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Everything posted by Troyificus

  1. Oooooooh that is just begging to be converted to METAL
  2. It's a shame this hasn't been more popular this time around, it's just unfortunate that the new Final Fantasy compo started at the same time. Maybe there should be a sticky thread on this forum that lists when people are planning to run compos so we don't get this kind of overlap.
  3. Well done liquidwind, I really liked your entry Looking forward to the next round!
  4. Aaaaah I loved this game! Ridiculously bloody in places, especially for when it was released. I'd be interested in taking on a mix if I can find a source that I like the sound of, would you be interested in having me? Soundcloud link is in the sig
  5. Voted! But it's a secret who I voted for
  6. Hello chaps, it's been a very long time since I posted anything in the workshop so I'm hoping this goes down well. This source is from the latest PRC and I had a lot of fun with it. I'm looking for qualitative comments and suggestions on improvement. I'm not naive enough to expect this to be submitted as a mix, however if it was possible... *EDIT* Added source track and putting up for Mod Review Source: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mvf6y1575t4a1gv/Purge%20the%20Xeno.mp3
  7. Congrats you two! Looking forward to the double-source round Even though it didn't do too well here I really like my track, I may actually run it through the workshop to see if anyone has any advice on making it better.
  8. Entry made, mainly because I didn't want to see Hobo cry
  9. OK; now might be the time to extend the deadline
  10. Voted! Both Showroom-Dummy and Esperado had awesome tracks (and Evktalo of course!) which were very difficult to choose between.
  11. Just for the record; this track is 9/8, 12/8, 9/8, 12/8 and 9/8 again. According to my DAW anyway
  12. evktalo; why is yours a bonus mix? You didn't win last round 0_o
  13. Subbed! Y'know; after watching the 50th anniversary Doctor Who episode I almost incorporated the theme tune from that into this. Didn't quite work out sadly.
  14. Scottish is... open to interpretation most of the time, usually by the Scots themselves You've still got just under 5 days dude; don't worry about extensions until you've got no mixes in on the eve of the deadline
  15. Well I should have something to submit so I'd like some competition please
  16. Wow, no love for this track? Awesome is too soft a word for it!
  17. Subbed! Even though I'm not happy with the track itself I have actually learnt something thanks to DusK. I was able to transcribe a good portion of his source into MIDI format which is something that I've never been able to do before (as MindWanderer will probably attest to after our stint in the Remix Gauntlet ) So with that in mind this round has been huge success! Yay!
  18. OK time for some panic-mixing then. Incidentally; all guitar VST's sound like crap so my track is going to start with the guitar that was able to record for me then inexplicably jump to violin and other stringed instruments
  19. Well fuck, I've completely ballsed this up now. I thought I had another 2 hours to go but it seems I've actually missed the deadline. Timezones really mess me up. I'm really sorry guys, I know Esperado didn't want to win by default.
  20. Ummmmm ok so there's been a few problems at this end. Due to confusion regarding timescales and timezones DusK is unable to record bitchin' guitar tracks for me, so I'm going to be falling back on vst's and the like. With this and my lack of time issues my track is going to be... lacking. I shall still submit it in whatever state it ends up in, however I think it's a forgone conclusion as to who the winner is going to be
  21. Och aye! Thes has got an stoat Scottish soond tae it! if Ah gie time efter daein' mah remixin' wi' th' stars entry Ah micht hae a gang at thes a wee body.
  22. Sadly my 'all' was given to my place of work who offered me extrat work for extra money. Instead of valiantly standing up and saying 'NO*insert name of workplace here* I will NOT be taking your offer of more work for I have a REMIX to complete for the good fellows at OCRemix.com' I instead turned around and said 'Yes please sir can I have some more and please try not to get any in my eye this time.' GOD DAMMIT I'M NOT MADE OF STONE. In other news; holy shit Hakstock your remix is AMAZING. I'm actually a little happier in the fact that even working flat out for a week I never would have come up with anything as good as that.
  23. Awesome sigs! The qualitative content of my mix is questionable so I'd say it's a foregone conclusion that Hakstock is through to the next round. I remain philosophical about the whole thing.
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