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Everything posted by Helios42

  1. Yes!!! All of those are some of my favorite master themes. Sorry you lost Crystal man, but I'm very glad someone's doing Hornet Man Can't wait to see what you guys come up with!
  2. I like the 100 Pixel one. Less unnecessary space used and more economical. Plus it maintains looking awesome!
  3. Hey, no worries! Just glad you got it! Can't wait for the gauntlet, it's gonna be so great!

  4. The Galactic Jungle earned its salt though. And Latin Starflake was amazing. Just thought I'd plug that in there. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited for that group. Drowning Blue is my favorite track on the Missingno tracks. Can't wait to hear what you all produce! I think all we're missing is Cerrax and Devastus. Oh, and Zircon too! I miss cerrax in these comps! The Space of Blades. So. Good. Anyways... I am really excited for this. Like, uber excited. Saying if I am more excited for this than GRMRB 2011 or Maverick... that'd be a hard choice. Like picking your favorite child. But I am SOOOOOOOO excited, this is such a great idea with such a great turnout of amazing remixers and up and coming remixers and such. Excitement level? Over 9000.
  5. Yeah, long, lax deadlines are a great thing for these exhibition matches. Gets everyone lots of practice!
  6. Alright, I don't know how specific these ought to be, so for convenience sake I'm going to keep it to one game. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 I have so many remixes I'd like to see done, and I just discovered this subforum. Anyways, I mainly just really want to see a remix of the epicness that is . Such a great song, and very epic too. I'd love to see a (or many) mix(es) of it. is also a good one, full of exploration feelings. has some very catchy places. I would have paid attention to them more if I weren't battling/running for my life whenever this thing played .The general is pretty great too.Thanks to anyone who is considering remixing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 (or 3, because 2 &3 largely have the same music) And of course, the obligitory 'sorry if there's some project involving these already or if there's a thread already for this'. I don't think so, because I scanned the first two pages in this topic.
  7. Just wanted to say: Absolutely LOVED SIZZLING CIRCUITS! Perfect remix of a great wily tune, and has a great segway to Origami Robots ;)

  8. Lol, loved the reference to Sunglasses at Night by DJ pretzle. I was introduced to that one by The Megas, who did a cover of it in their Sparkman single.... anyways Loved the mix. Great, steady pace of epic, intensity imbueing awesomeness.
  9. Just wanted to let you know that I loved your Arabian-styled remix of Ridley's theme. Beautifully done!

