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Crowbar Man

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Posts posted by Crowbar Man

  1. Where are your sources?

    The kickstarter page has quotes from many devs, and videos of current indie titles running on it. Plus, if you are an indie, especially one already making Android products, why would you NOT want your game on this, exactly?

    I don't think you understand what you're saying when you say "silly for them not to make a port". You don't run your code through some fancy conversion software to make a port.

    Well yes and no, actually. I'm not sure the details since their SDK isn't released yet, I don't think, but you DO need to run your software through the SDK. However, the codebase is based on Android, so you should have to make very little changes to your existing product if it already runs on Android. And I beleive they are also partnered with Unity, so if you are already using Unity, theres very little you have to do to get it to run besides select "Make Ouya Version" when Unity adds Ouya support. Unity is that nice (I'm currently exploring it)

    As far as converting the control scheme, if you are using touch screen buttons: Just make them real ones. If you are using touch screen input (X/Y input), use the touch pad (X/Y input). It is not rocket science, and even if you need to do a little more, basic input isn't the hardest part to program. If you are too lazy to do that little, you'd never make a game in the first place

    The HARD stuff is the actual game play, audio, visual, networking, etc, and all that should be basically the same.

    Also your Angry Birds example is not too good, as they already have Angry Birds on consoles, Google TV, Roku, etc.

    this guy gets it

    Neither of you get it.

  2. I'm pretty sure this thing already has pretty much every indie developers interest, plus there are tons of developers (indie or not) already making Android games so it would be silly for them not to make a "port". Even beyond that, there is a tiny niche of developers making homebrew for anything and everything.

    I highly doubt "developer support will never come" since its already pretty much here.

    Making something they want everybody to be able to enjoy and play doesn't necessarily mean that they are expecting literally everyone to buy.

  3. I find it odd some people are only interested/wanting the console if big name companies are on it. That is kinda opposite of what it is supposed to be about. You are rooting for the wrong team!

    most of it's launch material is from Android phones. Like, touch screen phones. With a huge gameplay mechanic being touching.

    There are some games being made on iOS/Android that would be a lot better with a controller (FPS, Platformers, etc)

    The Ouya i believe has a touch pad for the games that are more suited for touch. So best of both worlds, kinda like the Wii U. Only minus a screen, and MUCH more affordable to develop / buy games for

  4. Well, even if you dont like Phil Fish, there are other examples. Take Valve and TF2 on consoles as another perfect example of how even the bigger devs do not do updates for console products because it is simply too expensive and too restrictive on what they can do.

    Also to add to the news to the Ouya train: Shadowrun Online adding a Ouya version, the cloud saving feature allows you to play your game across multiple devices (PC (Win/Mac/Linux), mobile devices (iOS/Android), and Ouya)

  5. Also something I forgot to mention: None of you may care since you are not developers but the cost of entry on XBLA and PSN, and just the cost of updates or even bug fixes, is absolutely ridiculous. See Polytron's current struggle with not being able to afford to release another update for Fez. PC, iOS, and Android allow quick updates, content expansions, all inexpensive for the developer. Current consoles do not. Ouya will fix that

  6. I don't know why some people are acting like they are personally offended / threatened by Ouya's existence. If you don't want it, don't buy it. Nobody is expecting it to be a competitor to or overtake "real" gaming consoles, its just a nice option for indie devs, people who like indies, and/or people who dont WANT to spend an arm and a leg on games / consoles.

    Ouya is NOT for everybody. If you are a gamer who has everything he needs on his PC and/or another console and/or mobile device, you probably dont need Ouya. But for $99 I dont see why anybody wouldn't be curious.

    Hook your computer to a TV: You hook your PC up to a TV? Cool. I do too. Not everybody does or wants to though, most people aren't willing to do this. And it doesn't really make your computer into a console. This is only for people will skill with computers or even want to mess with computers. It is not a real "console" type solution.

    I still hook up other consoles to the tv for the same reason.

    Also just use a controller? Over half of PC games do not support controllers. The ones that do usually only the 360 controller, which is crap for 2D gaming. So you either have to use joy2key/Xpadder for direct input controllers or the awful MotionInJoy program for PS3 controllers. This is not a fun setup even for me, I don't think normal people would have the patience

    Piracy: Repeating myself. Piracy is not even a real issue. Its imaginary scapegoat. If piracy was a real issue, NO consoles, mobile devices, or PCs would still have games made for them, because they can ALL be pirated.

    Plus the console is being advertised as having free games, and offering things like OnLive which you cannot "pirate".

