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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Sounds like the issue is actually your perception.

    There has been terrible music forever and untalented musicians put out by labels to make a quick profit, but generally time has a way of weeding them out. The best music lives longer, which is why you forget all the bad stuff.

    While this is true, there still definitely used to be a lot more good music on the radio than there is now. Only a decade ago music on the radio, in general, sounded better than it does now. Yes, there's always been the horrible music, but it was less likely. Now the likely-hood of horrible music is much higher than it used to be.

  2. As for live performance, I think I meant that overall the fakeness level of live performing is nearly impossible compared to a studio track, unless the person is just lip syncing everything.

    The reason for the "doom and gloom" is that change used to be cool. The way things used to sound was awesome. Part of me wishes we never moved on to digital recording. But of course, that would lead to this site probably never existing, and digital can create new sounds and many people have used it right. But then there's mainstream and most pop artists are just embarrassing nowadays. There's no getting used to it. I just hate it and I don't see how I can like it. Some new stuff is awesome. DubStep is starting to get old now, but when it first became a big thing a couple of years ago, I thought it was really cool.

  3. To be completely fair, on the topic of patching... Nintendo's games aren't nearly as complex or complicated as most games being released today. It's understandable that they would require less patching, not to mention their very shoddy online service that would make downloading patches a hassle.

    I think simplicity is part of the complexity. When you have a great game that's really simple, that takes more thought than one may think. And Nintendo STARTED a lot of what we see nowadays, and they did it right the first time. They caught on to the idea of 3D gaming and how to do a game in the 3D realm quickly and nailed it better than anyone else. No competition. Super Mario 64 practically founded many of the 3D perspective ideas (with OoT following up) and Super Mario 64 was an absolutely outstanding game. Personally it's still my favorite game of any game.

    Lately, it seems to take a lot less to "patch things up" with a Nintendo game, but they still try to perfect their stuff as much as they can, and I can see it. It may not be a great game, but they try their hardest to polish it up.

  4. music only sucks when you close yourself off to new things, as goes for most things in life. im sure when rock first was born, older musicians hated it.

    personally i think its generally a positive step forward. more people have access to music making tools that even 10 years ago they didnt. As a result, theres more juicy music and talent that wouldnt have been possible if the technology hadnt made it happen.

    i could see why technology makes it harder though. why hire a violin player when someone can sell you a personal orchestra that does the job well enough for most peoples ears for less than the cost of the session, and you can use it whenever you want? but its just the way things change over time. we dont really use horses to get around anymore, but its not like horses dont exist , theyre just used for other things now. its sad but there isnt much to be done to fix it.

    Referring to your first two paragraphs, while I understand what you are saying, I entirely disagree. The better technology has gotten, the less talent and the more stupidity. Mainstream is absolutely embarrassing to listen to anymore, unless it's someone like JT or John Mayer, but they've been around for a while, they are talented, and they know what they're doing. Most artists nowadays have entirely lost talent and it takes no ability to record anything anymore because the computer can fix it. Everything is so digital and unnatural. The analog age was when music was done right.

    This obviously isn't to say that all music recorded in digital sucks. And I really want to get Logic Pro X. I was simply stating that the easier it gets, the less talent there is. Some people will be able to still do it right, but when it gets this easy, it's a piece of cake to turn a horrible band into a perfected and fake digital song.

    And it would make sense why older musicians would hate rock at first. Because jazz is a genius genre that can't be competed with. So genius, that that's the reason most kids nowadays don't understand it and think it's stupid. That's a very unfortunate thing. Rock, on the other hand, was honestly stupid music up against jazz. In some cases it still totally is. But I think rock back in that time still definitely required a heavy amount of talent and therefore you got geniuses like Led Zeppelin and Queen and The Beatles. Rock nowadays is really pathetic. They call "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons rock. Nope. Foo Fighters is one of the bands that actually play Rock, but it's under Alternative, which is what "Radioactive" should've been under. Genre defining just doesn't even make sense anymore.

    Analog was so beautiful.

  5. Id venture to say that a pro drummer on a electric drum kit could still outrock most of us in the beat making department regardless of genre. also, id say that drummers still have a pretty solid standing within the mainstream music world. most bands dont have some guy on a drum machine banging out sequenced loops and i dont see live musicians going anywhere anytime soon. it just makes more sense for home studio musicians to make our own drumlines using software.

    Live performance isn't changing any time soon. But having an extremely large amount of experience in the studio and in sessions (that's where music is for me), session musicians are having a harder time making a lot of money because of technology, and additionally the fact that so much music just sucks nowadays that the majority of session musicians hate their job anyway. It's really a very unfortunate thing.

  6. Does Nintendo make perfect games? No. Is Nintendo as a company leaps and bounds ahead of the entire industry in terms of not releasing a game until all the kinks are worked out? Yes. There have been approximately 3 games over the course of Nintendo's entire tenure that have needed a patch put out. Try and find another company with that kind of track record


    someone actually stated an entirely true statement about Nintendo.

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