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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. As for graphics I'd say it's more due to the realistic nature of SASR compared to Mario Kart, or more the fact that Mario's graphics are just naturally cartoony, I wouldn't say they were by any means bad, beautiful even but remember Sonic was designed for the likes of PS3, Xbox everything else while Mario Kart was exclusive to Wii. Of course it's going to be more powerful graphically.

    And then there's Mario Kart 8.

  2. It makes me sad how many parents are going to spend a buttload on this for their kid, and their kid will be disappointed and cry, and they'll probably also cry because this is a SHITLOAD of money and a huge commitment to pay for a kid's toy just for them to cry and be upset. Damn, I'm almost crying just thinking about it.


  3. Yeah stuff I'm hearing from the game sounds way better than what they used on the trailer. Good music CONFIRMED!

    Remember, the music from the trailer isn't even Sonic. It was the music from "Cinema" by Benny Benassi.

    Also, I never remember a time when I played a Sonic Allstars Racing and liked it better than Mario Kart, honestly... Mario Kart's still my favorite "unrealistic" racing game series and probably my favorite racing game series. There's just magic with Mario Kart I don't get with any other game.

  4. What I've gotten from the past from the past 4 pages leaves me with this response.

    Hey Crowbar Man, Super Mario 3D Land is a f-ing main title, so shut up and stop trying to say it's not when it is a fact that it is in FACT a main title.

    Seriously, shut up. That's like someone saying the sky is blue and you refusing to believe that, with you saying that it's purple when it is clearly blue.

    If we need to get so specific, it is a handheld main series title. Does that make you feel any better?

  5. Only grandmothers and stupid mothers who don't ever do research on anything will buy this system. And only stupid children will want it.

    I will begin finding out how many people are really stupid in the world when I see the sale count when it releases.

  6. other m samus looks cool, even if other m was poopgaem

    This is true, though I honestly don't understand why they skipped the Prime games in whole. Brawl should've been based on like Prime 3 or something.

    You know the one thing I like about Other M Samus better? Her run is cooler. In Brawl it's all awkward. In Other M she like bends over a bit and it gives a sense of momentum and not just the mailman from Zelda running around in a suit of metal. That's what Samus running in Brawl looked like.

    The problem with the Other M suit is it seemed too light. It needed more weight, but she still should've run the same way she does already in Other M.

    So hopefully they'll animate her similarly in Super Smash Bros. U.

    Does it have an official name? Or is it seriously gonna be "Super Smash Bros. for Wii U" and "Super Smash Bros. for 3DS"? Please no...

  7. I'd love another Double Dash in Mario Kart. Double Dash is still to this day my favorite Mario Kart. They are all great and I have no worries about this new one, but Double Dash definitely had the greatest features of Mario Kart and changed the way Mario Kart was from then onward. But I'd love to have two characters on one kart again and the double items and special items and everything. That was just so good. I don't get why some critics thought it failed to live up to Mario Kart 64. Some felt that it was just not what they wanted after a whole 6 years of waiting. I thought that it both lived up to and passed 64. I thought the game was amazing.

    As for the new 3D Mario, this was one huge complaint that I have.

    Why the frik are we ditching orchestral soundtrack? They're doing all that synthy stuff and I want my big orchestra from Galaxy back in my living room. Of course, that doesn't fit with this type of game, but seriously. Orchestra seriously worked amazingly with Mario.

    Or just go back to the latin feel that the GameCube and N64 days had. That was glorious.

    The silly synth sound they are doing is fine, but I just am sorta sick of it. I actually wanna hear something new. Something different.

    This new Mario is an obvious "well it worked last time so let's not take any risks and let's just do the same thing again".

    Come on Nintendo. That's not you. That's never been you. What are we doing here?

    I never had a Gamecube but I remember what it looked like. The same kind of disc tray as the original Playstation. I still have one of those that works. It had the lid that opened, you put the disc in, and close it. Not these gratuitous "watch as i suck your disc on command" drives that are entirely pointless and fragile.

    Gee, I loved those days. When I actually felt I had control of the disc? I didn't have to wait for the machine to decide to eject. I just popped up the lid and threw it in the game box. That was nice. Let's do that again. Now I don't have to open up my system just in case something gets jammed.

