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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Yeah I'd have to say bad demos, or demos for bad games, will lower sales. Hitting people with an unexpected bad game will sell more than warning them ahead of time.

    A good demo to a good game I would not think decrease its sales though

    Yeah but the problem I'm stating is it could potentially be a great game but have an issue with the demo, making people think it's a bad game. It's like if there was something wrong with--say--Ocarina of Time. Bare with me. If the demo was crap but the final thing was absolutely amazing (and it was), there's a possibility it won't sell nearly as much, because the demo gave off the idea that it's gonna be a bad game. Of course, Ocarina of Time sold ridiculously well and is one of the greatest games of all time.

  2. Why does it seem like everyone forgets Smash Bros. (N64)? It's like everyone knows it exists but it's hardly ever mentioned, it seems. Melee is always the most talked about, but maybe I'm wrong.

    I just played that game again today. It's so much freaking fun. I honestly love it more than Brawl. I think just the simplicity of it just makes it really quite great.

  3. Nintendo's "cute" graphics tend to fool people into believing that their games don't have many production values. Today games are either brown open world AAA games or low budget ones to people.

    because resident evil 4 for the wii was really cute

  4. studios don't like to make demos, because demos for bigger projects are literally proven to *not* sell games. just google "do demos sell games". a good example is this.

    Right, because although it could potentially encourage people to buy the game, at the same exact time, it can encourage the player of the demo to not want to buy the game. Any mistake in the demo could cost them their audience, or the ones that are picky with the issue.

    I didn't read the article, I'm just stating my theory.

  5. The Vita is a good joke. 250 bucks for a PS1 Emulator.

    And 500 bucks for basically a hardware upgrade of the Xbox 360. Every system this time around seems more like just an upgrade, rather than a new game console, and they are charging a buttload of money for it

  6. Well, if you read what those posts said:

    $350 Wii U (Deluxe) vs $400 PS4, even as huge fan of Nintendo's work I can see the better choice/value at that point would be PS4. You get so much more with the PS4 it isn't funny. I'd say $250 like the Wii would be a sweet spot, but I don't think they'd drop it lower than $300 (they are probably going to phase out the Basic model rather than drop it to $250)

    Every single console this time around needs to have a price drop by at least 100 bucks. It's just stupid and overkill.

  7. (double post because I'm just so awful)

    So it's been confirmed that the Sonic '06 LP that was originally being done by Jon and Arin on Game Grumps is now over, and Part 108 is as far as they got, which is super duper unfortunate, because, for one, I absolutely loved that LP just for how bad it was and their overdramatic and fake reactions to so much of the crap (some of it was for real, though... "WHAT IS THIS"). For two, Jon himself kept saying in episodes that they were going to finish the game, so it was actually sorta heartbreaking when you feel you'll finally see them finish that buttload-of-crap Silver campaign and get to the final story and freak out over how bad it is and see what they thought about the end of the game, and then know that you won't ever see that happen. I think the most painful part is how *close* they were to being done. They were probably like 12 parts away from being done (they were already at 108, so 12 would've been nothing).

    If they had stopped at like part 7 or something, no one would find this such a huge deal. And it is simply just an LP, this is true. But it's been one of my favorites. I hardly ever watch a whole entire LP series (really an LP episode alone for that matter) all the way through and actually wait for the next one. Sonic '06 with Game Grumps has probably been the only time I ever did that. And I believe a lot of their popularity probably came from that LP. Everything gained them attention, but I feel the Sonic '06 LP especially gained them a larger audience. I could be entirely wrong, but that's what I think. I do know that the "WHAT IS THIS" segment from one of the episodes became one of Game Grumps' biggest LP moments in their history so far, though.

  8. I have a Wii, but I seriously only play GameCube games on it. My GameCube broke about a year ago and I've forgotten to see if I could get it fixed (or just get a new one; they aren't all that expensive especially used).

    Both Double Dash and Mario Kart Wii discs broke at one point. I ignored the Mario Kart Wii disc. I immediately went and got a new copy of Double Dash. :-P

  9. So scanning through the thread (and missing out on an awesome discussion on why Other M has shitty writing), I saw that somebody had pointed out that a lot of LPers playing horror games tend to go over the top with their reactions. That's partially why I don't like a lot of LPers, just because they force their commentary instead of acting naturally.

    So a question is...do you know of any videos where people are reacting normally? Not forcing it, not hamming it up, just saying the kinds of things that they would say to friends in the room? I mean videos like this, which is not so much a LP than a clip from a longplay somebody made while chatting with his buddies on Skype. Natural freakouts are a hell of a lot more hilarious than the forced ones.

    Like Chern was stating, there is markiplier. He is a bit fake, but he seems a bit more real than PewDiePie, and even if he is faking it, I think he does it rather well. When he gets mad, he reacts the same way I would, and he doesn't try too hard to be funny. He just is funny.

    That's the biggy with LPers for me. When they are trying too hard to be funny. When an LPer forces comedy, it sounds like an 8 year old trying to make an adult laugh. It just doesn't work. And this is what I was not so happy about with the new Steam Train thing on the Game Grumps channel. They are trying way too hard.

  10. GameGrumps is the only "let's play" I watch. I found out about Game Grumps after following Arin's animation as Egoraptor on newgrounds. I watched all of JonTron's videos after finding out about him from discovering Game Grumps. I found them great and thought they were well done, I would like more.

    Game Grumps is not a company, the fans aren't paying for it. I just can't believe how much demanding there is of people that have been giving away free entertainment for years by the people who have been entertained.

    It boggles my mind that "fans" feel so entitled that they try to boss the artists around. The same thing happened with a newgrounds artist Alvin Earthworm with his Super Mario Bros Z series. He created 8 awesome episodes and his life got in the way of making it, he lost energy that he once had for the series. He officially stopped making it with an apology letter to his fans and how did they react? with anger, threats, and insults.

    Ridiculous! Alvin Earthworm owed them nothing, and Arin and Jon owe their fans nothing. It was an awesome year, and if Steam Train isn't good, the numbers will show it, same goes for Game Grumps. I hope anyone who is an artist giving free talent finds something more satisfying goes for it, and their fan's would wish them the best.

    I guess free entertainment just doesn't cut it, especially when you're good.

    Welcome to the media industry.

    Game Grumps sort of has become a company. We get to watch all their stuff for free, but I can almost guarantee you that Game Grumps is their living. They make a good amount of money off of that stuff just by the viewers who watch it for free.

    So in theory, if the fans don't like what they are doing at all and they all unsubscribe and the view rate goes down a whole bunch, then they are losing a lot of money that way. Trying to YouTube as a career is seriously hard, unless you're like smosh or nigahiga or PewDiePie or something.

    But I do agree with you about the way Game Grumps' fans act. And they've been like this for a long time. They are very demanding and jerkish. Game Grumps was fine, but they sorta gathered a jerkish crowd.

    I just looked at the subs and they lost 8,000+ in the past 12 hours. Ouch.

  11. Actually, I really miss how the early Mario games had simple turn-taking 2-player modes. Made the kids learn patience while their incompetent younger brother bumbled through a stage as Luigi. Seems like such an easy thing to implement without harming the single-player experience. Never really understood why they mostly dropped it after Super Mario World.

    Oh wow I completely forgot about that. I remember I use to think that 2-player on Super Mario Bros. meant that Luigi and Mario could play at the same time. I was sorta disappointed when that wasn't the case. :P

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