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Capt. Stupidity

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Everything posted by Capt. Stupidity

  1. That was epic. The new version was extremely better. I like the synth you have for the intro. That was a good choice. Also, the lead synth is nice, but it is a little loud and might be hard on some ears. You might have a few things to do as far as production goes (e.g. add a little delay to the lead synth at one part), but otherwise this is a very good mix.
  2. I know there area lot of Windmill Hut/Song of Storms remixes, but none of them seem to be getting posted which is a shame. So, I thought I'd take a stab at it. Here's my electronica/trance/techno version (I'm no good with genre labeling). It's short, but I may extend it a bit. Click here to listen to storm_doors_-_windmill_hut_remix_-_WIP_v2.mp3
  3. I love it. I personally liked your interpretation of the melody. The only problems I have with it is it is too sparse and you might want to tighten up the synths. They sound a little too generic in my opinion. Keep up the good work!
  4. Ok, I have a WIP done. It's definitely not refined and the melody is incomplete still, but this WIP shows where I'm going with the track. I really want to live up the "Nut House" part of the title Click here to listen to deku_nut_house_WIP_v1.mp3
  5. Hey y'all, I know this is like months old, but I did end up submitting the remix to OCR and it got rejected. I didn't know a lot about remixing at the time I submitted the mix, but I know a little more now and am going to tackle the Deku Nut House yet again. Once I get a new version up I would appreciate feedback. Thanks!
  6. Yo! (I changed some of the details as far as requirements go and hopefully made the theme a little clearer). Final Hour is a remix project focused on the songs from the The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. There are too many songs total in MM to remix them all, so I am going to choose what I think are the major ones and do just those. The tracks are chosen based on how prevalent they were in the game, how important quest-wise, and how unique they are (I am not going to pick the Mini-Game theme shop theme, stuff like that). If you want to remix a track that is not on the list, let me know and I will consider it. Genre/Style Specs: There are no genre limitations, per se, but there are stylistic limitations. Majora's Mask is a very dark/sad/moody/epic game and I want the mixes to reflect those four attributes. I really don't want any of the tracks to have a real happy sound to them. For example, Clock Town is a rather happy sounding song, but think of what the Clock Town theme would sound like if the moon had destroyed it. You can make the theme sad or dark and epic, or a mixture of everything. The choice is up to you, just try to incorporate one of the styles in the mix. The only exception to this rule is the End Credits theme. I want that to be the victorious finale. Examples of the Style I am Shooting For: The Dark Knight Soundtrack - Hans Zimmer Wolfman Soundtrack - Danny Eflman The Angles of Hell - Random Hero Dark Matter - PrototypeRaptor Fortress of the Knight - Vurez Above the Rising Falls - sephire Available Tracks: Title Screen - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQZZjP8BToI Opening Demo - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1_B9P2b2jg Skull Kid - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHuZYj82Dz4 Clock Town - Mayor's House Counsel Room - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8XYWOTiaz8 Milk Bar - Music Box House - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1EYMdLBLJE Kamaro's Dance - Astral Observatory - Overworld - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FxjChGbJbQ Deku Nut Palace - Ikana Castle - Stone Tower Temple - Boss Battles - Last Day (Final Hour) - Calling the Four Giants - Credits - Tracks Taken: Pirate's Fortress - (Acolyte - WIP In Progress)Majora's Mask Battle - (Seto - WIP In Progress)Termina - (Gintokipianist - Tentative)Clocktower - (Furilas - WIP In Progress)I am now recruiting remixers, so if you are interested please PM me or reply to this thread. Be ready to send a WIP.
  7. Thanks! I don't mean to sound impatient, I was just wondering
  8. Just a question as I am new to the whole project scene: am I allowed to post my mix on the forum for review, or is all this supposed to stay secret.
  9. Well, I like it, but for a remix it is very basic. It seems very close to the source. I am also not digging the lead. Very distracting. Also, the synths you use sound like they're all presets, which is generally looked down upon. Try messing around with the Harmless and Sytrus synths on FL, if you have them. As far as arrangement goes, it sounds too empty. Try either adding in more synths or taking the ones you have now and make them more dynamic, meaning make them sound non-static. To me, it sounds like you took the midi file and added instruments over it, which can sound great, but I don't think it will make it to OCR. Keep at it. I would love to see how this turns out.
