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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. I heard Zelda isn't going to be until 2015. That's waaaay too long to wait for the new Zelda.

    Here's some rumors: http://wiiudaily.com/2013/05/more-nintendo-e3-rumors/

    As for stuff that is out NOW and worth getting, you have NintendoLand right? It came with the Wii u?

    If you like difficult survival games you could check out ZombiU but there's not really anything worth getting yet. There's some classics on the virtual console like Mega Man X and Kirby Super Star.

    Sorry, I meant Wind Waker remake. My mistake. Though I do know that they are planning to do that, yes.

    Unfortunate we'll be waiting that long. That isn't like surprising or like "whoa that long" because it sorta isn't even that long... that's sorta normal to hear. Though I would've liked it if it was releasing in 2014. Oh well.

  2. So the girl and I just got a Wii U Deluxe with New Super Mario Bros. U today.

    What other games should we grab in the near future and what's on the horizon, people?

    Well, I mean E3's coming up. So that should give you a few answers.

    Obviously there's Zelda Wii U and the new 3D Mario title and Mario Kart U (as I'm just gonna name it, unless they do Mario Kart 8... oh please Nintendo don't make it Mario Kart 8...) and Sonic Lost World and stuff like that. But that stuff won't be released until like fall and winter and stuff.

    Apparently, though, they will announce the THIRD Sonic game soon, and all three Sonic games that have been talked about will be releasing by the end of this year: http://www.sonicretro.org/2013/05/third-nintendo-exclusive-sonic-game-releasing-this-year/

    Also, Brandon, hilarious picture. Just thought I'd say that as well.

  3. original.jpg

    I don't know how accurate this is, but it's scary as hell.

    I have my webcam aimed at the wall most of the time.

    This does not seem like something a reasonable person would bring into their home.

    I don't even know why I'm still on this forum. And I created it.

    I'd love to see this plan backfire so the company totally gets hacked. I don't know how that would happen, but it'd be funny.

  4. Although I totally see what you are saying, Brandon, just because Mario has more games doesn't simply make it a better selling franchise. That definitely contributes to it, yes, but Mario also has had some of the best selling GAMES of all time, so that definitely brings it up quite a bit.

  5. I find it odd how these people act like the Gamecube never existed. That console did not sell well like crazy, still it had a lot of great games and a loyal fanbase. The Wii U will almost definitely outsell that console, yet people are yelling "DOOM". It's a total bullshit negative hype train, and I for one am amazed that so many people are jumping on it (especially reviewers and sites that I've trusted for a long time). People are acting really black and white about consoles these days, saying it's either going to be a total success or failure. No in between. I won't be surprised if the Wii U gets third in sales, but as far as it being a failure - I can't wait to see these people chew on their words after the real exclusives come out. Even with the shrinking console business, there is still room for 3 and there are still far more console gamers than there were in the Sega VS Nintendo days of yore. People are just hateful these days Also, they will complain about anything.

    People act like the GCN never existed?

    Maybe it's just the people I'm around, but the GCN is a highly loved console by the people I know and by so much of what I see on the internet. It doesn't seem like a console that people just forgot about or pretended didn't even exist. Sure, it wasn't very successful (it didn't bomb, but compared to every other console they had, GameCube sold the least), but I think the Dreamcast was much more "forgotten" than the GCN. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I think.

  6. You can't say it's too late when it hasn't even been a year yet.

    Was it too late for the 3DS? No, it recovered. Phenomenally.

    As I've said elsewhere, people just like being eternal pessimists when it comes to anything Nintendo, acting like modern-day prophets and foretelling a complete doom for the company. Didn't you hear? It's the new cool hip thing to do!

    This video is just another in a long line of people just trying to fit in with this hateful trend.


    What I think is happening is the PS4 and Xbox One are the SEGA Genesises of this time era. They are the "cool" ones and Nintendo is just "childish" and stupid. I'd like someone to explain, then, why Mario is the #1 best-selling franchise of all time, Pokemon is second, Sonic, now partnered up with them, is somewhere between 11 and 14 (I think), and same with Zelda?

