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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. I actually ended up buying the soundtrack, heh.

    Haven't seen the glitch you're getting. Only thing I don't like about the game is that it's flash. The frame rate feels like less than 20 or so and there's no gamepad support, which I'm sure there would have been otherwise..

    you sure you just don't have a slow internet?

    it's running at what looks like at least 30 fps on my computer.

  2. By the way, the same guy made the music and the graphics. His artwork is really worth checking out, I think: http://www.simonstalenhag.se/index.html

    this guy has some serious talent. That's some beautiful artwork on his site and the graphics and colors and everything for Ripple Dot Zero are just gorgeous.

    Not to mention that the music is outstandingly glorious and beautiful, honestly. There's an extremely retro, yet adventurous and big and lovely sound to the soundtrack of this game.

    I keep playing it. It's amazing. It's got to be the best "flash" game I've played in a long time. It's hardly even flash. It's just too good to be flash.

    Again, the whole intro is just fantastic and if you sit there and listen to the title music for the main menu. UGH, it's so gorgeous. Right off the bat, the musical immediately gives you this feeling of adventure, futuristic vibes, and retro looks. It's such a great start.

    All the spring action and spring mechanics and placement totally remind me of Sonic the Hedgehog, specifically Sonic 2.

    The whole design for everything around the game screen on the official site is just great too. It gives me the feeling of being a little kid again and playing classic games on a small tv.

    Oh my word, the whole thing is so beautiful.

    My only complaint so far is that there is a glitch when I attack and jump at the same time and it will lock me into one move (like continually going left) and it kills me a lot. That gets really frustrating. I don't know if it's a problem with my keyboard or not, but I don't think so, because my keyboard acts entirely fine in any other circumstance.

    Other than that bug, this game should just be on a game system and I should play it with a Genesis-style controller on a small tv and I think this game would be at its absolute best. :D


    just previewed all tracks from the game on cd baby and uh


  3. PhotoAug2812149PM_zps622650da.jpg

    *Wind Waker HD Bundle comes with a download code for Wind Waker HD, a Wind Waker themed GamePad and the Hyrule Historia art book) all for the same price as the newly discounted system (starting September 20th) - $299

    Super Mario 3D World and Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze switched release months, with SM3DW coming out in November & DKCTF coming out December 6th.

    All you need to know.


  4. Most people like to base their sound off of new cool sounds created by musicians on tracks that become hits.

    For me, though, "Scream" by Michael Jackson still to this day is the most influential and inspirational track to me. In fact, that song is one of my favorite songs, and I feel like it's one of those songs that just reminds me that music is awesome. :-P

  5. Alright, 3 weeks was a bit too strict. I laid out a very clear vision for the project, and 3 weeks to deliver something awesome doesn't exactly give a whole lot of room for people to come up with a great idea that adheres to the project guidelines and put that to file, so I'm extending the WIP deadline by a week. Deadlines may go back down to two weeks once we start getting into the swing of things and I start putting out check-in deadlines.

    New deadlines per person, in case you're wondering:

    1. The Street of Rage            Xarnax42        WIP due 09/05/2013

    2. Player Select DiGi Valentine & halc WIP due 09/04/2013

    3. Fighting in the Street G-Mixer & Damashii!! WIP due 09/05/2013

    4. Attack the Barbarian spellmynamewithabang WIP in

    5. Dilapidated Town Main Finger WIP due 09/04/2013

    6. Moon Beach Amphibious WIP due 09/04/2013

    7. Keep the groovin' Garpocalypse WIP due 09/04/2013

    8. Beatnik on the Ship rebrained WIP in

    9. Stealthy Steps CJthemusicdude WIP in

    10. Violent Breathing

    11. The Last Soul Brandon Strader WIP due 09/05/2013

    12. Big Boss DusK WIP in

    13. My little baby (good ending) Tuberz McGee WIP due 09/04/2013

    14. You Became the Bad Guy! Red Rum WIP due 09/07/2013

    this gives me a bit of a sigh of relief

    we actually probably do have enough to show you, though

  6. As Wikipedia says with their policy in editing pages to add pictures:

    If you do not know the copyright or the person that owns the picture(s) and you don't know the rights you have to it, don't post it.

    So I'd just say you need to find another one.

    On the other hand, it's YouTube. It's really not likely you're gonna get busted with a picture if it's not official artwork.

    If it's official artwork... hrm...

  7. and I counter your move with the super rare trap card: Tidal Tempest is now a joint collab between HoboKa, Xenon, and SirJ! But is it effective??? dun dunn duuuuunnnnnnn!

    if help is needed with anyone's mix, I'm an existent creature that sits in a chair in a house on land in the USA on Earth who stares at the computer and makes music so I can also help others make music yaaaaaaay.

  8. To use Cherry Pie again as an example, the album was finished. It was called "Uncle Tom's Cabin", the single to promote it was supposed to be Uncle Tom's Cabin (great song) etc. It was a much heavier album than Warrant's debut but....the label wanted a "rock anthem" or some shit like that and so Jani wrote Cherry Pie. Next thing he knows, he's the cherry pie guy; he's in pie eating contests, marries and divorces the girl in the video and his legacy is now this one cheesey song he didn't even want to write.

    lol I totally remember that quote of his where he was talking about how everything was cherry pie and he freaking hated that song

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