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Ivan Hakštok

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Everything posted by Ivan Hakštok

  1. Eh I'd let you have it because Basch's theme is also cool but I'll let the coin toss decide this one
  2. 8 groups of 3, people from each group go vs each other, winners of each group go to the quarterfinals? That's how I'd do it That would take 6 weeks for groups, 2 weeks for quarterfinals, 2 weeks for semifinals, 1 week for final, 11 weeks... maybe a little too much? The alternative with seeded competitors (8 seeded ones go into 1/8th finals, 16 others have a play-off) would take 9 weeks.
  3. I don't know, all past DoD threads were in Community I think. But I guess if mods think it belongs in the Competitions subforum, they can move it there.
  4. Feel free to suggest it in this thread: http://dwellingofduels.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=231
  5. Looks like only the first game is the focus of the month, not the whole series Still, some great music there!
  6. Following the insanely great 10th anniversary month, here's a new theme from a game with great music! It's.... Blaster Master Month! In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Blaster Master (boy, there sure are lots of anniversaries this year ) Songs are due: Nov 26, 15:00 PM EST Send your songs to dodsongs@gmail.com If you don't know what DoD is, well where the hell have you been! Read this: http://dwellingofduels.net/index.php?limitstart=4 Get to work, guys and gals, I already started recording my entry!
  7. Heyo people, this was my entry for the Dwelling of Duels 10th anniversary, and I'd like to get as much feedback on it as possible before submitting it to OCR: Youtube link: mp3 link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/93696675/little_town.mp3 Sources: Chrono Cross - Arni Village: Chrono Trigger - To Good Friends: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vip39G2ig-8
  8. Results are in!!!! Congrats to everyone for making awesome songs! Harmsing totally deserved the win, and it was good to hear awesome stuff from people who entered DoD for the first time. I hope the listeners enjoyed my two songs
  9. Gonna finish mine this weekend (hopefully).
  10. There are 54 main songs and 8 alts. I think that beats the record for the largest DoD Here are the songs: http://dwellingofduels.net/duel.php?dir=13-09-DoD_Anniversary&month=Free&img=13-09-DoD_Anniversary
  11. I'm very familiar with Dajil and this song was indeed inspired by Creid (I listen to the album almost daily) but I'm not trying to sound exactly like Mitsuda. Songs on Creid are much more dynamic and energetic than this one in writing, not only production. Anyway, I don't think I ever posted the completed song so here you go: https://soundcloud.com/haki-1/time-changes I'm not planning on submitting this as it is my first attempt at this genre, maybe I'll redo it from scratch in the future. We'll see.
  12. Yeah, voters can be people who entered or those who have 20 posts on theshizz or the dwelling of duels forum: http://dwellingofduels.net/forum/index.php There's a voting application where you can rank each song song terrible, bad, below average, average, above average, good or incredible. Then you send those votes to the guy(s) in charge. But I have to say, DoD is not about winning. It's about making awesome music on live instruments. Everyone who enters is a winner.
  13. Deadline is getting close! I hope you're all working on your entries!
  14. Does celtic metal with some menacing choir parts fall into the specified genres? Because that's what I got so far I'll send you a 2-minute WIP this evening so you can hear it
  15. Hey, if you want to take something composed by Mitsuda that's not XG, why not this:
  16. I'll do whatever you directors say as long as I get to increase my Mitsuda remixes count But yeah, like I said, I had ideas for both Deus and Dragon God, so I'm ok with me and Zoltan taking on different games.
  17. Man, I'm totally up for it! All there's left is for the project directors to agree
  18. I actually wanted to do a remix of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87Kl613iJ2A Maybe two remixes from the same game are allowed. If not I think I'll try to do Dragon God from Chrono Cross
  19. I've been thinking about tackling Dragon God from Chrono Cross or Deus from Xenogears for a while now... I'll try to provide a WIP for one of them as soon as possible
  20. I enjoyed making my entry so much that I'm finding it really hard to keep it hidden xD I doubt it will even be in top half but it's a song I've wanted to make for a pretty long time
  21. I finally had some ideas and I made a quick WIP for TTT2, I could send it to you in an hour or so if you want
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