    I think it's attacked so much because of the success Nintendo has had compared to the other two companies. Don't get me wrong; the other two companies have definitely been really successful. Sony took the place of #1 with the PS1 and PS2, and the Xbox consoles have been really successful in the past as well, but when Nintendo has been lasting as a video game company for almost 40 years and are still doing really well, you can't really beat that. And when they've got the franchises they have on their side, it's still strong competition for the other two companies, for sure.

    Other companies have come and gone, like Atari and Sega (when it comes down to game consoles). And throughout all that history, Nintendo was still able to be a success. And then Mario is sort of the reason the video game crash of '83 stopped and people had interest in video games again. You sorta have to respect Mario (or Shigeru, the father of gaming ;-) ) for that. Even if he wasn't the main reason, he heavily contributed to bringing back video games, if one was to go read through history of video gaming.

    Don't be bashin' around Nintendo. They've been around for nearly 124 years. :P

  7. if you need reasons why and can spare 20 minutes, you should watch

    . if you haven't seen it already, that is.

    I've always really liked egoraptor (and JonTron and GameGrumps and dadadada...), but this was definitely him at his best, I personally think. His Sequelitis stuff is my favorite. Though his new console vs. PC short is pretty rad.

    Ok, so uh this: http://youtu.be/xtp5-x4hR4w

    And I sat there laughing the majority of the time.

    Although I understand what he's saying and where he's coming from, and his theory and thoughts on this could be valid, they just aren't. They're not valid. Period. At one point he says "well even though 3D Mario and Zelda and Smash Bros. and Mario Kart are releasing later this year for the Wii U, I think it's just too late". That was the statement that I decided made the whole review just outright bogus.

    If you saw how the '360 was when it released back years ago, it didn't do very well at first. Then great games started coming around and available for the '360 about a year later and then you had Call of Duty and Halo 3 and stuff, and it ended up being a successful and great console.

    So why the crap are we saying "it's too late" for the Wii U, when some of the most successful and best-selling franchises of all time are on Nintendo's side and releasing on the system? All those games he mentioned, and additionally the new Sonic Lost World and probably at some point Metroid are totally going to bring the sales of Wii U up quite a bit. His argument is just purely invalid. You just cannot say "it's too late". That's bologna.

    To add on to all of that, as stated by quite a few people already, when the One was announced, the Wii U sales increased pretty dramatically, which is honestly funny. This guy cannot say that the Wii U is going to utterly fail and won't even be competition when the announcement of One literally just lead more people toward getting a Wii U. The Wii U is still in the game and will be stepping it up this holiday season. If Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda are on the system, it's gonna sell. Fact. And you cannot try to argue with that. That's just a fact.

  8. Interesting article.


    Funny pic I found. But uh... the PS1 was in like '94 or '95, right? There was the PS One, but I thought that was even earlier than 13 years ago.

    Still a funny pic.

  9. The Xbox One is going to be the best selling non-cablebox non-dvr television device with 8gb of ram ever next to the PS4 and possibly the steambox and also homemade computers.

    Seriously, the entire reveal made me think they looked into the hearts of every gamer and took all people feared about the next generation of consoles and turned it into a product.

    lol perty much

  10. Here's the thing, I think a lot of us who dislike the Xbone right now will probably have one, in say, 5 or so years, maybe 6. When you can buy the console for maybe $200, or you can find it used or with a coupon on Newegg or something like that for even cheaper. Deep discount after several years, it always happens.

    Then, as games get older, they are also discounted. You could buy Halo 5 for maybe $20 on amazon or some other online retailer.

    So while it may not be as integral of a part of our gaming lives like X360 or PS3 were, it's still not going to be so bad when the prices go down. We can play our Halo 5 and our Gears of War 7 or whatever number they're up to now and it won't be too bad. It'll just take maybe 7 years from now.

