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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. So, there's been a ton of interest in the past few days in the File Select track. The way I'm running it is if someone sends me a wip that is sizing up to project standards, I'll mark the track as claimed.

    Also, Piranha Plant Lullaby is now available.


    Of course a collab would be fine, long as you can get me a wip up to snuff :)

    Are there any guidelines on how the track should be? Like specific genres?


    Portrait of a Plumber

    Project Coordinators: Nutritious

    Previous Coordinators:Fishy, Sole Signal

    Project Founder: POCKETMAN


    Website: SuperSlacker




    Electric Concerto


    Sole Signal







    Sir Jordanius

    The Coop

    - - - - - - - -


    Claimed, but may be dropped




    - - - - - - - -

    Track List

    Title Theme - halc

    Main Theme - prophetik

    Slider - Ben Briggs & halc

    Inside The Castle Walls - Sir Jordanius

    Dire Dire Docks - Fishy

    Lethal Lava Land - Nutritious

    Snow Mountain - Electric Concerto

    Haunted House - Fratto/Nutritious

    Merry Go Round - The Coop

    Cave Dungeon - Sole Signal

    Piranha Plant's Lullaby - Emunator

    Metallic Mario - Brandon Strader

    Wing Cap - halc

    File Select -

    Koopa's Road - Nutritious

    Koopa's Theme - Sole Signal/Fishy

    Ultimate Koopa - Scaredsim

    Staff Roll - Sole Signal

    Is this album still open for remixing?

    Cuz I'll freaking steal that File Select song if no one has yet.

    EDIT: Wait, wait, I saw a post Brandon made so nevermind.

    You really should have that updated.

  3. Hey guys, just wanted to share a bunch of remixes of classic Sonic stages made to sound more modern ala Sonic Generations. I've been making these for a few months, and plan to do more stages.

    Please check them out if you're a Sonic fan, and subscribe if you want to see more.

    Thanks and stay fast!!

    Marble Zone

    Flying Battery Zone

    Ice Cap Zone

    Mystic Cave Zone

    Marble Garden Zone

    Death Egg Zone

    Chrome Gadget Zone

    Sonic 3 Special Stage


    Nice man! Love Marble Zone. I feel you could probably turn up the guitar a bit, but great arrangement you've got there.

    Flying Battery is pretty good too, but feels a little too sequenced, if you understand what I mean. Like maybe too perfect? At the same time it's a cool sound.

    Ice Cap is iffy. Not sure what to think of it. Like the beat you sampled there, and the potential is great. It gets off to a pretty weak start, though. I almost wonder if starting with the bass and drums would've sounded cooler.

    Holy crap dude your arrangement of Mystic Cave Zone is killer. Love it. Got off to a great start and the guitars sound better in this one. Reminds me of the Modern Sonic remix arrangement from Sonic Generations of Chemical Plant Zone or whatever it is from Sonic 2. The way that one was done was really nice. Possibly my favorite. Up against Marble Zone.

    I see what you were trying to do with Death Egg Zone, though I'm not a huge fan of it. I like the guitars and the bass is nice, but everything else just sort of is there.

    Chrome Gadget is nice. Like the guitars there. The way you did that one is nice. Also feels a bit too perfect but again, at the same time that sorta sounds cool.

    I like the Special Stage, though I feel that the synths are flat. Maybe add vibrato to the ends of the notes? Just do something to add on to it.

    I hate Sandopolis Zone! Lol not your remix. The actual stage. ^_^ The way you did it is nice, but I feel the mix isn't all that great. Drums need to come out more. They are way too compressed and quiet.

    Yeah. That's pretty much it. You're using the Studio Tight Kit and the Attitude Bass throughout those remixes. :P Yes I use Logic Pro too.

  4. I like this, what a creative idea. There are some really unique inspired ideas here. There will absolutely need to be more drum variation, the same kick/snare/shaker combo gets old. At a minimum, it needs some soft crashes at the transition points! I think there may be crashes in here, but wow are they quiet. Change up the shaker pattern at least by 1:33, better yet, make it a different instrument altogether, and some different patterns, to accent the different moods of each section.