    RAM: Why do people keep touching on the 1GB RAM "Issue", most android devices these days are 512MB, the PS3/360 are 512MBish. The Wii has 88MB. Why is 1GB an issue for a console and/or android device that isn't looking to push graphical boundries? Its plenty.

    The Derrit:

    How the hell is the DS and PSP versions "HD"? 256 × 192 and 480 × 272 are "HD" resolutions?

    And I don't think the ds remake is what they mean by "HD". If they are, though, I agree that the game would be becoming redundant and probably wouldn' buy it. But don't blast it yet if you haven't even the slightest clue of what they're going to do with the game. FF3 with FF13 graphics? I buy.

    Its a port of the iOS/Android editions FFIII, which are higher res / slightly touched up versions of the DS game. HD usually just means "ported with higher res", it usually does not indicate it is a remake.

  7. How much will games cost? Many games by indie devs end up selling on the cheap side - is that enough to sustain the company & allow it to expand?

    Piracy - Android can facilitate it through rooting relatively easily.

    Well considering they mostly want Free to Play titles, mostly nothing. This is a place for Android / Indie games to be put on a TV. They shouldn't cost more than what you are already paying for Android / Indie games

    Piracy isn't a concern and is not even a real problem in the first place, just a scapegoat. You can pirate anything (pc, consoles, iOS/Android devices, handhelds, etc) people are still making money off game development.

    If they are pushing free to play in the first place, again piracy isn't a concern.

    1 GB of RAM makes me vary cautious about all of this. I sincerely hope they can pull this off. I doubt it will be able to run many current AAA titles

    PS3/360 have less than a gig of ram (256MB RAM / 256MB VIDEO on PS3, 512 MB shared on 360). AAA games are being made for them all the time. I'm not sure if the Tegra 3 is exactly PS3/360 level, but RAM isn't a problem

    If you look at some of the higher end games on iOS/Android devices, thats what you should expect here if thats your cup of tea.

    But high end AAA gaming isn't what this is about anyways, its about indie devs and getting their game on a TV easier.

  8. Square was going downhill fast WAY before the Enix merger. People blaming Enix on it is just a convenient scapegoat. Enix was and still is a good game company. Square stopped being one a long ago, and having extra funding by combining with Enix hasn't fixed their problem. By now most of the talent left the company so there is probably little hope left of anything good coming out from them.

    But it was NOT the Enix merger. Its Square.

    Oh and I love how the trailer of the game is all FMV, most of it sped up to look more action oriented.

    All the screenshots are promotional art

    They can't even bother to show us what the actual game looks / sounds like in this rerelease of an old port

  9. It definitely looks like a port of the PS2 game from the trailer. Just bumped resolution and some extra features added. Not sure why they keep posting that first picture, its a complete lie. Oh well, its probably for the better since the current Sega can't really create anything new without messing something up.

    Spreading NiGHTS to more than just Saturn and a Japanese only PS2 game is still great news! And being on modern digital services, especially Steam is always nice.

    What bothers me is all the news sites reporting "OMG HD REMAKE" every time one of these HD retextures ports is announce

    Yeah that really is rather bothersome. They give too much fuel to these companies who are doing lazy "HD" version of games.

  10. I was thinking about this earlier, they can't really come out with a condom slipcover for the GamePad like they did with the Wii Remote can they?

    Actually, they can, and already have!


    Not 1st party but

  11. There were 2 Wii U systems on stage, I'm sure to save time between switching demos

    Though, if you have not heard, the Wii U does support 2 Wii U GamePad's officially now as mentioned at E3. Just none of the launch software (or probably even the OS) will take advantage/support it, as it is not going to be introduced in the Dev Kits for a while.

    Looks like they told Jimmy to keep still during the "Zombification" demo, unlike Reggie who messed it all up at E3

  12. Nintendo would have a very valid reason, and have been known to do such things aggressively in the past.

    Only saving grace from Nintendo here is its free and open source

    Valve I dont think would care, and as long as they didn't use a valve IP in the title wouldn't bother

  13. The thing that has me concerned with DLC is when the next generation of consoles takes over in full, what becomes of games I've purchased which are download only titles? If I deleted one of those games from my hard drive and decide in the future I want to play it again, how can I do so without an actual disc?

    well that has more to do digital content delivery as a whole than anything to do with DLC.

    But to answer your question:

    MOST digital content delivery services let you redownload things you have already purchased.

    whether its on disc or off disc, if its DLC it ties into a "rights" management system of sorts (ie,PSN, XBLA, Steam, etc) that has to confirm you have access to it all. If you delete your "DLC", (again whether its on or off disc), the system that gave you rights to access it has to be there to give it back.

