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Everything posted by SonicThHedgog

  1. http://soundcloud.com/aires/naturally-aires-electrohouse-arrangment Yep def 132.05 BPM did this in 10 min
  2. im making a demo of this song, you may have to cut to get the initial some, theres space in the beginning of the track
  3. the bpm is 132.05 BPM,song is in A#, if you shoot files at me, i can sync you files
  4. EDIT STUpidiTY SUBSIDS XD. one sec i can give you a bpm, this is generic house bpm around 131, but on sec
  5. try 132.56 bpm, 133.42, or 133 altho synching will be weird as a caution.
  6. I was first thinking super smash bros n64 but i thaught a sonic adventure super strat would be sick! Oh i ment to say 5150 XD yah im not sure my self on his amp, on jun senoue fourms they says he switches up amps but usually sticks to a peavy 5150 most of the time with a Bogner Cube cab with a V30 ,also a 6505 ( in his live performance), or a marshall amp (also seen live) sometimes using a Line6 pod for recording, and a Soldano SLO. He has so much gear, but he usually use guitars with H/S H/S/S config, and for heavy tracks a esp Eclipse with emg 81/89 or 85.
  7. i would help but my pc main pc is under repair and my pc crips fast, the only thing i can do now is surround sound panning, but not until i fix my cards This is a amazing animation, nice clean great voice acting.
  8. brake beat excellent! this is great. the synths are fat, drum beats are excellent cant complain!
  9. This thread is Now about Compressors, DAMN CRAPPY REMASTER CDs But seriously lets get back on topic
  10. YYAYAY......wha....wait.....REGION LOCKED. nevermind im sticking to my ds light + i get gba games
  11. some of my songs took a week but now im going to start doing faster compositions (1 day or less) after i search for a vintage esp XD(and sell my couch). and take more time on mixing
  12. thats the point im (trying to) making D: im just saying use a compressor to a advantage to find that sound your looking for, not cause you know people so it all the time, but to use it to find that sound you want, and i did say its recommended to do limiting : p I think i used a bad example : I Im now re-lost in this thread XD
  13. well if you use it to find the sound you want then by all means thats fine. but most of your tracks i'v heard are toward metal and i would imagin the compressors even out the dynamic range which most people (and me sometimes) do. But thats not the point of my post, the point is to use compression to your advantage of finding the sound you want.
  14. For gold users in Ableton (i will find a way for fl users too) your not suppost to open multiple instances of the vst it will criple your pc. this is what you do 1.In your Daw open east west 2.Select your instruments of choice 3.In your Daw create an Midi track (midi track ) 4.Get MIDI from EastWest 5.Output to EastWest 6.in the Track In, select the intrument you want by the number/order you assigned it in eastwest. to control volume's you would go in eastwest for that instrument and control it, the track in your mixer in your will act like a master volume control ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For Flstudio you will have to use DirectWave and sample the vst, and instead of typing the process, imageline posted a video on this already this is what i used to do, and im not sure if its the only ways so i will update ( the cool thing about this way is you can share the sounds with other people who have DirectWave but not the plugin vst used or hardware sounds, great for request's or collabs )
  15. I tried looking up customs but there form calculator said $6,000 , but i'll prob call them to get a exact price. I would like a sonic adventure or sonic adventure 2 guitar with excellent tone like jun senoue XD, Alder body, maple neck,rosewood fingerboard , tb 4 pick ups , all that stuff make me drool and prob when i save i can buy a peavy 5120 or a Soldano and get the tone i'v been looking for years! im replacing the bells with a mixolydine or aeolian piano lick XD
  16. Bells stay8-) i love em track is 35% done, i think this is the last wip. working on the guitar part with jbond when he is not busy, and working on a compression setting to make master track give this track more power I will update thread soon on new thing, and yes i dont usually realese wip this short and do evolutions sample, but i thought this would be cool to show you guys how i add stuff and blend ideas.........and cause im completing this track in a slow rate cause im constantly closing my day and on ebay looking for a vintage esp maverick XD
  17. lots of awsome stuff freen on the internets, i even found a pretty nice low/high pass filter for on track i did and it was more clear then the filter i have on my friend nord(which i should get a word clock for : ( )
  18. http://soundcloud.com/aires/primas-manus-wip-3 i decided to add in a orcha for the body, guitar part will be pushed back near the end as for this mix will be short (because i dont want to kill cpu or go to offtopic on the source im remixing/arranging) *Note i dont mix nothing good till the END of the song so dont ask of mixin8)*
  19. thankyou, i will not stop electronica indeed, but i like to switch up genres alot ; ) , i try reach all (most) forms of music, and your samples were really good, they are almost equal to those thousand doller samples from eastwest.
  20. you added more compression to the track on the last version, gave more power. this is great. i wish i could compose with orcha, but my pc cpu would cripple with out some more power. Your now the Official first one and to get my UNFREAKINBELIVEBLE out of10 fine peice indeed! but can anyone get my Highest secret rating.
  21. That is music, do your own thing,go crazy, more important make producing fun. look at videos of studio people using gear and what they do with it, its all a learning process. another thing is quality of the effects you have, the amount you use, etc... fl's verb presets are good, just toggle the delay and reverb knob to get that sweet amount you need in that preset. yoozer pretty much took what i was gunna say but longer. to sync the axiom, you have to click ''link to controller'' then move the thing you want to control that device with. you have to do it every time you open fl i think, er thats what i do.... or what i used to do b4 i moved to ableton and protools. another thing in compression. compressors add energy,Balance dynamic range,and/or can add depression to a track depending on what sound your looking for,you dont need to use a compressor, its recommended to use limiters because they prevent peaking and some other stuff i cant remeber atm. Compressors are not Good Nor Bad, its all on what sound your looking for. if you use compressors on some of your tracks thats good, if on all of your tracks thats bad, if none of them thats bad if you not getting the sound you want then thats bad it recommended to put a Compressor on a master track before starting the mixing process just incase you want power on the whole track, its also good to add a compressors to a track depending on what you want that specific track to sound like. do i use compressors? sometimes like this track http://soundcloud.com/aires/ice-cap-crater-v4-oc i did a brick wall master(manually) and it gave it dramatic power for this specifily but i used to much i think i would lower the gain Music is all on taste and what your feeling like making/listening to so go crazy, stretch genre's if you want to, i dont know go just go crazy♪
  22. i like derailing threads, j/k X D ------------------------------------------- @Raptor , Dub styles in this? cant wait to see this!
  23. http://soundcloud.com/aires/hand-in-hand-wip wip 2.5 just added bass line I cant do much here about the guitar sounds, i dont have much control on the guitar tone, even if i add verb, it will not be part of the tone, just a pointless layer, i will ask if he can send a verb'ed recording.
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