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Garrett Williamson

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Posts posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. In many ways, you could compare the Metroid franchise to Legend of Zelda. Imagine if the next Zelda game had Link as a voiced protagonist in a LotR/GoT-esque plot. That would be Other M. Sure, it would be unexpected and perhaps even 'refreshing', but it most likely wouldn't be very good.

    Ok, I do totally get your point. I still liked Other M, and this is just my opinion, but everything you said totally makes sense. I still enjoyed the game myself, but I guess I understand why so many others didn't.

    Yeah, a Zelda game having voiceovers just isn't right... lol if it was that way from the *start*, that would've been a different story. But it wasn't that way from the start, so it just wouldn't seem right. And I don't think anybody wants to hear Link talk again after... uh... "EXCUSE ME PRINCESS"... that.

    Same with Mario. Maybe that's partially the reason some had an issue with Sunshine. Because it included dialogue? I don't know. I enjoyed that game too. The controls were ridiculously frustrating, though, and I sorta gave up on the game. It was also smaller than 64 and was really different. The really different part sorta didn't matter to me, but it being smaller than 64 was just sorta dumb. The game would've been great if the controls were handled better. It was just really frustrating. Especially all those special secret levels. -_-

  2. I only played the demo for 06 and never went further sooooo as far as I know i have no opinion about it... :)

    Same, but uh... you don't really need to play it to know how bad it is.

    Videos over YouTube proved that for me.

    And then came Game Grumps, so then I ended up loving the game because it was so bad and Game Grumps were so funny doing it.

  3. There are people who like Sonic 06? Where, Bizarro World?

    If you've ever been to Sonic News Network (where everyone there is both a little crazy and a little too obsessed with Sonic to ever give up on him... to put it simple they just don't want to believe Sonic '06 was a bad game so they say it was pretty good and that I'm just bashing it around no good reason... what a hilarious joke)...

  4. you liked the game, other people didn't like the game

    that's okay, and you don't need other people to affirm your opinion

    Hahaha ok, I'm just a little confused on why others hated it so much.

    But I guess it's sorta like all those crazy people who loved Sonic '06. I'm confused about that too. lol

  5. :whatevaa:

    This thread seems amazingly off-topic right now, so I might as well say something real quick before I post on-topic. I was HUGELY disappointed with Other M. Worst purchase of my gaming life (pre-ordered it and everything). Scripting was horrible, Samus was almost unrecognizable, cutscenes way too long and sleep inducing, battles got repetitive real quick.... A pretty flop is still very much a flop. They need to learn why people liked the others and then disliked Other M with a passion. It left me outright melancholic. :(

    Now, someone mentioned an Animal Crossing LP. Someone have a link, or did I just miss it somewhere? I want to know if the guy bothers weeding any. :)

    See, I think everybody just thought it was way too different from the other ones. When you said "Samus was almost unrecognizable", I mean, I almost don't care. It still had a sense of Metroid to me. Metroid Prime series will forever be my favorite, but Other M seriously was a good game. I think I get your idea of battles getting repetitive too quick, but I seriously thought that everything was unexpected and I didn't know what was exactly going to happen next. I liked that.

  6. It feels like a very half-assed attempt at adding 'depth' to the character, and that's not even getting into some downright idiotic plot points such as Samus literally letting herself take fire damage because Adam didn't authorize her to activate her varia suit.

    Ok, well you have a bit of a point there.

    I still liked the game. :P

  7. It wasn't bashed for being 'too different'. It was bashed for having a completely inane plot full of nonsensical retconning, terrible voice acting, and some of the most hamfisted symbolism I've ever seen (BOTTLE SHIP, GET IT?! BABIES!)

    What? I guess something's wrong with me, then, because I sorta liked the voice acting. Hamfisted symbolism? What did I miss out on in the game?

  8. Other M was actually a great game. So many people bashed it around and were like "it's too different and we don't like the layout" but I honestly loved it. I liked the way they were going with it and Nintendo's featuring a heavy amount of dialogue was actually a really great idea.

    The storyline is absolutely amazing (you never knew what was coming next) and it was one of those one games where I actually got really interested in the cutscenes. It's like with so many other games, I only watch the cutscenes to make sure I don't miss any valuable info I'll need to know later. With this game, the cutscenes were actually really enjoyable to watch and I would actually keep playing the game to see what would happen next and what the next cutscene was.

    And the game itself was great. The gameplay was nice, the music and concept and even graphics (even for the Wii) were great.

    I seriously thought Other M was a really good game. And their backstory behind Samus and stuff was great. You really got to understand her and you suddenly felt like you were in the game.

    When a game is able to get you to think you are truly a part of it, I personally think that's the mark of a great game.

  9. If I want to speak disrespectfully and dirty about a fake cartoon girl that doesn't exist, I seriously don't find a problem with that.

    Of course, I wouldn't want to be talking that way around an actual *real* girl, but I don't really think it'd be disrespectful if you were talking badly about something that doesn't even exist? Just a concept. Disrespecting actual women, on the other hand

    I have no clue if this even has to do with anything else said below. God knows what time it is (oh look it's 1:10 am) and I just saw something about disrespecting women and video game girls?

    This comment is now officially pointless.

    By the way, relyanCe, sweet sig. :P

  10. With regards to Pewdiepie/Tobygames, the problem I have is that first of all, nobody in their right mind would actually react like that to a videogame, which pretty much leads me to believe that all those scare-cam style LPers are just putting on an act and exaggerating their reactions on purpose.