  10. This is not a remix. It's what I would call a re-orch (there may be a better term for what I did). Anyway I took the boiling pot theme from SMB2 and applied different better instruments to it. I was just messing around with the presets and FL Studio and came up with this version here. It came out nice, so I would like to see what y'all have to say about it. I am looking to improve it. Thanks! Click here to listen to boilingpot.mp3
  11. Great mix. I love the source and you have done very well in remixing it. My only critique would be that @1:22 sounds off to me. You go from a nice acoustic guitar to the electric (which is rather loud at that point) and the drums. To me, it makes it sound off. Maybe you could do something different with the drums and fade in the guitar rather than having it start playing all of the sudden. Good remix overall.
  12. I like the direction you took with it. I would suggest adding something else to the beginning. It does get monotonous. Maybe a tenor sax would work. The transition into the rock piece is very abrupt. You could try slowly fading it in or something like that. Personally, I would cut out the rock part and keep going with what you had in the beginning. If I was in your shoes I would make the whole thing into a medievelish sounding remix, but that's just my opinion.
  13. I would love to do the Weldar theme from Banjo-Tooie if that's acceptable
  14. I don't know the source tune at all, but it sounds like you did pretty well. I would agree that the cymbals are very overpowering throughout the entire song. And you also might want to watch the tremolo on the guitar. It can get distracting at times. I would record one guitar that just has some distortion on it (maybe even some chorus), and then record a separate track where the guitar comes in on the big crescendo with some tremolo (am I making sense here?). I would also use some higher pitched strings for an added crescendo. They could be very well placed if they play along with the melody. Anyways, good track. Can't wait to hear the finished product
  15. Hm...that's a good idea. I might try that.
  16. Hello all, I am trying my hand at composing an OST. The soundtrack is for a fake horror/suspense film. It's still far from being done, but I do have the first track almost done (I think). Would greatly appreciate it if y'all took a listen and told me what you think. Click here to download josiah_golliwog_theme_[WIP].mp3 Also, if you're interested, my music site is http://captainstupidity.com/. I haven't finished the site yet, but it's getting there Thanks in advance for any comments!
  17. Could you change my name to Capt. Stupidity please? Thanks so much!
  18. I see what you're saying. I'll try adding some strings or something else to make a climax.
  19. @Daybreaker Thanks for the comments. I do have a new version that (I think) flows better. Please have a listen and tell me what you think.
  20. Hmm, I am doing a remix now, but I would love to tackle this one. Traverse Town is my favorite song from Kingdom Hearts. Can't make any promises, but I'll see what I can do with it
  21. Ok, thanks for the clarity. I hope no one gets me wrong. I wasn't trying to bash anyone's music (I like the Tower Temple remix), I was just trying to clear that question up So, I took the advice of changing it up and here is what I got. Please give me honest feedback. I know you all have lives other than listening to my song, but feedback is appreciated
  22. I was wondering about that. How different does it have to be in order to be a ReMix? Some of the songs I have heard (e.g. Magnet Man Goes West and Inverting the Tower Temple) sound pretty much the same as the source tune except with different instruments. Anyways, I did think my remix wasn't as good as it could be. I changed the key and the melody. I have changed the status of the remix to a "WIP", but please tell me what you think of it so far! My SoundCloud account won't let me replace the track already up there, so you'll have the listen to the song as it stands now on my Tindeck account.
  23. Awesome intro. It has a African feel to it. I did not mind the "ha"s so much, but I also don't think it would do the song great disservice if you took them out. I did not find anything too high for my ears, nor was it too loud. For suggestions, I would change the synths in the little interlude you have there. The whole thing can get monotonous. You might want to have a section where the instruments totally change, just to add some variety. Then then you fade back in to the main melody and your normal synths. All in all, great remix. Keep working at it!
  24. First off, great job. I loved the epic feel to it. The whole arrangement crescendo for a fantastic finale, and then it faded out the same way it started. Personally, I do not think the arrangement needs to change. I would recommend adjusting the volume on the instruments as it pretty loud at one point and I heard some crackles. A live guitar would sound much better than the synth one you have now, but I wouldn't say it's absolutely necessary. One more thing, you might want to change the drums or record them again. I'm not sure if those were live drums, but it sounded warbled, like you saved it in a very low bitrate. Keep going with the track. With some changes and minor tweaks, this could be awesome!
  25. Hey y'all. I've been hovering around the site for a while and finally got around to registering. Anyways, I am beginning to dabble in making remixes of my own and I have my first one done (I hope!). It's a remix of Deku Nut's Palace from Majora's Mask. Please let me know what y'all think! I updated the song and you can listen to it here:
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