    I'm not sold on that bass. I know it is meant to be funky, but it just sounds a bit flabby and out of place to me... personal opinion. Also, bass writing could be varied here and there, it's very static.

    My main gripe about the song is the leads. When they play, they are buried. At 1:33, there is a piano playing. I don't think it is meant to lead there, but what if it did? Push the fairy melody back a bit, bring that piano forward and do something more original with it. Right now it is just a jumble of countermelodies with no focus. Go through the song slowly and carefully, considering what is the main focus at each point that the listener should be paying attention to, then bring that out.

    That break at 1:57 is my favorite part! The staccato strings and new chords are gorgeous. But there is that *same* shaker, yawn! Even changing that to a soft hi hat would give variation. Or what about just a few triangle hits? Just something different. And at 2:09, there is an opportunity to introduce some new kind of lead over the established instrumentation, something soulful and louder than the background!

    Again at 2:22, just background and no lead. You could do a mini-lead melody here, getting us ready for the lead solo that follows at 2:33. I like the snare break that leads up to 2:33 a lot, the song needs more of this kind of thing!

    Harp could use just a drop more reverb. Just a drop!

    I hope you keep going, I really like the ideas you've got here!

    Thanks for advice. I'll go back and work on it a bit.

    Despite the name of the track, I'm not really feeling the drums and bass.

    Wow, ok. I'll probably go back and work a bit on the drums. I may completely change bass arrangement. I'll figure it out.

  5. So I tried submitting this but they no likey, but they said I was off to a good start and Ben Briggs told me to continue working on it because apparently he and his followers on SoundCloud really enjoyed it. ^_^

    LINK: https://soundcloud.com/gwilliamson/the-goddess-gets-groovy-v-2

    So I went back and did some stuff to it.

    -The awkward fake acoustic guitar on the low-end was replaced with electric piano

    -The mix has been updated and is better now

    -More variation in the song

    --Added in soft piano in places

    --Changed beat and bass near the end

    --Added in another vibe solo near the end

    -"Un-perfected" for realism

    Yup. So tell me what you think about it. I'd love feedback because I may try re-submitting this to the judges and hope that it may make it to the judges panel and they will hopefully accept it.

    So yeah. Feedbackz meh.

  6. Wait, so almost everyone's going for Tharja on their first run? Is that because she's a stalkerish kind of lover for the avatar? Nope, not going to change my mind, I want to see the Dark Mage pairing in action myself.

    On a side note, all of my characters that can become mercenaries WILL. Mostly due Armorthrift. I want all of my magic weapons to last.

    Most dudes are pairing up with her for obvious reasons.

  7. These graphics aren't particularly impressive, so no go for me.

    Do graphics matter all that much?

    I mean, I understand how considering how well graphics have been getting over the years you'd expect them to just get better and better, but I personally have never cared for any game because of its graphics. That may add to the effect, but I play a game for the gameplay and the story and potential, not the graphics.

  8. I have a few exciting updates! I want to welcome a handful of remixers to the project who will be contributing in one form or another: Syllix will be working on a neat little ambient intro for the US disc, Furilas is contributing some bass guitar for Chernabogue's track, Flexstyle & KingTiger are going to do an electronica mix of Sonic Boom for the bonus disc, and OCR forum newcomer Portanexus will be bringing us an electro house & dubstep mix of Stardust Speedway JP, also for the bonus disc. Welcome aboard everyone :)

    And it's my birthday, yay! :mrgreen: Although they get slightly less exciting the older you get... :-P

    Well happy birthday and welcome aboard newcomers. :P

  9. So out of these 3 things that you said (Even though you said that you disagreed with practically all of it) you made another push for how much we need BC. But here's the thing.... it DOES have a sort of BC. If you already own ps3 games, play it on your ps3. If you don't own a ps3 and want to play ps3 games with your ps4, you are forgetting the cloud streaming service that they are trying to get up online. They said that it was their hope that you would be able to play all ps1,ps2,ps3 games ever made. So no, putting a cell processor in the ps4 would make it too expensive, but they haven't forgotten the desire for BC so they are doing what they can. The only real inconvenience that you can claim out of this is that you wont be able to sell your ps3. And honestly, when the ps4 comes out, you will only be able to get $100 out of it anyway.