  10. OH YEAH. How could I have forgotten Devastus! Would love to see more of him!!!
  11. I would have loved to see Brandon Strader go on. Splash Woman and Hard Man would have made such an interesting combination (Strictly musical, to those who have their mind in the gutter ). I would also have liked to see more Skull man and Gravity man. And Gario, I would have liked to see more of you as well. I think that's about it, other than that I was very satisfied with how the tournament went.
  12. Oh, good questions. I think probably the hardest vote was Save a Horse vs. Hardly Clubbed to Death. So hard, man. And my favorite track came from that round to. That was a great round for me. I don't know if I will ever live to the day where I see more creativity in a remix battle. Oh, and Willrock. Congrats for finally having a true, official victory you can be proud of. Though Showdown was AMAZING, it was a bye. Now you've truely come out victorious (And I think your remix here might be even a little bit better). And you're also the winner for having the most total remixes in these remix battles. 15! That's a lot of rockin' Neblix is in second, with 10.
  13. Oh, brinstar theme changed very much between Metroid and Super Metroid. All the songs (or at least most) got completely new tunes that still represented the style of the environment. And I actually prefer the super metroid tunes. The old ones are good, but when I think Norfair, I think Norfair - Ancient Ruins, and when I think Brinstar, the dicotomy of upper and lower come to mind. Very catchy stuff. I for one was very startled by this source tune when I first heard it. I was like "wait, this is Metroid? It's so... light and fast paced." Then I explored that green area and decided that it gave a really good feel to Brinstar. Brinstar is not just all dangerous, eerie, and dark environments. You have harsh places like Norfair, dark places like Maridia, Lower Brinstar... But then you also have a lush, verdent, overgrown area. That being said, it's still a dangerous place. But again, what stood out to me was just how lush upper brinstar was (and it was a good break after struggling through the maze of Crateria the first time I played...) 8 Bit Instrumental really captured that vibe for me in this, so that was really cool. Lush rainforest from Brazill meets Brinstar's overgrowth area!
  14. Contining my travel through all the metroid mixes I haven't listened to yet (and thereby listening to some very old ones), this one is quite unique. I love how you took this popular theme in two very distinct directions. One goes in the fairly typical and recognizable direction, yet does that justice. But I think the really great part about this one is that it gives it a completely new feel, and is still recognizable, yet amazingly new. Really unique.
  15. Just looking through all the old goodies, so that's kinda why this post is at such a disjunct temporally As has been said before, since this is improvised it is really really good. The improvised part speaks to the artist, though I do think it might be better as a polished version. Maybe that's just me, but its certainly very good as is. A nice piano mix. As a side note, I'm not particularly fond of this Norfair source. I've always thought Lower Norfair from Super Metroid was much better. But that doesn't stop me from enjoying this mix.
  16. Past time someone did something from this game. Amazing, moving story. And a beautiful soundtrack, esp in the last few stages of the game. Someone needs to do the Primal Dialga theme. This must happen. TGH; I loved your stuff in the GRMRB. Esp. Blowin' 'em Outta the Water. I am so stoked to hear what else you are going to be coming out with, it is not even funny. Can't wait for your next Pokemon mix!!! Because you really always capture the themes really well, and have a great story to your music.
  17. Great job everyone in this year's competition. It yielded some really great combinations of themes and musical awesomeness. I definitely encourage everyone to give the next one a shot, even if you lost early on. I'd love to see more from AeroZ, Rozovian, DusK, etc. Can't wait til the next comp. (Though my iTunes probably can. We're already at 631 MB total for the 129 songs produced by all these remix battles. As a side note, that means I'm particularly interested in Darkeswords new format. I can deal with less overall music, so I'm very intrigued by the increased fun factor.
  18. Just for fun, and as a nostalgic visit through the tournament, I made a list of my top ten favorites. Note that this is all personal opinion, and some of these didn't even win. In order; with most favorite at the top. 1. Save a Horse (Ride a Transformer) 2. Blackout Tower 3. The Toad Gang's Heist 4. Journey to the Sun 5. Tragic Drowning of Heat Man 6. Hardly Clubbed to Death 7. Bots of Rage 8. Thirsty 9. Jumping Flash! 10. Lady in the Water Let's just say I left the final round out of this. Because otherwise it'd have to be my top 12 list, and that just doesn't have the same vibe . Plus, I don't know if I could figure out exactly where I'd want to put the final entry ones... that'd be hard to figure out. As a side note, I kinda wish I had room to add in some Willrock and Jakesnke. Cuz Pull the Plug, WoodChipper, and Switchblade fangs were amazing too, and still in my 'favorites of this tournament, love it when they come up on shuffle' category. Maybe I should have made this a top 15 It would go: 1. Save a Horse (Ride a Transformer) 2. Blackout Tower 3. The Toad Gang's Heist 4. Jungle Sparks 5. Journey to the Sun 6. Tragic Drowning of Heat Man 7. Hardly Clubbed to Death 8. Magnetized Spring Punch 9. Bots of Rage 10. Thirsty 11. Jumping Flash! 12. Lady in the Water 13. Pull the Plug 14. Switchblade Fangs 15. WoodChipper
  19. I think this is the more classical interpretation. Excalibur and The Lady of the Lake Either way, the two are linked and made for great song titles
  20. Wasn't Excalibur a sword, given to King Arthur by the lady in the water? But some person could easily just have been named Excalibur. There are weirder names.
  21. Best to not let tempers flare, so close to such an epic showdown. Remember, at the end of the day, this is meant to be a friendly, fun way of mashing up some catchy chiptunes we all love. I think the 'hard ass' rule enforcing at the forefront of comparison is the voteing hiccup a little bit earlier. Voteing is a lot easier to do than a mix. Even if you have weird circumstances of business and sickness, in a weeks time you can find just that little bit of time to vote. Also of importance is that there was no advance notice for that. Anyway, we can see that both sides have always tried their hardest to get their mixes in by the deadline. Prophetic, I am glad that you always try hard to get your mix in on time and plan ahead. Because planning ahead is important. But sometimes you can't plan for everything. In a final round of a competition of this caliber, it is less lame to offer a short, harmless extension than to race against a lame horse (double entendre!). You definitely have a valid point, and I don't think you're being a dick about brining it up. However, I also think that Darkesword had a valid reason for his executive decision. Here's to the battle! I look forward to hearing your oddly instrumented track, prophetik, I'm sure it will be a worthy listen, as will Willrocks. May the best mix win!
  22. Sickness is not oft something that can be controlled. I think the most important thing about the final round is that it is not a bye. I want a true battle of the best. A 24 hour exentension is not much, especially when Willrock was sick to some varying degree. And mainly, I just want to hear 2 more mixes, lol. Plus, willrock gave darke advance notice, which is better than an after the fact 'oh hey wait, that deadline that just passed, could you change it?'
  23. This sounds like a great idea to me. Let's see some awesome mixes!
  24. There shouldn't be anything wrong with looking ahead. What's a year? I tell you, when you lose (for lack of a less kind word. All the mixes were so good, it's hard to use this word :/ ) in a tournament, your first thought is "When do I get another chance! I gotta try again!!!" I tell ya, if I had any talent, I'd whip up some creative ideas for Pharaoh man or Hornet man. I hope someone does those!!! And there're some good mavericks left, too. Toxic Seahorse is so catchy!!! And I second the storm eagle motion, especially if it's from you, Geeky Stoner, like you seem to be thinking about!
  25. Eh, I find Clown man to be a fun tune, though (obviously) far from my favorite. It's at least fitting for the robot master it is made for. I could see some interesting things being done with it, just like spring man. It's always good to have the less well known ones scattered throughout the roster, because none are outright terrible. Anyways, can't wait for the final round. Spring man vs. some electricly charged guy. Either way, it should be fun!
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