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Posts posted by Esperado

  1. I know a while back we had a thread about unusual instruments. my question is, have there been any posted remixes that make use of funky instrumentation? examples would be like, the carrot flute, theremin or potato ocarina. I think it would be incredibly cool to make a really groovy song using vegetable instruments. not really sure where this thread belongs.

  2. Yeah. On PS3 you get the Platinum Trophy if you complete all of the achievements. Xbox doesn't give you anything for it except it stores the achievements in a special section of your profile so people can see which games you've completed all achievements on.

    oh , thats lame. i thought i got some sort of points that i can use to buy DLC or something. isnt that what microsoft points are? i feel like a grandma who doesnt know what a controller is these days...

  3. not having backwards compatibility with ps2 games makes some small amount of sense. ps3, makes absolutely no sense. i think most systems should have at least one generation of backwards compatibility, its not like it would hurt them that much to do it. if anything they would still make sales on old games.

    but then again, sony isnt the smartest company when it comes to fans if you ask me. they pretty much shot themselves in the face with the psp and the whole psone store thing...

  4. I discovered my first glitch in Twilight Princess water temple. I did something with the spinning staircase where I would hookshot to the chandelier while directly under the staircase while it was spinning. The result? Link was swimming in midair. I could move a small distance before actually falling to the water much lower.

    that reminds me of the glitch i found in soul reaver 1

    . you could get raziel to hold a force projectile in his hand like a weapon by picking up any given object while underwater and then IMMEDIATELY throwing it . he forms a projectile, but throws the object instead, leaving you with mildly useless projectile stuck to his hand. if you managed to sneak an enemy with it, you can "impale" them with it, which is amusing. otherwise, hitting enemies with it just breaks it. he also has some wierd animations when you do it.

    otherwise, I made it to like level 65 in lode runner when I was a kid.

  5. Mirrors edge is a good example. DAT BOAT CHASE SONG. MMMMM. but really, it has a nice futuristic feel that helps really set the pace.

    on a similar vein, the soundtrack to inmomentum, is similarly futuristic and fun to listen to. I think it came with indiegamemusic bundle 3 or 4, for those who are familiar with that. im STILL sorting through all those albums...

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