly

  6. Aren't recording companies the ones mainly responsible for bad mainstream music these days (not to mention the rather culture-less masses who keep on demanding this tripe)?

    Imho, it's pretty tough for an artist to unleash their full creative potential, if they're being constricted by their contracts. So I'm really doubting that Deadmau5 really looked into the issue with all that much depth. All I got was a bunch of semi-coherent ramblings befitting a 14 year old :S

    He was signed to multiple labels, and he did moan on how crappy they were and how touring with ultra sucked etc...

    Im sure he thought it out before he posted that, not to mention he owns his own label.

    The point he is getting is that people get tastless on music now adays and its more common to hear the same crap more often.

    creativity is just something you have to look hard for I guess. I also agree, I dont need to be told that a massive wavetable/subtractive( whatever have it your way) bassline is about to come in to the song, it kinda gets annoying ;)

  7. I've been listening to this and your Ice Cap Deep remix a lot of lately. Got them both on my iPod even.

    Keep making awesome remixes. If you come across any other opportunities to remix another Sonic song then go for it. I'm definitely looking forward to more stuff from you.


    ^Sonic Album is getting ready soon, its just on hold for some technical issuses

  8. This thread is starting to get uncomfortable for me, cause I do have a solo piano mix passed that doesn't even remotely stand up to the quality of Shnabubula or Danimal's stuff, chiptune or no :-o Don't get me wrong I love mah solo piano song but if it deserves to be on the site, Espergirl does so much more.. but I guess if they're not really willing to change the rule then it'll just be an unfair system for now, hopefully not forever.

    may I please have a link to this espergirl?

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