  14. DLC is what the industry is heading to. Get over it, and quit bitching.

    DLC is corrupting the industry.

    So when some company has some unlockable extras online available as DLC content, does that send a community into a panic? Not normally, but when that same content is on the disc and yet is purchased in exactly the same way, suddenly people get infuriated?

    Actually, most people frown upon Day 1 DLC, even if there is an "excuse" that the content was developed between Gold and Release. When its on the disc, it was done well before Gold, so there isn't any excuse anymore.

    DLC for fighting game characters makes it even more ridiculous, because fighting game characters generally take a while to balance, its not a skin change or hat/accessory they can slap together to make a buck, or something optional that doesn't matter to the game. This is a fully planned out fighting character.

    Theres no reason for it to be DLC in the first place, especially this early. Being on disc just ups the ridiculousness level to extreme.

    Add to the fact that its not even going to be available for purchase, for people who actually are okay with this horrible thing, makes it even MORE extreme.

    what exactly is the problem inherent to on-disc DLC that isn't a problem with regular DLC?

    If I didn't already answer it: Its the evolution of things getting worse.

  15. The thing is, consumers are eventually going to have to realize that it costs a lot of money to make games.

    As far as actual content creation, fighting games are pretty cheap to create. A handful of characters and arenas are all there is for assets. Its mostly animations, movesets, programming, balancing, debugging, etc.

    Its not even a 2D fighter, so once the 3D models are done, they can pretty much make as many animations/movesets as they want with those, making it theoretically even cheaper.

  16. 2) make a patch that everyone has to download to play online (does not unlock the character but provides the data for its model)


    ...or there is always 4) Include it in the game. Its completed content on the disc. Theres no reason for it to be "DLC", which is why everybody is upset.

    Day 1 DLC is disgusting, on disc or not. On disc means it was completed by the time it was Gold (well before the game is manufactured, shipped, and sold in the store), and literally sitting on your disc w/o even downloading it, but you can't use it, making it the worst case scenario for consumers.

    Its not new content, its the rest of the game, locked unless you cough up cash to allow them to give you access to your own disc which you paid full retail price for.

    And people complaining about Capcom charging for palette swaps... really ? If it is so important for you to have more colors for your fighters then buy them, if not then why bother complaining ?

    I think complaining about a palette swap "DLC", which literally takes nothing to "develop" but is just a change of a value of color, is something to complain about. Who would agree this is a valid thing to do to customers? Most games give you a slider bar to select a rainbow of colors, Capcom charges you to pick a few different ones.

    Are people complaining about deleted scenes in movies that are released exclusively on the DVD or Blu-Ray release ? Because to me it seems comparable.

    The content is not located on the lesser release. The content probably wouldn't fit on the lesser release, there is more room / abilities on the larger content discs that they fill with the extra material. Most of the time they are releases anyway, but again, the benefits of the newer format are what generally allow the extra content.

    I can't believe there are people actually defending on disc DLC AND charging for palette swaps.

  17. so previously, Humble Bundle included fantastic games created by star quality indie devs, discounted for the sake of charity.

    Mojang thinks something they throw together in a few days is worth the same attention, (in fact more, because its all by itself)? Really?

    Call me uninterested. I'm all for charity, but this demeans the Humble Bundle team's work IMO. Mojang isn't special, as pointed out, they were too good to put their game in the bundles, now they want attention for something they are just throwing together. At least the money is going to charity, supposedly (Mojang doesn't need any more money)

    Besides, I dont think they could create anything that isn't half finished and riddled with bugs in that short ammount of time, given their pretty terrible track record

  18. I don't think anyone was expecting a full-on remake.

    Says the person who insisted that is what they were doing!

    Importing the assets into the FF13 engine and using the same voiceover and such could be called a remaster rather than a remake. And that's all I really wanted anyways!

    I dont think they are doing this either. Again, its more than likely just porting the PS2 game over, using Sony's provided tool chain to port PS2 games to PS3/Vita. Like everybody else is doing. Don't get your hopes up in expecting much more than that.

  19. This Visual Novel is more about story and character than H-Scenes, kinda like Key's games. Act 1 Preview thats been out forever, had nothing adult in it at all

    In fact, for those who aren't interested in the adult material, there is a switch in the options to disable any of it entirely, making it a non-H Visual Novel.


    As far as music, I found my self enjoying the music in preview version. I think the release version has different music, so I can't comment too much about it.

    Heres some music samples on youtube (mostly of the preview):

    (More in the Related)


    Not digging the redone music as much as what was on the last preview. Not terrible, but seems overdone compared to what they had before. Rin's theme in particular is no where near as catchy, and is now a Jazz remix for some reason

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