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Everything posted by Rukunetsu

  1. Really liking the sound of this regardless - Perhaps switching up the drum pattern here and there might aid with it feeling too long (Variation tends to do that) Or even adding an additional part or so could help, as it's very close to the source. From the technical standpoint, I've no complaints - sounds solid. : ) Don't limit yourself though, as sources like this allow a fair amount of room for extras and don't give up on this though!
  2. That's all there is to it. Given the many suggestions you've gotten already from others, I'd say just hop to it and see what works.
  3. Thanks much EC! - And I'll have to admit, It's great to meet a fellow fan of the excellent music from this game (and G.Rev as well lol).
  4. Something done for 1900 subs. Thanks again to all of you here who made this possible. Sentimental Journey Type-R (SOUNDCLOUD)
  5. Thanks a ton everyone. I'm glad I was able to do the sources SOME justice.
  6. Another surprise collab haha. Very interesting what he did with the beat as well.
  7. A surprise collab that I thought I'd share with the forum. D: I was all, "Someone actually rapped over it!"
  8. Many thanks Skyline - : ) And I'm glad the vocals weren't too much haha.
  9. Something for the Blue Bombers 25th is all - : ) hope it's somewhat enjoyable. Network is Searching - SoundCloud
  10. Haha no problem - though I don't feel I'm nearly good enough to give any type of proper evaluation. That said, I'd simply say the Ta-Da's could become more subtle (and could actually stay in the song) with the addition of another melodic element. : o perhaps the addition of some type of some strings (or whatever instrument is appropriate here) to play another melody or something to that extent. Basically, something else that would act as the lead sound that brings it all together : o
  11. The latter : ) - : o although the 'arp' could consist of a 'harp' should you desire haha.
  12. aaaah you beat me to it! Nice work here though, keeping the styling of the original but switching it up just enough to make it your own. : o Personally though, I found the "da-da's" to be a bit much in the long term (perhaps making them a little more subtle could aid with that) but their initial appearance was a nice touch. Also - No expert here but should you want to submit this perhaps you could try adding an additional solo or harmonic element to compliment this. Nothing overly complex but just something to flesh it out a bit more...maybe subtle bells or an arp perhaps. I know ETB isn't the most complex piece, but that in itself leaves room for you to add/experiment a bit more : ).
  13. Various sources honestly. Artwork, certain shows, other types of music (From old school rap to some obscure VG track), other artists, daily occurrences in life, random thoughts...things like that.
  14. Ouch. I gotta agree with Dissidia there. That pretty much killed what I was going to say.
  15. Great job on that advice you have to Tekkaxe man - Always great to see artists helping each other out.

  16. You're really good T2! I know i'm late to the party but do keep up the good work. That Yu-Gi-Oh mix you posted was just amazing.

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