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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. so don't watch steam train.

    also jon clearly wasn't paying attention or trying to care about the new games they were playing and it was kind of stupid. he was gold at first but it definitely wasn't going to get better from there.

    Hahaha I'm not planning to watch Steam Train. And it is true, it slowly started to become noticeable that Jon was really losing interest, which is obviously a big part of why he's not doing it anymore. He probably just got sick of doing it and wanted to do more JonTron and so there ya go. And I totally love that. I love JonTron.

    I think the biggest nono here was that Game Grumps let everything change in 3 hours. I think everyone sorta needed to take it in for a little bit first, rather than giving them everything at once.

    I would've been completely fine with it just being Arin, but of course that wouldn't work because part of the fun is hearing Jon and Arin just talking to each other about random crap that has nothing to do with the game hahaha

  2. If it's the actual sport, then cool. But to play a video game about something you can go outside and do just seems completely pointless. Especially stuff like baseball and football and basketball. Like seriously.

  3. Well, I don't know how many other people care or have noticed, but Game Grumps made a huge change in one day, and honestly, from the way I see it for the worse.

    For one, Jon left because he wants to spend more time doing JonTron rather than Game Grumps. Because of this, he was replaced with a guy named Danny. This was hard to deal with, but I thought I could live with it.

    But then, the worst comes in. They now are adding in another half to Game Grumps, called Steam Train (which honestly should've been its own channel). Steam Train is Danny and this guy named Ross. So Arin isn't even there. And I've already tried to watch the first episode, and basically to sum it up, the two of them are like 8 year olds trying to be funny. It just isn't working. They are trying way to hard and it's awful.

    I think what is most devastating is that Sonic '06 was actually quite an awesome LP with Arin and Jon, and I have a pretty strong feeling that--as close as they were to beating it--they probably won't finish it since Jon has left. Which is honestly unfortunate. The Sonic '06 LP has got to be one of my favorite LPs ever just for how stupid and hilarious it was. And for it to be nearly finished and then left is really quite sad. I really was enjoying that LP.

    So pretty much, from how I see it, RIP Game Grumps. :/

  4. Quite the contrary. I'm actually still playing it on-and-off and haven't yet beaten it because I find it very meh.

    But yes, I don't think Nintendo is any worse than EA, and I can agree to disagree.

    I think Nintendo is far better than EA in meaning of sports. Doesn't matter what it is, I think sports games are bullcrap, unless it's like racing or something that's not easy to just go do outside.

  5. Exactly. Nintendo was at a really high point for some time but they just aren't king of this mountain anymore. They might still be on the mountain and doing fine, but they just aren't the best anymore. Sony took the crown with the PS1. And basically Nintendo has had a few moments since then where they take it back, but Nintendo just isn't at their best like they used to be.

  6. Well if you saw the original software lineup last year for Wii U before it released it was a whole bunch of intense third party games so I have a feeling lots of people got one expecting to see more of that. And they probably will, but most likely not nearly as much as PS4 or One.

  7. But why would you buy a Wii U to begin with if you didn't like Nintendo? That is the biggest enigma here.

    Possibly because there are more third-party games between the ratings of T and M. I could be wrong, but that's a guess.

  8. Jigglypuff isn't leaving because of Fairy-type, but we may have fewer characters this time around.

    Jigglypuff won't ever leave, trust me. She's one of the originals in the Smash Bros. series. She's just sorta one of those characters that's gotta be there, even if she's annoying as crap.

  9. I WANT!

    Plus I don't care if it's online or not. Is super nintendo online? How much fun we had?

    I better play a game with people in the same room than playing a game with people all over the world. The feeling is better and the persons are real.

    Just my opinion. This is why I still love nintendo. They use retro stuff even if it is not completly new. And they group family and friends in the same room.

    I WANT. Dot.

    (sorry if my post agree/disagree with your opinion. This is just the way I see it! Thank you)


    I definitely understand this, and it makes a ton of sense and I agree, but you've gotta remember that online gameplay is a huge part of gaming now. Sure, I still love local multiplayer and LAN kicks online play's butt, but in this day and age it's honestly almost expected that a Mario game would have online gameplay. They've done it with a few, but not the main titles, which would be interesting, honestly.

  10. I'm still behind and looking on the second page, but Crowbar Man, yes I got it wrong, 4P was actually 1st with Nintendo with the N64. lol oops. But adapters were made so you could do 4P on the systems.

    Also, I must agree all the new Nintendo stuff is looking more and more like the CoD idea; "the same thing worked last time so why not just do it again". Ugh.

    Smash Bros. - 1998, 2002, 2008, 2014.

    Wasn't the first one '99? My version is '99 I think and it's the NA version. Maybe I've just forgotten.

