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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Teaching someone how to play video games, who has absolutely no experience with them whatsoever.

    I love my wife, and I'm glad she's learning how so she can relate when I talk about games with her, and so she can enjoy a hobby that has given me plenty of joy, things to think about, and amazing experiences... but once I'm done with her, never again. Never, never again.

    Try teaching a guy to play a first person shooter. All I wanted to do was laugh my brains out. And I freaking suck at first person shooters. So to see some other guy not knowing what aiming was or even what throwing a grenade was, I sorta lost it. I'm not even that bad. And I don't mean "what button is aim". I mean "what the heck do you mean by aim". Are you kidding me?

  2. Ya fo reals, no reason it isn't an LP at heart. They are playing the game, their commentary style is just very tangential

    Admittedly they half-ass a lot of (terrible) games, but their main playthroughs are full on LPs in my eyes.

    Last time I checked, an LP is where you are playing a game and walking viewers through it while commentating.

    Game Grumps never know what they are doing. They are just playing the game. There are the occasional games they play that they've played before but let's be honest, lately they've been getting offtrack and not even talking about the game. It's more like listening to them joking about something completely unrelated while watching a video game being played. And I love it.

    If LPing is just playing a game and talking, then I don't call anything LPing, because then it would all be LPing. TobyGames is not LPing. PewDiePie isn't really LPing. PBG gamer claims his gameplay channel isn't LPing. And that channel is a lot like TobyGames or Game Grumps.

    I've always viewed REAL LPing as commentary over a game while walking viewers through the game and being of decent entertainment [hopefully].

  3. My problem with LPs is just that they are too long. And lots of the time not even entertaining.

    Like I stated in that other LP forum, my personal friend Josiah Clark LPs, currently known as HerrinPlays and once did a channel called blinkkandyoumissit which he hardly ever is active on anymore. I like his stuff, but he'll do episodes 20 minutes long and even sometimes 30 minutes long. I've been featured in a few and as long as it's funny and entertaining the whole way, then cool.

    But seriously, even though it would consist of more episodes in the series, an episode should just be 10 minutes. Game Grumps isn't really LPing, but they do that and that's what you should do. TobyGames also. I haven't watched any TobyGames in a while but I subbed because of Skyward Sword... sucks he's not doing that anymore. That was so hilarious.

  4. The point to LPing for me is to show others how to make it through a game, while being of entertainment with your [hopefully] fun commentary.

    Some people enjoy watching others play the video game. I even enjoy this. There are some games where I sit there and am like, "ok, no, give me the controller" or "let me play too", normally with games like Mario and Mario Kart and Sonic. But for some reason, with a game like Zelda, it's almost just as much fun to watch as it is to play. And Zelda is one of my all time favorite game series ever.

    I've thought of doing a gaming channel, but I don't think I'd do LPing.

  5. Game Grumps is not LPing. That's a whole other monster. But Game Grumps is hilarious. I love their Sonic '06 stuff, yes, but everything really is funny.

    My personal friend, Josiah Clark, did an LP channel called blinkkandyoumissit which had its successful moments in the LP community. At one point I think that the channel had reached like 1.3 million upload views or something? But I just checked back there today and the viewcount pulled back like it has before and he's once again at over 900,000 upload views...

    Currently he's doing a new LP channel by the name HerrinPlays which he started about 6 months ago or something, and he's got like 460 or 470 subs on it or something right now. He just decided to completely start over again or something. And then he has his main channel, but that's a whole other story. Recently he and I have been collaborating, YouTube-wise. I actually did the original music for HerrinPlays, though I can't really brag about that when the channel hasn't really been a ridiculously successful one in the past 6 months. I mean, I guess 460 subs in 6 months is a pretty good start.

    Other than him, I don't actually watch much LPs. I mean, occasionally Chuggaconroy but he's sorta become uninteresting to me. Something about his Majora's Mask LP was what made me like him most. That was my favorite of his.


  6. Well I only listened on my headphones... I'll give it a better listen on my monitors later, I have some workmen here today and they are making quite a racket... so I'll reserve judgment on the bass level until later! It's possible the new bass just need to be a little tighter.

    edit: listening on monitors - the bass is still inaudible, maybe not due to volume but as I said it isn't tight. I can't discern what melody it is playing, not without straining my ears. It is there, nice and low but indistinct. The previous bass timbre was almost better in this regard. You could try emphasizing the fundamental frequency with eq, and cutting out extreme lows and also some mud from 200-400ish Hz. Or, try layering this bass with another that has some pluck sounds that will make it more audible. If that makes sense!

