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Everything posted by Rukunetsu

  1. Love 1st - Robotech GRV Give it a shot - short and simple beat.
  2. ah! Didn't think you sampled Shing's Battlecry rap - nice job here Melody. Seriously man.
  3. Bare with me - I realize it's not as fleshed out as it could be, but it was just something quick I put together. Inspiration struck and this was the result; Hope it's enjoyable though. Ground Under Yoshi (SoundCloud)
  4. Mad props for this remix. Loved this game - and you've done a great job here.
  5. haha - Nice! Sounds like Shinobi if it were a cartoon back in the 80's (and the brass was surprisingly smooth - might I ask what program was used?). That said, my comments on this would be that around 30 seconds or so, I know there are some chords that I was expecting to hear (I listen to this ost regularly lol) but they were missing. Perhaps you could take a simple piano and subtlety slide them in there - as without them it feels rather bare. Also, the drums feel really..compressed (that's the best word I can think of) - but it's most likely just me. I can't comment much in regards to arrangement, as it's something I'm really weak at. However, I will say that perhaps some additional chords and an arp may go a long way with this; as it's a really short and to the point mix; not allowing much room for expansion if you're simply updating the old track. That said, was a nice blast of nostalgia for me and it's shaping up to be really neat - lookin' forward to your finished version ACO.
  6. 1) Addressing the sub issues as we speak 2) Was going for a slightly more mellow sound like you pointed out (seems to be what always end up doing regardless lol)...almost like Jin got older or something like that, but I was trying not to end up with something sounding just like Keiichi Okabe's T3 Jin mix. Regardless, I see where you're coming from and will strive to improve my arrangement skills for future mixes for sure. That said, I'm glad you enjoyed despite the flaws. Thank you for the listen/critique.
  7. Request from Universal Video Game Musicians - here's my take Jin's theme; Hope you all enjoy. TSUETAI J - Jin Kazama (Revised)
  8. Hey TL - unfortunately I don't have the midi original, as I played by ear when making that remix :

  9. Thanks a ton Modus!

  10. Thanks a ton man - still lookin' forward to our collab when time allows haha

  11. HIRAMEKI (Original)Recently got 200 subs on Youtube - made this beat for the occasion. And thanks a ton DiGi!
  12. My only -minor- issues would be that I can barely make out the source up until the 2nd half of her theme starts up (When the chords kick in after the voice sample) - also, the synth used during that period seemed to swell to a rather high pitch when you were holding the chords - as opposed the staccato which complimented the rhythm a bit more. No, I'm not saying the main Sakura melody should be playing ALL throughout, but perhaps you could HINT towards it by playing the first 6 notes and letting it echo/fade after the last note; like a teaser y'know? As for the more technical aspects - I'll let one of your fellow professionals tackle that haha. Overall, I found it really enjoyable man. I know this is a remix OF a remix in a sense, but so far it feels like everything's working together nicely.
  13. I've messaged as well. Hope it's to your liking.
  14. Understood/well noted Meta. Feedback is much appreciated.
  15. Artwork©Rukunetsu ANOTHER S (TypeR) Soundcloud Really pushed to get the particular sound here - and I do hope you enjoy it.
  16. Wow DJ.This is..wow man. Great stuff, all of you. I hope I'm able to do this someday.
  17. Rappers of the North Star - can you take on this beat?
  18. Thanks a ton DJ - here's a new one for all to hopefully enjoy as well.
  19. DJ! - I was just saying that I haven't heard from you in AGES bro. Hope things've been ok with you though and glad you're still enjoying the mixes. Trying to take all the critique you and others have given me and sharpening my sound somewhat.

  20. Very interesting spin you put on this one Chris. Keep it up man..
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