    And if enough people are set in waiting for it instead of supporting it early on, the prices will likely drop sooner.

    This is true, though I'm laughing at how you're saying it'll take 7 years.

    They just need to incorporate more stuff about the game part of the console rather than the not-game part. That's my only issue.

    But as repeated thousands of times before, I still think the new feats are still cool, even if I'd like to see more video game action.

    I'm just going to continue to support Nintendo and get a Wii U. Yeah, I've always been that guy. The one who just gets the Nintendo consoles (though I've got a Genesis... back in 1992 owning a Genesis but saying what I just said would be defying that statement completely hahaha... now SEGA and Nintendo are best friends... WTC happened)

  11. Well, Nintendo can thank Microsoft for selling all those Wii Us.

    people are jumping ship faster than politicians on SOPA.

    I thought that was sorta funny, honestly.

    I'll be getting one of those this holiday season, probably, because all of meh favorite gamez are comin' out for it.

    I'll take classic SNES games over a new console any day. Bah. I feel old. Get off my lawn ya dang kids.

    lol this is exactly how I feel.

    That comic was 8th gen consoles in a nutshell.

  12. My original Dreamcast is still going strong, thankfully. **knocks on wood like a mother fucker**

    Haha yeah there's this game store down where I am called "The Score" and it's got everything. I saw this box for a Saturn and one for a Dreamcast and I so wanted to buy it, but I had no money on me at the time, and I've decided it was probably best, because I can't be going wasting my money right now.

  13. As for everything said so far:

    Crowbar Man:

    Really? I thought SNES was 1990. And I thought PS2 was '01.


    What you are saying about console generations slowing down is exactly what I'm saying. It's just hard to figure out a way to improve anything else other than graphics anymore, and even then that's going pretty slowly.

    Additionally, yeah, Wii was Nintendo's comeback, because GameCube didn't do so well compared to all their previous game systems. Sony sorta took the crown (they already were dominating with the PS1) and then Microsoft came in which made things even more annoying for Nintendo. GameCube wasn't an enormous failure, but of the three consoles (not counting Dreamcast, which died out in like '01), GameCube was the least successful. Which is unfortunate, because it's one of my favorite game systems ever, other than the '64. I mean, I guess that's because I grew up with them, but those two systems were and still are my all-time favorites.

    Honestly, I would love it if SEGA tried to make another game console again, but I know they won't. They seriously were ahead of their time by a bit, honestly, especially with the Dreamcast, which began the next generation at least 2 years before the next console in the generation would release. Dreamcast was competing with N64 and PS1, and technically it was ahead of the two of them. While Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was the thing on the '64, you had Sonic Adventure going on on the Dreamcast which was a whole other deal. For its time, it's graphics were dominating against N64 and PS1. But it was the beginning of a new generation, which would explain a lot. And by the time PS2, Xbox, and GCN released, Dreamcast was failing.

    I don't know anyone with a Saturn or Dreamcast. I know people with a Genesis (including myself), but Saturn and Dreamcast just sorta died out. Not forgotten (by people who were alive when the two consoles were existent, at least), but not many people own one anymore.

  14. Xbox 360 was first, being released Nov 22, 2005 (Wii was actually last, releasing Nov 19 2006 after PS3 was released on Nov 11 2006)

    It has been 7 years and 6 months since then. Xbox One probably will be launching this holiday season adding more to that time gap bringing it closer to 8 years. The average time gap between console generations used to be 4 or 5 years so this generation has been pretty much double the normal, and not too far from being a decade.

    I guess that's about right. Though SNES was around for a good 6 to 7 years before N64 released and PS1 was around for about 6 to 7 years before PS2 was released.