  11. Check out the list of games EA has published: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Electronic_Arts_games

    On that list you will find blockbusters as well as games that don't appeal to you at all, like FIFA. But here's the difference between Nintendo and EA -- Nintendo is just now considering a 3D game with 4 players to be fresh and innovative. EA on the other hand, is publishing games that appeal to a huge, diverse audience. You may not give a damn about FIFA or any given game on that list, but there are millions who do. And that's not to even mention blockbusters like Mass Effect trilogy, or personal favorites like Dante's Inferno and Shadows of the Damned. I still want to get Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning. So jump on the EA hate bus if you want but joining hate mobs isn't cool anymore. You have as much right to be critical of EA as I do to be critical of Nintendo, though.

    Basically, I just don't like EA for all those sports games, yeah. There's like nothing interesting about them. Never was, never will be. I feel they are an absolute waste of time. But I do see what you are saying. Nintendo is great (or was great) at doing good stuff with Mario and Zelda and even their own systems, but they have always been a bit behind. They were the last company to switch to discs. They were the last company to switch to 4P. They were the last company to switch to HD graphics (by 6 years--good grief Nintendo). Nintendo has always figured out what the brand new thing is to do much later on.

    And this may explain why the Wii U isn't "all-in-one" obsessive, which worries me... because now I wonder if they will finally catch up and get all concerned about that and that just will disappoint me. That's the one thing I really have liked about Nintendo all these years. They are really concerned about the games more than anything else.

  12. originality is a vague and nebulous concept that doesn't bring anything meaningful to any discussion of any type of entertainment media

    stop talking about it

    This is true.

    The disagreement isn't with originality (though again, what publisher is innovative or original these days, honestly?)

    Its with creativity, polish, and quality, which Nintendo will usually win in these areas, on top of very often being innovative from time to time.

    But from his posts putting Nintendo beneath EVERY SINGLE PUBLISHER (other than Sega) in originality, creativity, polish, and quality. This is including EA/ActiVision, the current kings of destroying originality/creativity while creating low quality unpolished products.

    I don't think anybody would agree with that but even if that is his opinion: Why did he even buy a Wii U? lol

    First off, with creativity, Nintendo is seriously starting to die out. They are still great, don't get me wrong, but I think compared to times in the past, they've really died out on this one. Polishing? Sure, it's not all that bad and it never has been, and I can't really say anything about that since I haven't touched a Wii U.

    Putting Nintendo under EA, though, is ridiculous, Brandon. Since when did EA ever do anything good. They are the definition of bullcrap.

  13. oh yeah. I love the newer Mario games when they harken back to retro elements.

    That's like every Mario game. It's just much lighter in some than it is in others. Like NSMB was an example of a heavy use of retro style gameplay.

  14. I sorta agree with everyone on this one.

    But honestly Brandon is right. Everything is just unoriginal now. Trying to defend something like 3D World as an original title is just a joke. Smash Bros. does seem a little less innovative than in the past, but I still really like the look of it.

    So now I'm just praying they don't screw this up with Zelda and eventually Metroid.

  15. It was like when they made Super Mario Galaxy

    It was like when they used to make games that weren't the same as previous games

    It's not up to me to give them ideas on how to creatively evolve. But it wouldn't hurt if they tried to make a new IP instead of new versions of existing games.

    Oh I see what you're saying.

    Yeah I was hoping they'd do that too. Ugh.

  16. and how do you propose they do that


    A change like that would be glorious, though I seriously don't know what they'd do.

    Technology with gaming was moving so fast at that time. We were constantly learning new things and new ways to make things look better dramatically. 16-bit to 64-bit was another HUGE jump and 64-bit to stuff like PS2 or GameCube was another huge jump.

    Slowly but surely, though, it has slowed down because trying to graphically enhance things by a ton is just not easy anymore. We've been stacking big boxes to the ceiling and we've been climbing them each new generation, but by this point we've pretty much hit the ceiling. There isn't really all that much more we can do in that area.

    I'm waiting for holographic gaming. xP

  17. Yeah I think saying SMB3 and SMW are almost the same thing is quite a large exaggeration.

    I mean, heck, just a change as simple as 8-bit to 16-bit totally changed a lot. It made it feel like a whole other world, honestly. And yes, I'm aware they remade SMB3 in the 16-bit format. But not in 1991, I don't think.

    But when going from 3DS to Wii U, not a particularly big difference. It's basically the same thing just now on a bigger screen that's HD and a new powerup which makes you act like a cat. Really special.

    Nevertheless, it honestly looks fun and I don't own 3D Land (because I don't have a 3DS), so I may as well go get it, since I'm planning to get a Wii U.

    I'm a home console guy. I've never cared enough for handheld systems.

  18. They just showed Super Mario 3D World on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

    "The big innovation of this game is the cat suit"


    I hate how that's the ONLY thing that they consider an "innovation" in the game. Sure, new powerups are awesome and I'm always excited to see what the next one will be, but seriously? That's it? That's all you've added? Ugh.

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