  8. What most everyone is saying here about 3D World is what I'm feeling, though, for sure.

    Although I completely disagree that the "design is crap", I must admit it looks like fun and something I may buy, but it's just nothing really new. It wasn't like Super Mario Galaxy or Super Mario Sunshine or Super Mario 64. It just doesn't introduce anything really new and amazing that really catches my eye. Which is extremely disappointing. It just seems like they are building off of 3D Land and throwing it on the Wii U and saying "here's the new 3D Mario". Thanks? I was sorta hoping for a completely brand new thing?

    Which is what Sonic is actually doing right for once right now. Holy cow, I have more in agreement with Sonic Team than Nintendo right now. I actually just said that. My mind is blown.

    Sonic Lost World is a complete new thing for Sonic and although it seems to be a sequel to Sonic Colors, it is very very different and very new and I don't get why people are comparing it to Super Mario Galaxy because maybe from a quick view of it it seems that way, but if you look closer into it and manipulate everything said so far, it's very different.

    Unfortunately even Call of Duty sorta is doing this right. They actually are doing something new. Even if it is very similar to many other games in the series (no big surprise there) and although I've actually heard from a few friends that it seems like a rip-off of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon (I don't know; I don't know much about these things), the game seriously seems to be doing something different than the past 20,567 games they've done that are all the same thing just with a different number on the box.

    So why on earth is the one series (Mario) that ever introduces anything really new every time suddenly just decide they're just gonna do what they did last time because it worked so well? Galaxy was a big change for Mario. And that was a *completely* different monster than 64 or Sunshine. And it sold well and was really successful and well-received. Sunshine was a completely different thing than 64, and although it got less positive reviews compared to 64 and sold less, it was still pretty successful and did pretty well. And obviously 64 was a new thing. I mean, it was the first Mario 3D title, and it was a huge risk taken and they pulled it off perfectly and ended up with a ridiculously successful title that got a giant amount of positive reviews.

    What are we doing making a game that is just Super Mario 3D Land for the Wii U with HD graphics and a suit that does nothing but climb on walls and makes Mario act like a freaking cat?

    What happened.

  9. I was just watching total biscuit and he mentioned something that made me chuckle but that at the same time is kinda mind-boggling.

    Poland is one of the countries that the xbox one won't be available at launch (and god knows when). Not only there are tons of gamers there, but there are also some videogame companies.

    Like CD Projekt Red.

    Makers of the witcher 3.

    An xbox one exclusive launch title.

    How awesome is that they won't be able to play their own title when it comes out? The only reason I don't find this completely hilarious is because those guys from CD Projekt Red are actually pretty cool guys and a very promising young studio who have been pretty advocate against DRM in the past.

    I'm not even surprised anymore. Microsoft is doing literally *everything* wrong. Everything. Every...thing.

  10. what you talking bout willis halo ce was a awesome game, that and it had the gta series and alot of other decent games that were also on the ps2.

    ...what? what do you mean thats not the xbox your talking bout?

    there was only one xbox one, then there was a 360....

    ....you mean this brick?


    That geniusness right there pretty much sums it up.

  11. Do I really need to say?

    If that wasn't sarcasm:

    Sonic Heroes

    Shadow the Hedgehog

    Sonic '06 *shudder*

    Sonic Unleashed

    Sonic 4

    Ring any bells?

    Sonic Heroes sucked? And Sonic Unleashed is really hated that much?

    C'mon. Give them some grace. They had some really remarkable moments in the game, especially Heroes.


    Quite frankly, the design is shit.

    I'm not saying I don't LIKE the game or the design, it's good "for what it is", and for being Nintendo, but that's exactly the point I am trying to make.

    I don't think I could disagree with you more right now.

    That is what Mario is meant to be. He was merely made for a more realistic look in Brawl because that's what the style of the whole game was. And for him to look all cartoony just doesn't work in that regard. In his own game, by all means, that design is gorgeous. Ranting about that is like trying to find a reason to complain about a perfect chocolate peanut butter brownie by claiming the peanut butter is 0.5 cm off of where it should be. That's just ridiculous.

