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Everything posted by NegimaSonic

  1. It's alright I guess, I do find some of the parts that sound like the stuff near 0:26 sound a bit annoying to me...
  2. haha...I see. That's a good point. Oh and @Moseph, I think that's an educational platform so lol...
  3. This is a little off topic but it got my wondering. If someone remixed a song from one of those games, and they did it well, could it actually pass? Would OCR wanna be associated with that? I haven't really played those games but I do know about the music of AIR and Kanon from the (mostly not perverted anime). They did make All Ages versions of those games so maybe that could help. But I don't see anyone remixing those any time soon anyway, I'm just speculating.
  4. Don't know what to say about the Halo one...seems too short to judge. Or am I doing something wrong the reason why I only hear 31 seconds.
  5. When someone thought up that game, they must've been thinking something like this.
  6. Depends on what you mean by "legit". Sold in stores or just a game that is 100% done by a company. If its the latter, then the people who posted stuff by illusion on page 3 covered it all. If its the former, well nothing comes to mind of a game sold in stores where you can rape people.
  7. oh..my...gosh...that's perfect.
  8. Funny that all of those are by illusion...there's other companies... too many to count to be honest. But in America, heck, in most of the rest of the world, people will never encounter these games. They aren't sold in stores, and there was a crapstorm about Rapelay awhile back that even made Japan pull it (like 3 years after it was released...tsk tsk). Everyone shocked by hot coffee and all that stuff would DIE if they knew about those.
  9. They need to pull this from shelves too. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Cj0x3AK1QGk/TIP6FueRYWI/AAAAAAAAAA8/Z9kPeXnmyrE/s1600/Professor_Oak_Came_.jpg http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z20/metalsonicmk72/Funny%20Stuff/VisualBoyAdvance2009-10-2323-13-49-.png Anyway what about the counter argument that Porn/Hentai (those are games)/ etc etc, reduce impulses to rape. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1447191/online_pornography_helping_lower_rape.html I don't like how people try to equate "normal" games with crimes. I'm sorry but millions of people play the likes of Halo, GTA, etc etc. If they were so influencing, then we'd have millions of crimes in the style of those games. Any criminal that does play those games, ask them what movies and shows they watch. To be honest you can get just as bad of an idea from a movie as from a game. CSI shows you how criminals commit crimes... It's just a whatever is new thing, I think movies faced this stuff when they were created, then rock/rap music, now games is the newest thing. I won't object to it possibly desensitizing us to crimes but I won't fully support that either. I don't think I reacted to things much differently before I had games than after.
  10. What went wrong at the end? A sudden stop? You've gotta do better than that... Other than that, I think this was kind of cool. Not like groundbreaking but a fun listen I guess. I'd like to see what you could do to the original theme
  11. I love how different this is...still I must request a download if you're not submitting...mediafire perhaps? I'd rather not record it, that's lame...
  12. You and TheGuitahHeroe should be friends lol... Very well done. And maybe one of these days I should actually play Mystery Dungeon..this music is making me want to.
  13. seems alright. I'm not real familiar with Dubsteb so the wahwah stuff kind of felt weird.
  14. ok this makes me a little sad. I really liked the games and thought what they did was fun. Indirectly it made me wanna finally try playing DDR... but didn't they advertise during the Super Bowl? I didn't see the advertisement but what's the point in using all that money then pulling the plug?
  15. Unless v4 is very different, I probably won't have any criticisms outside of what I initially wrote.
  16. I'm not a great reviewer I'm afraid, all I can say is I loved most of the album. Though for me, after reading some of the comments, I feel a little bad because I feel the heroes outright won (if you can compare) vs the villains. The four songs I deleted were the "Dieselbrainage", Enter the Shredder", "Bladewalker", and "Hot Air Penguin". Not all of these games am I familiar with the sources so that affects my judgment a bit. I thought: Enter the Shredder was good but...it shredded a bit too much for me and the (on purpose) glitch sounding guitar stuff at the end actually killed it for me. Bladewalker was nice but the length of it and the way its done, its just something I know I wouldn't play on repeat much if ever again. And the final two were done by the same guy, Mazedude. I generally like randomness but I couldn't get with it in either of those tracks. Hot Air Penguin did have me going for awhile but I think its the...trumpets? That ended it for me. But I didn't really have any other issues with the other tracks and I appreciate all the effort that went into all of the songs.
  17. lol they had a little of that in San Andreas, people would comment you if you looked "good".
  18. yes. That only refers to Pokemon. But that was sorta in response to the album director of the Pokemon project >.> However, in all honesty, I read the wrong meaning in his words about transparency. I took it to mean they should hide it more, but in hindsight he was meaning that they should reveal it more, which is in line with what I was saying so was a logic failure on my part. Still, I just want sound test. I can support the customized controls a bit but every game really doesn't need that, say like classic Mario. Is it really going to matter that you jump with B rather than A? I think they had that in Sonic Advance and I kind of went like what's the point, jumping with L would just be awkward... I know that the main thing is that its about having the right to change rather than whether it makes sense. I also support the hud on/off thing.
  19. I wonder is it the song layout or else it looks like to me he dropped a lot of songs...
  20. I agree with this a lot as well. My enjoyment of Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was greatly increased because of this. And when I found them in other Sonic games, Fire Emblem, and even occasionally Pokemon (Pokemon Pinball). I don't want to replay the entire game just to have a chance to listen to that one song again. Ignore the part in red. I misunderstood. People that don't care about that sort of stuff... well, they don't have to bother with it, so they're good. Just make it optional for the player.
  21. I've only played one Kirby game for a decent time period, Nightmare in Dreamland. The rest of my experience with Kirby...is in Super Smash Bros Melee/Brawl...so I don't know what to say.
  22. The title was long enough... I don't think this totally belonged in help and newbies but if it does well...sorry >.> The overworld song from Dragon Warrior Monsters. It's called Never Ending Journey. I was wondering was it in any of the non "Monster" games. I ask this because I'd like to look for a remix of it and I don't know if what I'm looking for could have already been covered here or other places, but named something different (like the title theme is in the original Dragon Quests, I believe) It sounds like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBPfFP4NE5I or a more updated form http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdawcXW6KN4 I'm looking around youtube a bit but as I write but this is out there just in case someone else knew of a place to look. This is not a remix request I don't believe since I'm looking to see if someone already made a good one.
  23. lol...the url for all of his songs is funny. But on the song, I love it. I probably should listen to the rest (and finish downloading Celestia 8 the slow way). But I don't have the download speed I want for that right now haha... I hate when awesome songs disappear on the internet :'(
  24. Non Celestia8 music lol No More Heroes - Chipster Dash http://www.human-bbq.com/music/nmh_csd.mp3
  25. haha, that was pretty funny. I still like the FF one the best but that's mostly because that's one of the only games they remixed that I played XD Here's something. I don't think its OCR quality but sounds kind of nice. -360- Mario Hip Hop Bros (remix of Sleeping Piranha) http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/393467
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