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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Not to get too far off topic, but the NES was huge. It was the Playstation of it's generation. It completely trounced all of the competition, had a massive library, and single-handedly turned the entire industry around.

    The NES was released in the same year as the Atari 5200 and the Commodore 64 to give you some perspective on that. They were ALL the same generation of console. It was then followed up immediately by SNES.

    If anything was the "Golden Age" for Nintendo, it was NES to SNES, or maybe NES to N64, but seeing as N64 got 0 Metroid Titles and 1 flagship Mario title followed up by like 8 Mario Partys, I'd say the former.

    Rightrightrightrightright I know. That's what I'm saying. NES was a huge deal and I'm completely aware of that.

    I'm simply stating what I felt to be the golden years, because I grew up with N64-GameCube (I guess I could say SNES to GameCube, but not as much).

    Also, even though there was only one main title Mario for N64, it also was a HUGE success and they were working on Mario 64 2, but that didn't happen.

  2. Brandon is correct. Don't reward this behavior. Companies are in business to make money and not for any other reason. But if you are a game company, your business should be the business of giving gamers what they want not trying to take away their ownership.


    Reading that article really bothered me. They didn't sound happy to please us at all which is supposed to be their business In the first place! Instead they sounded like they were complaining that they HAD to give us what we wanted. They said that they wanted to have the ability to have your games with you everywhere you go and I do not know what they are talking about. I was under the impression that your games are only with you when you visit one of the two or three friends of yours that have also owned an XBOX One for more than 30 days. Taking a game disc with me to a friend's house has never been a difficult thing for me and I have to use public transportation! And anywhere other than those friends' homes, your games will not even work. We were never going to have a game library that travels with us everywhere even with all their recently repealed DRM policies.

    So, yeah. I really don't like their attitude, right now. This brings my rant to its conclusion.

    Agreed, for sure.

  3. As long as they lighten up the strength of Pikachu's moves quite a bit, I think that will be enough to keep him from being the most legally cheap thing that's ever happened in gaming history. That may be a bit of an overexaggeration but like seriously, dood.

    lol Ice Climbers were a pain. They weren't even all that cheap if used by a user, but when they are CPU, for some random reason, they suddenly become the cheapest freaks ever. Same with Jiggly Puff. Ugh. And I hate how I constantly kill the wrong Ice Climber (the stupid one who doesn't do anything right) and the real deal Ice Climber is still on the stage so I have to deal with trying to kill that Ice Climber as well. UGH. That just was a process I hated dealing with, in all honesty.

    To get rid of Jiggly Puff sorta doesn't work since she's been there in every game, but she is super annoying. I don't think I would know Smash Bros. without her, though, honestly.

  4. Wow great. They actually came to their senses. Sort of. But Kinect is still a thing and the price is still freaking 500 bucks so good going Microsoft for actually noticing the bullcrap you've pulled but I'm still not buying an Xbox One.

  5. I like Nintendo, I'm just disappointed with their constant string of terrible decisions.

    I can agree with that, especially with the Wii U now, but the decisions made during the Wii era were really not all that bad. I still think their golden years (in my opinion) were from SNES to GameCube. Sure the NES was really successful, but it's probably because I didn't grow up with it and I wasn't born during the time NES was big.

  6. (and yes, apparently it's officially Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS)

    Everything about the game is fine except for the freaking title.

    Who the frik calls Smash Bros. "for Wii U". That's so boring. We had "Melee" and "Brawl" and you guys are calling this game "for Wii U". Ugh.

    I'm having the same feelings with "Mario Kart 8". That's just a boring name. Even Mario Kart U sounds better. Or let's freaking give it a special name like they did with Double Dash and Super Circuit. That was cute.

    I'm still very excited about the game, but in all honesty, the title is highly disappointing. I was hoping for another cool fight name. That's just unattractive. That sounds like a remake of an older game for a newer system... oh lord please no

  7. Sure, the Wii sold a lot because it looked great. Heck, for the first few years, it WAS great. I thought the console was killer. But once other great games started releasing for the PS3 and 360, and ports for all three systems were always better on the PS3 and 360, the Wii started to look like a fail. I think their biggest "no no" with their console was throwing in the same graphics card as the GCN. Like, really? After you saw that both the PS3 and 360 are capable of HD graphics and you guys put in the same graphics card you used for your last system? That was a little pathetic.

    But listen, when you've got Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Twilight Princess, NSMB Wii (before it got old), Mario Kart Wii, Smash Bros. Brawl, and even in the early days with Wii Sports, I think that the Wii was worth my time. It may not be as great as the other two consoles technically speaking and third-party gaming-wise, but when it came to first-party games, Nintendo did quite well.

    Unfortunately the games for the Wii U look more like Nintendo is saying "well gee guys this stuff worked last time so I guess let's just do it again and put a different name on the box". Come on, Nintendo, please don't be pulling infinityward stunts.

    On the bright side, the games they've announced nevertheless look fun. I just was disappointed I didn't see anything brand new (the site of MK8 and Smash Bros. 4 made me quite happy, though).

    I think Brandon is trying to let everyone know he doesn't like Nintendo--at least not for the past 7 years. That's what I'm getting from his statements lately. :-P

  8. these are the same people who thought the Wii - the best selling console of last generation - was going to bomb because it didn't have any 'hardcore' games

    lol in the long run it actually sold more than both PS3 and 360

  9. In all honestly I don't know why you even made this thread. You obviously don't care about the ps4. You didn't mention the Wii U, and Microsoft policies are non-issues for you. You love their games, love their console, love their online infrastructure and love their controller. Why is this a hard decision now.

    It comes off more as if you're trying to justify your decision in spite of all the negativeness around the console. And as I said, it's your money, and you do whatever you want with it.


  10. I personally believe that Halo 5 is going to be the only thing that will help Xbox One sell to anyone that isn't an Xbox fanboy.

    That game would probably be the one and only reason I would ever get One. Hahahaha see what I did there... get One... heheh... ha... yeah ok

  11. edit: links, i thought about waiting to get another console down the line, but to be honest i only ever owned a PS3 because it was a blu-ray player. it was an expensive boondoggle the rest of the time (well, aside from two uncharted games i played on it). i really didn't like any of the exclusive games, and the controller caused me cramps.

    If we've done our research (and not a lot is needed), I don't see a point in citing resources when it's a pretty obvious conclusion.

  12. There's that snobbish elitism I was talking about. It's very clear Xbox One won't be good for everyone, but by the simple basic rules of reality, it will have its reasonable fanbase.

    I definitely get that.

    But, uh, correction, the Xbox One won't be good for anyone, whether or not the fanbase accepts that factor or not. And the die-hard fanbase is going to try to defend it, even if there's nothing to defend.

    Just like Sonic '06. lol

  13. I watched the first ten seconds and had to go punch myself in the face because they haven't invented a way to punch people through the internet yet.

    Holy crap that guy is annoying.

    This is very true. He is rather annoying. Though everything he stated was unfortunately true.


  14. Someone wanted me to restate this in this thread just to see what everyone's reaction would be:

    Only grandmothers and stupid mothers who don't ever do research on anything will buy [Xbox One]. And only stupid children will want it.

    I will begin finding out how many people are really stupid in the world when I see the sale count when it releases.

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