    Another snare idea... why not start the snare transition earlier than 2:20? Just a few groovy hits before.

    I really don't get it. The bass is booming nice and clear in my speakers. I wanted a more sub sound so that you mainly hear the low end. And I'm obsessed with bass. I can't get enough of it. So I'm not completely sure I trust your speakers. xD

    As for the snare, will try something out.

  7. Whoa, where'd da bass go??? I like the new bass writing but it is so quiet I can barely hear it! Bring it up, but be careful to cut the low frequencies below 35-40Hz out.

    I like the added grooviness! I like that synth solo at the end! (sounds a lot like, nah... haha!) I think you could begin the solo at 2:21 though, start out tame and get groovier after 2:33. 2:21 - 2:33 is a lost opportunity otherwise.

    The snare is still a touch loud and is also dry. Some extra snare variation would be good. With varied velocities. (not the same hit each time)

    Also, I'm hearing some moments of overcompression/clipping, like the harp in the intro, and even the bell lead that starts at 0:20. Make sure those aren't getting limited too hard. Make sure the overall track isn't getting limited too hard, it does sound hot in several places. If so, you'll have to go back and rebalance some things.

    It's improving! Nice work.

    Um... do you have bass-heavy speakers? Because I replaced the older bass for a newer one so there was a bigger bass. The bass is way louder now, dude. :P The low-end is way higher.

    As for the synth lead, that sounds like a good idea.

    Snare... meh? I honestly think it's at a perfect level. I don't really want to turn it down any more. As for dry, I'll try something, but the velocities are a little different. You don't want it too different because a real pro drummer tries to play the snare at nearly the same perfect velocity every time he hits it. Especially with rim-shots like that.

    I get the thing with the harp and glock. I thought I heard that too. I'll go back and work on that.

  8. Dude, this is seriously nice. For your first attempt, this is really a great start.

    I say, considering how amazing the bass is, bring up the beat more. Make the beat bigger and more fat. You've got a great bassline going there. I'd just suggest bringing up that beat. More compression to bring it out and such.

    And I love how you also are using other tunes. It really works. Like Saria's Song. And then the part with the foreign string instrument (which one is it?) is really cool.

    The way you transition everything is well done.

    It feels a slight bit too empty, though, so I'd say maybe add in some pads. Maybe like compress them to the kick so that whenever the kick hits it sorta pulls back in volume, if that makes sense? Just a thought.

    I love how you get back to the Song of Storms near the end. And your alternate chord progression is great.

    Seriously, keep it up. This is nice. :)

  9. Final result of phase 1 (round 1 + 2).....

    Congratulations to whoever voted for this track, you win!

    As promised, this is the first of three track I'll be remixing. By the way, on my twitch.tv livestream (benjamin_briggs), whenever I'm remxing video game music, I'll generally capture my screen and use FLStudio live on the air. You can be I'll definitely be livestreaming the creation process for this Super Mario RPG track, so keep an eye on my channel!

    With phase 1 over, it's time for phase 2! ROUND 3, TO PICK THE NEXT GAME, STARTS MONDAY AT 7 PM EST. Super Mario RPG is not eligible for this round.

    Remember, MONDAY AT 7 PM EST. Facebook.com/bbriggsmusic. be there

    Where's the link, dood? Didn't see anything on Facebook page. Am I just not lookin' hard enough?

  10. Genre wise i'm not going to post specific restrictions, we have a small range of different genres represented - go for an idea and a sound that you think will help you produce an amazing song.

    If you want PM me with a link to your first sketches and I'll let you know what I think. Or go over to KNGI and there you'll be able to hear some of the other tracks on offer.

    Looking forward to hearing it :)

    It may be some time before I get something out there but I'm slowly but surely workin' on it. ^_^

  11. Anyone see my post I made a bit of time back?

    I am willing to collab with someone on something. Not sure if I can commit to having a whole track all to my own.

    Just making sure you guys know that. I'm definitely willing to collab on Jungle Japes but seriously, anything.

    So if anyone wants me, I'll just be standing here... in this corner... all alone...

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