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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. I disagree. Piracy was rampant in those decades too. It's just that the internet allows it on an even larger scale. Making decent money on recordings has only ever been feasible if you're already a fairly well known musician or people licence a lot of your music.

    Well right, there's always been piracy.

    But yes, with the internet, everything has become so easy these days and piracy is just another one of those things.

  2. If there is one thing I've learned about this whole thing it's this:

    In this day and age, you can do all of the things "professional" musicians do without actually "making a living" doing music. There has never been a time in history when musicians of any specialty made a good living doing what they do. It's just an unfortunate truth. Teaching is also one of the worst possible jobs in music unless you're a college/university professor.

    He is unfortunately right.

    Back before the internet came around and secular music and more mainstream stuff was actually by artists that were talented, studio musicians would actually make a good deal of money and they enjoyed what they did. There was good music then.

    Now, most studio musicians are beginning to hate their job. They are just playing on untalented, uninteresting crap all the time. It's really rather unfortunate.

    And then as an ARTIST, things could either be good or bad. Good part is if you are lucky enough, you can sign with a label and pray to God they will let you do what you want with your music. And you could go on tours and get a good deal of popularity and make a good amount of money.

    But there's the big problem. Selling albums is now only there for people to hear the original recording and maybe once and a while you'll make some money off of it. So much piracy happens these days (and even though Spotify isn't legally piracy and is a completely legal application, it's still sorta unfair, as an indie artist myself), that you get fortunate when your record actually made money. Most money that an artist makes comes from concerts.

    The music industry is just a pure pain nowadays. And even the film industry can be hard. Really, media-related work is just hard to deal with these days. It's really sad. I wish I had lived during the 80s or 90s or even much earlier than that (well I lived in the 90s but I was only a tiny little kid then).

  3. Ears.

    I listen with the brand new Apple earplugs.

    Unfortunately, I must admit that they are as good as 100 dollar headphones.

    Pretty darn sad, for a simple white Apple product.

    Huge jump from the crappy ones before these, though. The frequency range on these things are actually really good.

    And then for my speakers, I've got M-AUDIO speakers.

  4. just wanted to drop in and mention that I'd potentially be interested in picking up a track if someone drops, although it looks like everyone's got a handle on their wips so far. this is a project I've thought about starting at least 20 times in the past, heh.. so I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how it all comes together. Best of luck to everyone. ;)

    Dude, if you got into this record that would be awesome.

    SupX has stuff open for bonus remixes.

  5. My son is 8 and he is completely addicted to Minecraft. He can play for hours and he is so creative. When his friends come over, they all bring their devices and they play together. We are just starting to get into mods... which is cool but can't be played together afaik... but for just the straight Minecraft, it is a total winner with this age group.

    Minecraft's old.

    lol that's just an answer anyone would give.

    no offense.

  6. Let's be honest, I've touched the console itself, and I've read a ridiculous amount of information on it and know a good amount of stuff about it, but I have never actually played a game on the Saturn (I've only played Saturn games through remakes and different ports... I think it's pathetic).

    In fact, the only game system manufactured by SEGA that I've ever actually played on is the Genesis, and that's because I own one. Also probably because it was their most successful console.

  7. I think the addition of a Sonic Xtreme remix would be more fanservice than anything but the people who are going to be downloading the album will know that the remixers who worked on it knew their Saturn stuff if they see Sonic Xtreme on there. Especially the ones who are more Sega cultists like me. :) Segata Sanshiro is a great icon but I, like most NA's at the time, had no idea he existed until I was able to watch those commercials on youtube. However I did know about Sonic Xtreme from all the previews to the eventual cancellation notice of the game in my Ultra Game Players mags so Sonic Xtreme was more a part of the Saturn experience than Segata Sanshiro was at the time for me and many others. No big though if we can't do it, i'd be up for a collab on it for sure.

    Lol sorry I meant that to be "Garpo" not "Garco" ha!! Yeh well if we don't do Sonic X-Treme (which I think would be a bit unfortunate, but I'm just going to go ahead and accept it now), you and I could do somethin' meybey.

  8. Just tossing my slightly unrelated two cents in the matter by saying that I do see where you're coming from, G-Mixer, but honestly I'm glad the one-game-per-series restriction is in place. Sonic 3D and Sonic R both have some stellar tunes (dodgy singing in the SR tracks aside), and the leaked Sinic X-Treme songs are also pretty boss and I would love to hear them remixed, but even these days there's still something of a "the only noteable music in a sega made game or on a sega made console is the music from the sonic games" mentality in the pockets and corners of the Internet. It isn't as prevelant as it once was, but a Sega Saturn remix album with very little Sonic tunes on it might go a long way to getting people interested in soundtracks from the other great games on the Saturn.

    Either way, it's not down to me what goes where. That's just what I think. This could honestly be a 20 track album dedicated to remixing nothing but Can You Feel The Sunshine and my only real complaint would be "pity nobody could find the original vocalist". Maybe.

    To be honest, the Saturn era of Sonic was one of his most unsuccessful and less known times. Other games for the Saturn were far more popular than Sonic was, as far as I know. Yes, Sonic is still Sonic, but even some historic documentaries on Sonic skip the SEGA Saturn in whole.

    I'll go ahead and just drop the argument with Sonic X-Treme. Maybe me and Garco (were you the one that wanted to do it?) could just collab on one and submit it individually ourselves. But c'mon then. 2 games. 2 tracks. Can't be that painful. Either that or we do one track combining a numerous amount of Sonic tracks, maybe even giving a cameo of a Sonic X-Treme tune, which can work.

    Please tell me you're not going to restrict medleys too.

  9. There are only 3 Sonic games on the Saturn and I’m only choosing one of them. If you guys want to ReMix Sonic X-treme, then as DiGi said, do it outside of the project. I’m not stopping you from remixing a Sonic Xtreme track and submitting it to OCR by yourselves.


    Anyway, list has been updated again and I’m calling it a night. See you tomorrow everyone.

    Meh...? One? We can't do one track from Sonic R and one track from Sonic 3D Blast? Really?

    Again, you can say no all you want to Sonic X-Treme, but I am betting you anything it will gain twice the attention if you advertise that there is a remix of Sonic X-Treme on here.

    Since when did anyone remix stuff that was leaked by a dude named Chris who worked on a game that was going to release in '95? (or '96, forget which one)

    I'm just sorta questioning why we can't simply have one remix of these three Sonic games on there. It's only 3 tracks if we were to do one only for each one.

  10. I just updated the rules regarding cancelled games. I’m only ReMixing games that have been finished and released on the Saturn. Games that we’re meant to be on the Saturn will NOT be accepted. I’m sorry guys, but that’s my decision.

    Regarding Segata Sanshiro’s theme, I am fully aware the song is technically a TV advert. But since he is somewhat of a mascot for this console (and had his own game) it would be a criminal offence not to remix it. I’m not expecting this song to pass the ocr judges and added to the library. I just thought it would be nice to give his theme a more up-to-date take.

    But if this can’t be helped, then I’ll remove Segata Sanshiro’s theme off the list, without any hassle…

    Sonic X-Treme was such a big thing, though, that I seriously feel it would be a lot more fun and interesting and attractive if we had a Sonic X-Treme remix in here. It would make everything that much more special and different and interesting. There weren't like a ridiculous amount of games cancelled for the Saturn, from what I know, and Sonic X-Treme was the biggest deal when it was cancelled.

    I can almost assure you someone's gonna wanna see that on the album.

    Just sayin'.

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