    And yea, I am very ok with a 2 hour briefing. That's a pretty stupid thing to get hung up on.

    Well, never mind I guess you only made 2 responses to the 6. But the fact is, I'm only defending Sony against misinformation, and crybabies. Seriously, the entire internet is going bananas over how awesome that conference was. But in the meantime, you are forgetting that they need to save some stuff for E3. And if you honestly don't think they showed enough at last night's show, then there is no satisfying you.

    Ok then. It's just our own different opinions and this was just a conference; not something about gay marriage or anything so let's just leave it at that. :P

  10. That's pretty much the most laughable list I've ever seen. Probably done by people with anger issues against sony for whatever reason they can't get over.

    1.Sony held a press conference to unveil a new system. After a coma-inducing two hour briefing, talking about social networking minutia and enough buzzwords to shake a stick at, THEY NEVER UNVEILED THE SYSTEM.

    Really? That's a problem? Who cares what it looks like. It probably doesn't even have a final design yet. They showed the 2 most important things: The specs and the controller. You're a fool if you think not knowing the aesthetics is going to make any difference at all.

    2.Sony failed to address the number one concern gamers have about next-generation systems: will the system play used games?

    The list has an edit on this point that says "UPDATE (2/21/13): After the PS4 press briefing concluded, Sony Worldwide Studios CEO Shuhei Yoshida confirmed in an interview that used games would be playable on the PlayStation 4." So this "problem" doesn't count.

    3.Sony failed to address the major “elephant in the room” – the fact that their online network is second-rate compared to Microsoft’s Xbox Live. Worse performance, worse features, worse everything.

    The only one that can make this call is someone who hasn't played ps3 since 2007. The online functionality, the available content, PS Puls, and the user connectivity is fine. I've never had a problem with lag before....then again, I don't play CoD. And even if you are sore that you can't download updates or install in the background, the maker of this list is completely forgetting that they did address all the things they wanted to do with the online components. What about being able to play right from the start without waiting for it to download? What about the share button? What about the cloud streaming ability? The cross platform chat? It's like the maker of this list didn't even watch the part on the PSN performance.

    4.Sony attempted to disguise a lack of vision for the future with sheer quantity of content – a massive two-hour briefing. Way too long. Should’ve been an hour, at maximum. Two hours was disrespectful, honestly, to the gaming audience watching it.

    You're complaining that the conference was too long? No one is forcing you to watch it. You can get the highlights later. Length would only have been an issue if it was over 4 hours. The fact that it was packed with content means that they didn't unwisely use their time. In fact, demonstrating that the worlds top developers were in on the creation is time well spent.

    5.Sony announced the PS4 would have no backward compatibility to the PS3. What? Terrible idea.

    Really? If you want to play ps3 games, buy a ps3. They are cheap enough. People have already explained why it's not a big deal here.

    6.Last, but not least, no press conference announcing a new system should ever occur without giving the public the bare minimum of what they came for: A LAUNCH DATE. “Holiday 2013″ doesn't cut it. Tell us the exact launch date. Plant the flag on the calendar and go with it.


    The creator of this list is grasping at straws here. Trying to pass this off as a mistake is laughable. Launch is 9 months away, and this person wants an exact date? The guy is just looking for any reason to discredit Sony and is doing a very poor job at it. If I wanted to say anything bad about the conference I would have put that the move isn't relevant anymore. Kind of like the wonderbook moment of E3. That and Square-enix decided to play the old Agnis Prophesy trailer rather than something else and ambiguously says "New Final Fantasy at launch".

    Can't believe I actually responded to this extremely poor list. I feel like Luther did in his book "The Bondage of the Will" which was written in response to Erasmus's book "The Diatribe on Free Will" He writes in his introduction: "So, you see, what kept me from rushing in with an answer to you was not the difficulty of doing so, nor pressure of other work, nor the grandeur of your eloquence, nor fear of you, but simply disgust, disinclination, and distaste-which, if I may so, express my judgment of your Diatribe.