    I didn't know 360 has been around that long. But I guess it was hardly taken notice of for quite a bit of time so it seemed like it had been around since '06 (I mean, for one, it was released at the end of '05, and additionally it didn't do so well for a bit of time so 2005 almost didn't even count :D). The Wii was like the one that made all the huge sales at the beginning. That was the one I learned of first, actually. That was before I stayed updated with the world and gaming. :-P

    I thought Wii was magic at first. The whole motion-controls thing blew my mind. Now it's like "yeah that was so 7 years ago who gives a crap anymore". lol

  15. https://twitter.com/XboxSupport3/status/336924786410278912

    Dunno if this has been posted yet but this changes things, doesn't it?


    This DEFINITELY changes things

    That Paul Mitchell guy was determined to prove Microsoft wrong and tell them PlayStation is better. ^_^

    It's not any more. The previous generation has been established for nearly a decade now, and a lot has changed in consumer technology during those years. Even back then you could see where things were heading. Approaching the console market with the same mindset and expectations you had over a decade ago is just going to lead to a barrage of disappointments.

    This is true. It hasn't been nearly a decade, but I mean it's been a good 7 years since the first of the three were released (the first was Wii, right?). It surprised me how long they had gone on doing the 7th generation. I mean, the 6th technically lasted a good 7 to 8 years as well, but it didn't really come into the light til about 2001 (I'm counting Dreamcast, which was first released in '98 ).

    Now that I come to think of it, I guess every generation has had a good 6-8 years before the next big thing.

    Honestly, though, with these new consoles, I feel that they are probably sticking in more features because of the whole all-in-one thing happening now. That's like the thing. But ADDITIONALLY, this is what I think, technology with video games has slowed down. Like, what I mean is that it was moving really fast between like the SNES then the N64 then the GameCube then the Wii. Each one was totally different and had something completely new and crazy. SNES to N64 was 16-bit to 64-bit, which allowed 3D-perspective and was the beginning of 3D gaming. Then it went from N64 to GameCube, which also was a big jump. That was when... I guess technically speaking... the first full on 3D came into play (same with PS1 to PS2).

    But now it seems it's getting harder to figure out a whole lot more to change the way we play video games. It seems the best they can do now is continue to increase memory and graphics, and add in new features unrelated to games, because it seems that's the only thing they can do to attract people to their consoles anymore.

    I'm not saying gaming is dying out in any way. Clearly not. I just think technology has moved so fast concerning video games that they finally have come to the point where it's much harder to make a big huge change that will change everything. It's just the same as the 7th generation, except with better graphics and more features, pretty much.

  16. This thread is FULL of people saying exactly that.

    I'll put it this way. I really do indeed like all the features. And when the announcement was over, I felt really happy. After seeing quite a few large cons, I'm not as happy anymore, honestly, but the console still looks interesting.

    I'm just annoyed because it seemed like with both this and the PS4 it was like "hey here's all this cool stuff and oh by the way here's the video game part of it" rather than "here's all the video game stuff and oh by the way here's all the other cool features with it". I think that the consoles really aren't focusing on the games as much, which is the most important part...?

    I could be wrong. But that's what it feels like to me.

  17. My comment was more relevant than the reply you dedicated a whole post to.

    I'm just saying maybe one day people will be sick of Angry Birds.

    Back on topic, Don Mattrick calls backward compatibility 'backwards' (yet Xbox One charging you to play a used game you already bought is progressive).

    Yeah I'm sick of Angry Birds. I'm sick of Temple Run.

    I want a big large game with a true story. A Nintendo 3DS is capable of having some pretty large games too. Heck, I'd pick Luigi's Mansion 2 over an iPhone game any day. I just want a large game, more to do, and I want to feel like I'm part of the game. Nintendo can do that. Rovio cannot (that's who makes Angry Birds, right... the company is called something like that).

    Sure, Angry Birds is fun, but it's just... fun. I don't really feel anything when playing it. It does nothing special for me. There are good games for the 3DS that I would rather have than just buying apps on an iPhone.

    But I don't own either. I'm a home game console guy.

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