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Everything posted by Troyificus

  1. Thanks to everyone who's given me a review so far; getting a lot more positivity than I though I would to be honest. I had a lot of ideas lined up for my round but sadly some kind of flu type virus had other ideas for me *sigh*
  2. Hey guys, I've been really ill this week (I assume. It's also possible that someone slipped me some bad acid instead) so my entry is really just there so I don't feel bad about not submitting an entry. It's really bad. Many apologies.
  3. Don't worry! I'll start posting up my favourite cat memes shortly. That I've sorted into alphabetical folders. By breed of cat :
  4. Hey HoboKa! Congrats on become a posted remixer! I've been missing the PRC a lot recently I keep checking the sources and thinking of awesome things to do with them (well ok, maybe not that awesome...) but then I remember that I'm busy panicking about the WCRG heh
  5. Damn, that sucks. Is there anything that can be done for them Darke?
  6. It's entire possible that I may be paraphrasing Churchill's Speech for my next track. That doesn't break any rules does it?
  7. Holy hell, has anyone seen this before? Pure Awesome
  8. I thought you sounded rather like Chester Bennington in your track, nice work!
  9. Argh! No pressure then eh? ;) Don't get your hopes up to high, I've a) never done anything even remotely like this before, B) no live instruments are being used and c) my string samples ain't all that. So apart from that I'm sure it'll blow your mind maaaaan!

  10. I would advise skipping over my track this round then
  11. I'm attempting a symphonic metal track. Results may vary.
  12. Ok, so if 6pm EST is 11pm GMT, that makes 11pm EST 4am GMT. I think I might be missing that one as well guys
  13. I've had a few impromptu MMA matches with a good friend of mine, we're currently at 3-3 in terms of wins He's very much into MMA but I've never seen a match, however I did used to watch a lot of WWF/WWE when I was younger, so while he was going for arm-bars I was trying for German suplexes ha ha.
  14. Holy shazab Jakesnke17; were you possessed by the spirit of Vince DiCola while making your track or what? Excellent tracks from everyone this week. If I were able I would do a detailed breakdown review but sadly old Father Time has deemed that I should forever have slightly less hours in the day then everyone else on the planet (at least that's what it feels like). Can't wait to see what next weeks source(s?) is/are going to be!
  15. Yup, that one's going straight on the MP3 player Ridiculously cheerful track!
  16. Vince DiCola's score for the 1986 Transformers movie!
  17. I don't know for sure, but I think I might be the only person in this competition on this side of the world. Could anyone else from around here sound off so I can see if Shadow's idea is worth doing?
  18. Yeah well, 9PM your time is 2AM my time, which is a tiny bit late for me don'tcherknow.
  19. OK Mr Sword (if that IS your real name), where are we in the narrative at the moment? Robot Masters are on the Moon and just get attacked by the Stardroids out of the blue?
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