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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. lots of sample ; o but it would be cheaper to make your own tho
  2. fixed sorry, im likin this track too, but this is still a open world of opinions
  3. verb, and delay any more, it gets messy. but i put the solo on 2 tracks instead of one so thats another problem but i already fixed that, i will smoothen the tone with other methods i have.
  4. im not the one playing, but neck pick up is effective for sustain solos too some times, and the bells stay ;P and no more effects on the guitar, it starts to get muddy the harmony is a place holder, we know, its on one track tho, i'll get the harmony on 2 seperate tracks soon.
  5. http://soundcloud.com/aires/primas-manus-ft-jbond-wip-2 WIP 2 NOW Ft Jabond and switched up track Well actually this WIP is the beginning and towards the end together, so the parts with the source you guys gotta wait till i finish those part XD.
  6. oh what i ment to say is the saw wav forms are bleeding through the vocods, i prob typed that without rereading what i was gunna say, and yes they sound sweet lol.
  7. i still a bit new to submissions after just lurking and posting stupid tracks:mrgreen: I think this may have been asked already... But how long is the judging process? I never gotta email back since i subbed think and i do know judges are busy with things other then judging remixes, just curious.
  8. My only flame, crush 40 > hardline lol jk there both great i say equal to me:grin:! Opinion 2: compression is super harsh, synths are cool but they start to bleed from the bass saw and you vocoded vocals cause of the compression.
  9. it has speech function to help him say it... it should hold him till he finds a person who can speak japanese, think of it as a temp place holder for his song maybe
  10. just incase you dont find someone and you can record, try google translator, it also has a speech function, im not sure if it is 100% , but it does work
  11. Not in music, it would be a source, remixy. but it can be said stolen with not credibility if known.
  12. this is really good, I used to use Anvil studio for midi editing too, its soo good
  13. thats a white noise synth. just find any synth and modulate the white noise with a band pass, it extremly common in electronic(a) music, especially in house music. i can even give you some sample if you like, theres 2 things you can never get enough of, white noisem and cowbell
  14. :twisted::twisted:NEEDS MORE SAWS!!!! :twisted: this is sick! , but this kinda sound like immersion then in silicon Anyways moniter overload, kinda a bit loud with the octave saw for the lead, and on the lows a bit to much but it could be me just me on the lows part this is great finish this track, DO IT
  15. my guitar center does not have a it as a demo on there floor
  16. I always wanted to try one of the hardest instruments to play but i cant find any unless i buy online, so does anyone know were i can try it?
  17. its a good track, nice and covery, but try to add more original spots to fit, altho i think its fine already, but its is really laid back and could be found as boring after someplays.
  18. hmm a bit too bassy on the low eq and not enough high's on the eq, lower the keys as well and rise the drums, this is good, and the track says hub, so im thinking its for a hub world, so you may want to make the track loop friendly since its also going to be in a game!
  19. any.......... try ableton tho. the time line is very good for live recording as well directly or with mic'd amp/cab it says ableton 7 cause the tutorial was made with it, but newer version 8 is no much diffrent. good luck!
  20. mixing is not the main point of my post, but as you said you would if you like that kinda mixing, but i never said its required. im sure im not being misinformative.. As for the song Its very rushed, all i did was make it and export it with a increase on the master mixer, this track is missing more then a upper mid gain (the same for my last dance mix but I already fixed only one problem ) i may make/upload a less repetive version of this to as malice said:P. which samples? the spikes i took from sonic 3, the kick or cyb thing.
  21. Yes it does, especially if your using effect, it also affects your sample rate and bit depth, accurate monitering/mixing,Latency,headroom and other things that I dont remember. but card does not excuse for bad mixing. it helps with less stress on opening and using vst but your cpu and memory are usually the main factors. (also people with audio interface's for designed for music design/recording will not notice a diffrence from higher end devices). As good as stock sound chips/card are, there still not designed for music, but now adays you may not even need to buy one depending on what your doing. heres a example off card, very well mixed, one of my favorite songs. http://soundcloud.com/slut1/slut1-i-came-slut1s-theme Oncard ( i will change the link to another soundcloud user in the morning to make it more fair altho, mau5 mixes some of his other stuff with vst's and does not always use hardware synths) running on a Rme i believe http://soundcloud.com/fuckmylife/meowingtons-hax-more last. this thread is not about production, its the track > : (
  22. I think i posted this b4, and i did not post the finish , this is very rushed 3 months ago so im posting this to show as my first protools track rather then using ableton. i will post my thaughts on the daw later *P.S* bitrate does sound a bit crappy cause im on a crap interface with no real A/D converter, so its not the best 24bit(nor worst), just to let you audio whores know.... heres a quick track http://soundcloud.com/aires/at-first-i-was-like *note* this track is finished.
  23. the only thing this needs is some verb on both vocal tracks, and louder instruments, or quieter vocal tracks 9.7/10
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