    I practically disagreed with everything you just said. :P

    If I want to play PS3 games, buy a PS3. Right. But backwards compatibility is a huge deal and I'm one who has to have a system with backwards compatibility. I can own the previous game console, but I love backwards compatibility.

    Here's an example. I may want to get a Wii U. But I don't want to lose my GameCube or Wii. But I need to sell something to get the Wii U. I'm not going to just spend money on it and keep the Wii, let's say. The Wii U has backwards compatibility to the Wii. Good. I sell my Wii and I can get a Wii U and still play my Wii games, and I can have my GameCube and play that too. Simple example of one reason why backwards compatibility is a good idea.

    Also, the Holiday 2013 thing I sorta do have to agree with. That one is the one thing I was like "who cares". B

    YOU are ok with 2 hour long briefing? I'm honestly amazed at that. That was such a disrespectful thing to do. Go on for 2 hours without getting to what I wanted them to get to. The actual freaking console. What the heck.

    I feel you are trying to defend the PlayStation, honestly. And I'm not trying to hate it. I love Sony. I seriously do. I love Microsoft. I will admit Nintendo is my favorite. But I don't go hating a PlayStation conference just because it's PlayStation. I still really love the Sony game consoles.

    I could say more but I seriously have to be somewhere. ^_^

  11. don't forget guys, we're voting for a GAME in the first round, and a SONG FROM THAT GAME in the second round. This will repeat three times.

    With only four hours left to go in Round 1, here are the standings:


    At 12 PM EST, the winner will be announced and voting will begin to choose which song from the game I will be remixing. Good luck to everyone's favorites!

    Well it looks to me like SMRPG is winning this one.

  12. aaand that's the joke!

    honestly I should make it a choice, huehuehue

    Well *I've* heard too many Ice Cap Zone remixes myself.

    Not Ice Cap from Sonic Adventure. Ice Cap Zone from Sonic 3. We're on the same page right?

    I'm just saying I've heard too many Ice Cap Zone remixes. But it's a song worthy of it. Ice Cap Zone is a remix-worthy song.

  13. Starts off slowly, rather static pads 'n stuff.

    The source melody finally comes in at 1:16. However, while the melody is playing, nearly nothing is really dynamically changing in the background. At that section you have rather static pads that actually don't even change notes.

    Something interesting at 2:23. Well, interesting and odd. No idea what that voice clip thing is, but it sounds awkward and out of place. Great pad there though. Could be more dynamic like noted earlier.

    3:21 is kind of strange. Why is the voice stuff there? Any way it contributes to the song?

    3:41 - whoo, some drums. Why did you choose to put those drums there? Why not earlier? Why so sudden? Well, I'm asking that because there aren't really any transitions... well... anywhere. Things just happen, apparently.

    4:30 - Guitar? Where did that come from? You see what I mean? Nice pads near the end though. I wish those were there earlier in the song.

    Okay, so you get the idea, right? I don't hear any transitions, and sounds are generally static. Ideas weave in and out with no precursor, no warning, no pattern, and therefore are just abrupt. You need more dynamically changing backing, clean transitions, and meaningful sections in the remix. Right now it sounds like a bunch of pads with ideas thrown together. Good start though. Could also be shortened.

    ^This. Also, I'd mess around with your synths more and use different plugins. I can tell you are using a preset synth from a Yamaha for the lead melody.

    I'd change that around.

  14. Damnit guys, Australia still hasn't got it, so I only just know what you people are on about. Got it preordered, but I think it comes out early April -_-


    Yeah it comes in April for ya.

    It came in April of last year to Japan, so it'll be a whole year since it was originally released by the time you get it.

    Heheh. I love how they do that. Makes me feel like they are doing it just to piss people off. There's probably actual reasons for why they do that (like taking more time translating it or something), but part of me feels they're just like "let's release it where we made it and then make America wait almost a whole year and Europe and Australia wait for it a whole year just for fun to show how awesome Japan is".

    Stupid theory.

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