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Everything posted by NegimaSonic

  1. ah yeah. It's good to finish your main stuff first. I was just pointing it out because it's a pretty good general use sword, it does nothing great but it does nothing wrong either. And I <3 the charge attack haha. If you do it right, sometimes you can get three spins on an enemy But I was also pointing it out because it's one of the good Kozma equipments (cheers for Nitronome). Not that I've tried everything, still avoiding the blaster for now. I picked up a Grey Owlite Recipe so I'll work on making that next. (bye bye energy...). I think that'll set me in full 5* finally...but I still won't be "done". I wanted a Vog Cub Coat to back me up and I still haven't made my Ascended Calibur into a Leviathan..
  2. No love for the calibur? I spent some time playing with some of my off SK friends, they really like the game.
  3. Until the summer kicks in deep, I'll still be on from... Monday - Friday 8 AM - 3 PM (US Central). Not the whole time but shamefully close :3 I'm mostly a swordie but when I'm real lazy or scared, the bombs are coming out 8D
  4. Thanks, but I've learned every recipe up to three star. I'm working on the next level 4 star but I'm going to hold on that. It took a lot of money just to buy all of that lol (I wanted to learn a lot of recipes WITHOUT the intent to make those items). I hope they fix achievements, some are broken. I hear some tried to go for the 0-29 with no deaths achievement and they didn't get it. I was going to try that but now I'm not. I'll wait on that. (Plus I suck)
  5. lol ok. Maybe one day I'll give guns some love again, but it'll be awhile. Experimentation hurts now haha... Had an interesting experience with graviton bomb earlier. I was working with someone in an arena and they used that bomb to trap them, and I used nitronome to hit them relatively safely from there. I'm still not a big fan of the graviton bomb but it worked in this case. Shivermist is safer to deal with though, the only difference is it didn't matter so much about the gravitons knockback because nitronome also knocks back and it usually just let them get sucked back into the girl's next vortex bomb.
  6. ooh...I wouldn't want to count on a gun for gremlins, too much dodging for me. Just made a volcanic demo suit...bye bye energy...I'm down to 92 CE lol..(and I used a mist tank so I could keep that much)
  7. Some people mess around in AH too much. I saw Scary Skelly Recipes going for 16000+. That's a THREE star recipe. I heard its a popular costume but come on that's crazy. Luckily after I waited some hours someone else posted one for a buyout of 8k. So I bought that one (I don't even need the recipe, I just want to learn all 3* and below). I gave up on guns long ago but if I went back, I'd probably go back to the alchemer series (or just do what everyone else does and use my antigua series, I can make a silversix). If you're afraid of triggering a negative status effect, just use Cryotech over Prismatech. There's only one enemy that reacts to freeze and that's a THAWED out ice cube (which just results in refreezing it) so there's no real downside to that. No risk unlike Firotech with oilers or Voltech with Quicksilvers. Don't get me wrong though, those are all probably great guns too, but I mean if you don't like switching there's no accidental downside to Cryotech.
  8. Worst case is Final Fantasy and Pokemon lol >.> Yeah 3* used to be 5500. 4* used to be 15000. 5* used to be 45000. If you saw a fire/ice tier, only half of it would be either or. So you could go with one weapon for the ice section, then switch out at the clockworks terminal. Ironically, I say that but I never do that lol. I just roll through with whatever equipment I have. But my stuff is usually element neutral. And shivermist is almost always useful since I don't see a lot of freeze stages where I go.
  9. I'll be insane with you. I did NOT play Sonic and the Secret Rings, but I did play Colors (on DS). I don't really know anything to complain about that game with. Well one thing...would've loved more stages. Didn't want it to end. Oh and the full versions of the themes in the Sound Test.
  10. that's a good idea...but alas, with all tokens EXCEPT for Primal Sparks, I go into collection mode and never use them unless I have to.
  11. lol, uh the price changes reduced the recipe prices...used to be 15k (though its still a bad deal IMO since they DOUBLED the energy prices effectively killing that savings). --- People attribute it to accident. Or the sin of "autoselling" And I still autosell lol. I don't care a whole lot. Today I went on a poison run through whatever gate, wasn't too bad, actually came out with a lot of Grim Sparks...too bad it wasn't primals >.> Was some beast levels in tier 3 like last week...
  12. What do you mean...come on, they were awesome. TEAM CHAOTIX, they'll protect you they are on your SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE!
  13. oh, then you could definitely use a few extra people to help out. It's good to have at least one person who knows what they're doing. I still don't entirely know how to do that one place where you have to save the six sprites efficiently but I've survived a couple of times... I get to be the lazy person as long as I have my shivermist
  14. I liked Sonic Unleashed (PS2) and I liked Sonic Colors (DS) so I have very little reason to think I'd dislike this. Sometimes it's nice being easy to please. And the in game Green Hill trailer I saw looked amazing.. I do wonder what could they use for a main theme song here...
  15. You can probably take FSC as you are, especially if you have a good team, what stuff do you have? My first "victory" (beating vanaduke) I went through the entire place with no fire resist. Now I still tend to avoid the place and I do have some fire resist now (Volc Demo Helm only) but it's definitely doable.
  16. I look forward to trying out some of the new stuff, but I must admit I'm not entirely happy about the new crafting issues..
  17. Sell em to people for 2k?
  18. I kind of want to try the brandish stuff but I don't want anything to distract me from my levi. Although as it stands, I'm like on permanent ascended calibur lol...
  19. good luck man, you may be at it awhile. Basil hates you when you want to buy recipes for yourself XD
  20. hmm, I've heard about that weapon, is it a gun? Either way that sucks if it lost something on an UPgrade. That's one bad thing about this game, the bars are a lie =x
  21. Shivermist + (party or self sword) can also deal with them.
  22. Just passing by with a bump. Someone had started on one (for Aquarium Park) but doesn't appear like they have had time to finish for now. There's still Chun Nan too >.> Only bumping for very bored remixers, I won't do this too often. But this time it fell out of thread range.
  23. oh good luck with that. I'm still not perfect and round 3 of any arena will give me trouble especially if I'm alone. (Spikes + Final Wave = death)
  24. I play only at daytimes through the week so I'm always on bad times, I forgot to add someone who mentioned their in game name, I like having lots of potential people to pop in on for jelly runs or post d13 stages 8D
  25. I still play~
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