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Status Updates posted by Damashii!!
hey boss, i'm most likely babysitting this weekend through Monday but i should be able to have an audition sent to you by Tuesday Night latest. i just have to lay down the vocals when they're asleep because i'm not interested in having the kids play imaginary dbz with my recording gear. :
totally man! we've got to collab on a bunch of mixes anyways so i can feel better about that certain epic fail mix. lol, ethnic voices... they sound so good in the right hands, but i always spend hours laughing at them when i'm trying to work with 'em.
but forrealious, i'm game if you want to collide on the BK mix. also, for the better FF victory arrangement, what specific FF game is this from? I might utilize some stuff from some of my personal favorite Victory themes, but I'll try to keep the main source in the forefront.
Yooooo, no problem at all! I'm kind of embarrassed about my rapping on that, and I was hoping Tuberz or somebody else eventually helped you out with giving that proper rap flow to it, but i honestly did enjoy working on that beat.
and of course I had to sample your voice. that was the muthafuggin icing on the cake, yo! ;P
....LOLOLOLOL, k so throughout the entire video i was thinking "please don't please don't please don't" and by the end i was like "phew, that was a close one. glad that's ove----- FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU---!"
it's all good, did you remaster all the tracks or something because i know that mine sounds much more tolerable now (or maybe i'm just not as embarrassed anymore
also, check your thread in the BK project =)
thanks! i had an incredible, relaxing time in Haiti and i got to spend most of it with my cousin and best friend whom i haven't seen in years!
i've actually been bogged down with work ever since i got back, but i'll definitely get back to voting and posting some cheesy reviews. =/
yo, you had a stellar dr. wily disco arrangement! i've had to re-listen to it at least 5 times already!
hakuna matata, i getchya.
i look forward to hearing more phat beats from ya nonetheless!
yo i posted a much more constructive critique on your vectorman mix from last year. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=864894#post864894
sorry for posting like a jerk back then, after re-listening to it a bunch i realize that i was incredibly wrong, so my apologies dawg.:
ah, i forgot about that chip tune rule.
lmao, i feel ya. well if/whenever you come around to tweaking it i look forward to hearing it again in all it's glory. and you're keeping the fart right? :
dude, i was totally grooving to your mix man! it was really good, and that ending surely impregnated several women.
i went with briggs because i have an unnatural four-on-the-floor fetish, but you should think about submitting your mix because it's really high class and all the breaks and tempo changes were slick.
cool, i will probably have you a rough idea of what i'm thinking in mid-summer (when everybody's free[er]) because i'm most likely going to form a crime fighting syndicate collaboration with several other artists as well... somewhat
just stopping by to pay my respects
that Trash FM song is divine, dawg. so greedy man.
what's your vocal range? i think i may may may may may may may may muh muhmuhmuh might need your help with vocals for something in the near future.
true story: i currently work in a cheese processing plant. my weekends are always cheesy.
thanks man, but that trailer had better contain Anderson Cooper and Ryan Gosling....covered in cheese.
LMAO, no way dawg... i was totally joking.
I honestly don't get offended by anything other than cockblocking and artsy-fartsy hipsters. =/
....but i am still terribly ashamed of my arrangement, and if i had a time machine i'd prevent myself from making that garbage.... dude, it's seriously one of the cheesiest things i've EVER made.