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Everything posted by Rukunetsu

  1. Good stuff Alan. I'm sure Capcom'll use this mix : ).
  2. Satsugai Mankai (Soundcloud) Satsukai Mankai (Youtube) My take on a theme for Bloody Hokuto... XD and my contribution to the *see title*. : ) Hope y'like it OCR.
  3. SOURCE: Unguarded Future VS (Soundcloud) 3rd 13-2 mix so far. Had a blast with this one and I hope it's somewhat enjoyable.
  4. Armory-Ace Combat 3 Montage 011 (BumpTrack) I too am a huge fan of Unsung War's ost but AC3's sountrack has a special place in my heart for changing the way I looked at music for a game. Nothing special, but I hope you enjoy.
  5. Many thanks for the feedback jn - and concerning the drums I hear what you're saying. I'll definitely try to be more aware of that next go round. Glad you enjoyed though!
  6. Source: Peach's Groove (Youtube) Peach's Groove (SoundCloud) Once again, just something quick for fun. Hope it's enjoyable somewhat. Artwork by me as well.
  7. Evolution-1st Gen PKMN Evolution Rmix (Youtube) - Contains Soundcloud Link Pokemon B&W 2 Concept - True Kanto Final (Also Contains Soundcloud Link) Just something for fun (as usual), but I do hope it's somewhat enjoyable.
  8. Natural Dialogue - Musashiden II Can you put some vocals on this track?
  9. Natural Dialogue (Soundcloud) SOURCE:Silent Dialogue Quick bump track I did a while back - nothing special but I hope it's enjoyable to some degree.
  10. Haha, The story of my musical life as well. But this was a nice melody (once you set aside the expected BG noise though). Anyways, It sounds like you're looking for a collab more than anything That might work better here. That said, keep it up Josh. > : D But you've gotta get yourself some simple equipment that'll allow you to record more clearly for any future works.
  11. Generic sounding Synth aside (although you did explain why that's the case) Really interesting take on a pretty over-remixed song. I enjoyed it.
  12. Not bad at all T. You've pointed out what you were going for, so based on that I'd say way t'go. Future mix? See what you can do with the game over theme : 3
  13. Not a D-step fan BUT I can appreciate what you've done here. Nice, Crisp and not overly... Dubsteppy. Decent and effective.
  14. I think the buildup is just a TAD too long - I get what you were going for mind you, but I feel like you can shorten it a few bars. And the harp sounds a tad too synthetic - that aside, keep it up.
  15. Great work here. Close to the source, but still damn incredible none the less.
  16. Not familiar with the source, but it was very well done; Especially for your second remix.
  17. Very nice work here. Dynamic, crisp, and professional.
  18. Either way what's done is done - and for what it's worth it worked out rather nicely Cal. Great job man.
  19. Source:The Brink of Time Time's Brink (Youtube) Time's Brink (SoundCloud) A quick mix from the oh-so-over-remixed ost (that I love to death). Either way, here's my take on one of the tracks; I hope you enjoy. Qmix = QuickMix.
  20. Many many thanks Modus. While not nearly as complex or varied as it could've been...I was happy with it this way (as pseudo stage music or something y'know?)
  21. Arranged Network Space - MMBN5 (Youtube - with soundcloud links available) A bit old but...figured I'd contribute it regardless; More of a cover than anything. However, I'm planning a Network is Spreading mix sometime soon : o.
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