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Crowbar Man

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Posts posted by Crowbar Man

  1. Derrit: point to where I said I bought it at all. My opinion of the game is irrelevent to weither you think its smart to buy a game you are expecting to be bad, and id appreciate not being called stupid (or others being indirectly involved) over something I didn't even state. There are plenty of ways to play a game without buying it yourself to boot.

    Feel free to call me stupid over stupid things I do post though, as im sure ill have plenty

  2. The game is suprisingly not terrible. Not terrific but you cant expect much from Sega these days. Some of the mixes are great, especially after suffering Sonic 4's terrible music, but... did they forget how to make songs loop smoothly? Terrible job on something so simple. Still could do without auto tune too

  3. Its got the HD moniker like all the other PS2 ports and its a PS2 game. They have not said anything about remake that im aware of. It would cost them far more money to make a remake of FFX then to just use the exsisting tools used in all these ps2 HD ports. Why would you assume this is any different?

  4. Well you can make a nether without the use of portals at all (remember in MV portals are just for looks, they aren't required at all) and just use warps as a bandaid, but maybe you guys really really like the purple vortexes you'll be willing to break peoples stuff and/or ban people lol

  5. Sadly homebrew "ports" of minecraft generally always turn out to be placing blocks on premade maps (like a very early Creative mode), and not in any way a "port" of the actual game as we know it :/ Guess we'll see how far this guy goes with it, but dont get your hopes up

    but I guess Nintendo isn't giving away dev kits for homebrewers to tinker with just yet.

    Hope that was sarcastic. If not: Nintendo does not "give" dev kits (they sell them for thousands of dollars). Homebrewers reverse engineer the hardware and make their own SDKs (See Devkit Pro) since its illegal to use the official SDKs without a license to release the software anyways

    At the current time, homebrewers have not cracked the 3DS, but give them time. Nintendo hasn't had a very solid track record on security in their consoles, but they may have learned from their mistakes with Wii/DS/DSi so it might be harder. We'll see.

    It WOULD be nice if there was an official way to do your own thing like Android/iOS/XBLIG, but Nintendo doesn't even like indies that much let alone homebrew

  6. I was completely with you up until that last line. Mario is no longer relevant? Really? Comnparing his games to Sonic... Really?? Wow

    Throwing MM down to that level too is cold. Sega wishes they could make a Retro game as good as MM9/10 but obviously failed with 4

    Im not holding my breath for Generations thats for sure. If it turns out anything other than a heaping trash that's come out of Sega, I will be shocked

    Also its funny to see so many people defending autotune. SCOURGE I SAY!

  7. Oh that's right. I forgot, I wasn't sure if the backup for nether worked. Well since there wasn't a lot of progress I can't imagine starting a new one would hurt.

    BGC: Fantatic job as usual, textire pack really compliments it too

  8. I was going to do away with it myself honestly. Its not like it helped anything, just raised the bar for entry. Didn't help stop problems exactly either.

    Up to you guys though, but I've yet to see any positive feedback since it was suggested and implemented.

  9. Well its better than the terrible Sonic 4 soundtrack, but its just some very lazy remixes really so far.

    The Modern Green Hill Zone "WAH wah WAH" sound for the main instrument is bizarre.

    And is that really Autotuned City Escape? Geez

    Passable I suppose, and that's sadly a huge improvement for Sega's quality as of late.

  10. TWO simultaneous dramas for the price of one!

    Aba / BGC:

    Thank you, I'm glad theres at least a few people who appreciate what I tried to do.

    BGC (or Aba / Itch too)

    I'd check your configs, and make sure your making the "Cubes" for the portals right (make sure its a couple blocks thick all around, single block thickness tends not to work), and make sure your typing the w: for world's spawn and p: to another portal etc correctly. Also there was an odd glitch where if i clicked (either right or left) first it would set both points, kinda glitchy like. So make sure thats not happening. MV is kinda tricky/glitchy.

    I literally am not allowed to help at this time, so hopefully you guys will figure it out, if its not a glitch with this update :/

    Meanwhile, /world command (make sure your at spawn) and making warps will work

  11. It went so fast because some giant man baby kept bombarding the forum / my PM box with complaints and claimed to be speaking on your behalf. We never got much response from anybody, PM, IRC, etc.

    But that's all in the past. I'd prefer not to bring up old drama here and stick to PMs.

    That's over all old news.

    Anywho as I stated:

    I wish Aba and Itch all the luck with the new server. I've got them started off with all the maps and what not, but I can't spend much more time on it.

  12. What agenda? You made it unwelcoming to OCR members. That simple.

    What? This is just a lie. The only people we HAD on the server were OCR members, or friends of OCR members. We welcomed OCR members with open arms.

    Abadoss and Itch plan on doing the same.

    Get your facts straight.

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