Haven't listened to the 2 new mixes yet, I'll get on that sometime tonight.
However, I just want to add my voice in to those who are congradulating everyone. I've got a complete collection on my iTunes of everything GRMRB 2010, 2011, revenge matches, and maverick version. There are no klunkers. Each has a pretty great style, and I'd like to see some revisited/compleated versions of those that could use it. Let us know when it happens, if so!
Pixelwave was definitely the dark horse of this tourney. Newcomer to the land of OC remix, and darn good at remixing. Glad to see you here, and I hope you submit something, whether from this tourney or some other remix.
Great job everyone! Look at me, why am I doing this when we aren't even done yet! I'll hold the rest of my nostalgic look back comments for later