    It's freaking Mario. Graphics aren't the thing. Why do we care so much about graphics? The game itself matters double more than the graphics ever will.

  12. This is a continuation from the Wii U thread (again! ha!)

    I felt like Generations was half a good game (the old school Sonic) parts, stuck with half a bad Sonic game (new school sonic parts) mixed with a lot of dumb stuff (all the little mini side missions).

    It was a huge improvement over what they've done in the past, but most of it was like "Hey remember when we used to be good?" Yes. Yes I do :/

    If they made a WHOLE proper game like old school style Sonic levels in Generations, THAT would of been awesome.

    Sonic Colors was generally good, but seemed like they got inspired by Mario Galaxy with all the power ups / level design

    (now uh... Sonic Lost Worlds uh... is REALLY REALLY inspired by Mario Galaxy!)

    But these are still just 2 games in a long long long long line of bad games.

    There is no guarantee that just because they did okay on 2 games means they will always do okay on every game going forward. :/ I think its reasonable to be cautious when it comes to Sega, especially Sonic. I loved Sonic/Sega, but there are many many more bad games they've created than good in the past decade

    That said I can't wait to see if this Lost Worlds continues to "Good" trend, and they don't screw up again


    People continue to try and compare this game to SMG. If you've seen gameplay and the interviews, this has a bit of that idea, but you will see a dramatical difference between the two. This game is still definitely Sonic.

    Additionally, I disagree with you on Generations. While the new school stuff could've been better in the past, the recent Sonic games have actually been quite good. They were able to finally (and gradually) recover from their huge mistake with Sonic '06, and I'm beginning to enjoy Sonic again. I think the idea of putting "new school" Sonic in old school stages was totally cool, and having "old school" Sonic in the new stuff was really neat too. If the whole game was just Classic Sonic, I think that sorta destroys the purpose of it. Part of the magic is having both. Getting rid of Classic Sonic would obviously destroy it too. It needed both. And it worked. The only thing that sucked about the game were the cutscenes. That sucked.

  13. I don't know if somebody mentioned it before, but Tomoya Ohtani will be the composer. http://www.sonicstadium.org/2013/06/tss-e3-takashi-iizuka-interview-pure-platforming-action/

    Wow thanks for the information.

    Tomoya has done a lot of Sonic's stuff for a while, though I love Jun Senoue. He was quite disappointing with Sonic Generations, but his days as the composer for games such as SA1, SA2, and Sonic Heroes are just some of the greatest musical days of Sonic, in my honest opinion.

    Though I'm not sure that style would work totally well with this game. Tomoya is a good pick.

    Also, the whole interview was quite useful to read. Iizuka definitely gave some information that definitely interests me. The way he presents the title and the reasoning for every question TSS had was just great. I'm really actually excited for this game.

  14. Is Sonic returning?

    I mean, SEGA and Nintendo have made a partnership now, so I'm thinking "yes", but I don't know. They didn't show any gameplay footage of him...

    Of course, I didn't see much of like Captain Falcon either so

  15. I agree Smash and Kart look great, by the way. Smash is definitely the best it's ever looked, def the game that overhauled its style the most.

    Definitely. I thought the Mario Kart gameplay was pre-rendered video, but I was amazed when I finally (after like a minute) figured out it was the actual gameplay.

    And yeah, Smash Bros. was crazy good as well. Pumped for Mega Man and I seriously can't wait to get a kick out of Wii Fit Trainer. That's just going to make me laugh. The graphical improvements seriously like change the look of each character, though. Link still looked like Link, but the graphics made him look so much different. It was rather cool.

  16. 1. Watch Dogs and Destiny had more than looks going for it. They were showstoppers because they were all-around good.

    2. Nintendo cares about looks. Obviously not in the sense of photorealism but LoZ's constantly changing style is proof. Wind Waker's "look" blew my mind at its E3 showing way back when. I think you're an experienced enough gamer to know "photorealism" does not equal "graphics."

    The graphics for Mario Kart 8 and Smash Bros. amazed me. I thought it was prerendered videos. I was astounded by the improvement since their last console releases.

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