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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. If we're referring to whether or not an artist likes his biggest hit or not, normally it's surprisingly a no. Not always, of course, but it seems to be that most big artists or one-hit wonders big one hit that got them huge was a song they didn't personally like.

    For example, The Beatles released the single "Let It Be". Obviously they had tons of other ridiculously successful singles and albums (they're still to this day the most successful artist ever to exist on this planet). But "Let It Be" was written and released as the band was separating. That was their last record together and they were already separating as they were working on that album. And they hated that song. They absolutely hated "Let It Be". Nevertheless, it was a huge hit.

    That's just one example of many I could give you.

    or I could've possibly brought up an entirely different subject that has nothing to do with the original topic

  2. Oh December's an easy one.

    So if you are saying that what you could do is put each artist's name at the bottom of the screen, would it be treated like, say, Need for Speed? Where a new song will come up in a level and there will be a credit for the artist of the song? So then when that's song's over, the next one comes on?

    I guess what I'm essentially asking is, is the treatment of the background music that there is a specific track for each level, or just a general playlist of music behind the game? I don't have a problem with it either way; I'm just trying to understand what the feel is for the treatment of the soundtrack.

    Thanks for your helpful answers so far. :-D

  3. I'm really considering getting a PS4

    and yes, I'm about to say this

    it would be my first official purchase of a Sony console ever

    it's always been Nintendo for me, and Xbox

    but Xbox seems to not even be an option now hur hur hur

    still probably will get a Wii U

  4. So After effects is just for additional effects? Considering that my tasks may be fairly simple for now, perhaps I don't need anything as flashy as that. . . Someday, though.

    After Effects isn't just "additional effects". It's a huge visual effects software. That's what it's made to do.

    Premiere is probably your best bet, if something like Windows Movie Maker isn't good enough for ya.

    But again, I'm hearing a lot of good about Sony Vegas, so if that's cheaper, go for that.

    Obviously a better solution than in the old days of duping VHS tapes, or even older days of splicing film.

    See I'm not even that old and I can remember the whole VHS process.

    Technology moves way too fast

  5. Yeah my computer is an '09 iMac model, so I'm not entirely sure if that will work. In 2006 (I think) they started manufacturing Macs processed by Intel. Before that it was all PowerPC. Other things that were made for PowerPC processed computers that I've tried installing on this computer don't really work.

    Though I have actually tried installing Spider-Man 2 (the game) into my Mac and there were no issues, and that game released when all Macs were still running on PowerPC, so I don't know. I guess I'll just have to go and figure it out.

  6. So you clearly have a PC.

    I would seriously suggest Adobe Premiere. It's one of the seriously great video editing softwares out there. I've heard about something called Vegas? Never used it, but I've heard that's great too.

    As for visual effects, if you're wanting to get serious, Adobe After Effects is your best bet.

    I use Final Cut, but that's because I've got a Mac. Final Cut is a Mac-user thing only. I seriously am thinking about getting Premiere, though.

    Yeah... Windows Movie Maker seriously sucks. Of course, I haven't used it in like 8 years so it probably is a bit better now than it was then. I still preferred iMovie. iMovie HD, yo.

  7. He's gotten better at producing himself. If you listen to his earlier covers, they're a bit less tight and a slight bit more pitchy. Over time he's figured out to produce himself more strictly and make sure everything sounds good.

    He's done a decent job. He's more entertaining just because he does video game songs and does them EXACTLY like they were originally arranged, except in complete vocal form. Talent-wise, guys like Peter Hollens and this really hidden dude that no one knows of named Sam Robson are definitely more of my guys. Sam Robson for ya. "I Need Thee O I Need Thee" and his "Blackbird" cover blow me away. He even did an acapella take on the original South Park theme. That was entertaining. And his Big Band original arrang-- UGH he's so good.

  8. I'd actually say that humming ideas is just brewing ideas. You have the compositional idea in your head, but it's not a composition yet.

    Eh. That's one theory, I guess.

    Michael Jackson constantly just sang tunes to people and they would eventually put music to it. But Michael potentially wrote the main idea of the song.

  9. I started messing around and writing my own stuff when sitting at the piano from the age of 5 or 6

    Of course, it was simple melodies, but it was entirely me writing my entirely own stuff

    I didn't really know how to generally play the piano until I was 7, though, and from then on I've been writing nonstop

  10. It's a bit late to tell me I'm lacking a melody in a medley (even though medleys aren't really supposed to have a melody to them).

    - StickyGum32

    he didn't say anything about that and also it's not too late to change anything

    this isn't like the next Justin Timberlake album that would have to release tomorrow

    and even then if there was a serious problem that needed fixing but they were forced to release the record 24 hours later, the producer of the record probably would've gone back and fixed it and paid a lot to get it fixed within 24 hours

    you get what I'm saying

  11. aaaaaand now I'm sold. Haven't even talked to this dude about it at all yet since we need to catch up with other projects, but I'm already going to throw it out there that G-Mixer and I will do something.

    Put us down for Violent Breathing. I didn't want to commit to a full track since I'm up to my neck with some music of my own that needs to get out, but if you want Michael Jackson.... believe me, son, I ain't bragging, but WE WILL BRING DAT MJ SPIRIT!

    EDIT: also... it was a good learning experience, but I feel like 'Smooth as Honey' is horribly cheesy and gimmicky. We will NOT be making something like that. Don't worry, when we need to be serious and throw it down, G-Mixer and I don't even play around. And at the very least, vocal-wise we'll be just fine, so I'll check out Jason's mix to see if we'll make it a trio or keep it as a duo collab.

    great thanks

    now I have to do this

    and they said MJ

    so now I'm forced to do this


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