    This in and of itself isn't a bad thing, but it does cheapen the whole experience since they explicitly include the webcam feed to show their reactions to playing a scary game. If the reactions aren't genuine, it kind of defeats the whole purpose.

    Then there's the fact that all of it just feels lazy, unimaginative, and low effort. I recall seeing a video where Toby had connection issues and couldn't even be arsed to edit out three minutes of "connecting to server...", between the two of them they have hundreds of videos about Happy Wheels (not exactly a deep game if you've ever played it). I feel like they're putting in the absolute minimal amount of effort to make money off their videos.

    Yeah they pretty much put in no effort. :P

    And I know it's all staged. It's so obvious. Why would Toby just every day use the voices he uses there? I'm not searching for real. I'm just searching for funny.

    Though their reactions to scary games could be staged, at the same time I think not. Because here's the thing, I had the same type of reactions when playing a game like Slender. I am a very enthusiastic gamer (I've been known for screaming and yelling at the game and talking to it lol), and when I played Slender, I sorta had those same type of reactions; screaming and making faces and saying weird things and such.

    Considering how often PewDiePie plays horror games, I have a harder time believing in his reactions, because I have a feeling he's so used to it by now that all he's doing is just faking it now just to keep his audience.

    And the WHAT IS THIS episode in Sonic '06 series of Game Grumps was totally staged. So obviously it was fake. It was most likely improvised, but it was very obviously staged. But that was what made it so funny. Arin purposely breaking out in madness and screaming because of a glitch is just funny to me. Sometimes the funniest things are the fakest things. (fakest isn't even a word)

    EDIT: I do want to add in this though. The surprise moments with PewDiePie and TobyGames where they freak out in a horror game may be real, but I can almost bet that all the body movements they make, running around and getting up and throwing the headset on the ground is all staged and they purposely did that for entertainment rather than because it actually freaked them out. I don't do that, and even at the MAGfest panel of Game Grumps, they said they would never do facecam because it ruins the magic. All the screaming and funny things you hear during the game is funny, but once you see them playing it, it's boring. Because they're doing all those voices but they are literally just sitting on the couch and not moving at all. Which is why they said they wouldn't do facecam. Because it's just not interesting.

    DOUBLE EDIT WHOA: Ironically, Game Grumps just posted a video today of Sonic '06 Ep. 75 (http://youtu.be/Y-tNj3uVwGw) and uh... about 7 and a half minutes into it and that looks like a facecam to me. lol

    Of course, the reason for doing so was because that was a funny moment to get on camera.

  11. Yeah, I guess it's all down to target audience. I might put a "Made for Stereo" disclaimer label on my album covers from now on. It'll be fun.

    That's not needed. :D

    I've listened to a lot of famous songs on mono for the heck of it and it all sounds like crap. Mono is only good when it comes to recording a specific track in a song that way (like recording mono for vocals, because obviously you aren't using two mics to record yourself--unless you are)

  12. I think you guys are confusing listening on one speaker with listening as mono. It seems like you're thinking of listening to only left or only right speakers, when PD was thinking of merged mono.

    I just listened to two of my mixes on merged mono, btw, and they actually still sound pretty good. Sweetness.

    I know the difference. :P

  13. Don't fuck your mixes for the 2 or 3 people on Earth who don't got 2 speakers. (my opinion)

    What this guy said all the way.

    No one listens on one speaker anymore. Seriously. Ever since "hi-fi" came around back in the 60s or whenever it was, two speakers and panning has been the thing. Heck, the Beatles probably sounds absolutely awful on mono. But nobody listens to it that way. And they're one of the greatest artists of all time.

    So changing a mix to make it work with mono is just a waste of time. I make music sound the way I want to hear it. I honestly don't care about what the audience thinks about my music as much as I do.

    I'm not sure that's a good motive, but I just like to do music my way. I don't want someone else telling me how to do music. If someone doesn't like my music, that's their problem. Feedback to make something sound better is a different story. But I feel I may be getting slightly off topic here, so I'll shut up.

  14. I really don't see what's funny about people exaggerating their reactions and yelling over videogames. Granted, this particular video isn't as offensively bad as pewdiepie/tobygames I guess, so eh.

    See, it's just your taste for comedy.

    I really don't like PewDiePie in any way, but I really like TobyGames. I haven't watched a TobyGames in a while, but I subscribed to him in the first place because of his Skyward Sword gameplay (which is completely done now, unfortunately; he never finished the game).

    I just laughed so hard hearing Arin screaming like that and Jon's reactions. I enjoy what people sometimes consider "smart humor"?, or a "smart joke", but I also really love just seeing things blowing up and screaming and stuff. I don't know what's so funny about it. It's just funny to me.

  15. I'll be honest, this may be the best moment in video game commentary history.

    My opinion, but I don't think I've ever laughed so hard til I cried watching video game commentary like this. When Arin lost it and started screaming, I seriously thought I was going to die from laughter. I couldn't breath for 10 minutes.

    That wasn't an overexaggeration. lol

  16. Death in Super Smash Bros. It's like you never know how far down the person is falling and then this big sparkle thing pops up and you get this vibration and it looks like they exploded into an orb of light that I always thought was like an indication of going to heaven or fairies or something. I would purposely kill myself for that.

    I need to go to bed.

  17. I was cleaning through my files on my HDs and I forgot I had made this for the heck of it about a year or so ago. I usually like illustrating stuff but wanted to experiment. Might as well put this up here and see if people like it. Otherwise I'll just toss this I guess.


    That's actually rather good.

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