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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. There's a download link on the storage page I linked to in the first post. Hm, I doubt I want to go for a Western theme. I (and this is rather embarrassing) am not exactly sure what signifies dubstep as a genre. I think my preference would actually be to use a clean guitar for the lead if at all possible, since that's just... the instrument for Cortex's theme. Sample quality is definitely something I need to fix in all my songs. I just don't have a library to speak of yet. It'll grow in time, I'm sure. Sound design is another thing I have no experience whatsoever with.
  2. Can you recommend a good lead that still keeps the spirit of the source?
  3. Rexy's mix of the theme from The Great Hall inspired me to try my hand at a Crash remix of my own. I've been putting quite a bit of work into this, since this series was a massive part of my childhood. Nostalgia is a good motivator, it seems. Anyway, here it is. (Source is )It's still very much a WIP, so good advice is especially appreciated. Also, did anyone like the title? I thought it was pretty good.
  4. You are forgetting in the gameI mean Seriously WHY?
  5. On... the... next... Nintendo console? FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU - If this actually does turn out to be a new Metroid game, I'm going to have to buy it.
  6. I guess my only real gripe would be that for some parts in the middle, I didn't really recognize it as Crash Bandicoot music. But keep in mind that I tend to like more conservative arrangements, so it's probably just a matter of preference. And none of it is badly done.
  7. When I haven't just spent my gaming money on their new handheld.
  8. I don't know if I'm unexcited, per se, but I do think it's way too soon for another console. People aren't made of money, for goodness' sake.
  9. I just break the bank to buy their new handheld and this is how they repay me? I don't have the money to keep up! D: And good grief, the Wii is just starting to hit its stride for the "hardcore" audience.
  10. Yes yes yessss Go go goooooo "Rac Shuffle" "Strut" "Jungle"
  11. I think he was kidding. I hope.
  12. I highly approve of this.
  13. Hopefully we'll get some sort of warning before a storm, then, so people out exploring will have time to throw up a quick shelter. Hopefully rain won't put out torches so safe zones the player has established won't become UNsafe every time it starts raining. Hopefully torches will still stop hostiles from spawning during a storm like they do at night.
  14. I was skeptical in the first minute or so, but that's actually pretty neat and has lots of potential uses for drawbridges and floodgates and stuff.
  15. What, exactly, is the Piston mod? I've heard of it in passing before, but it always seemed like something that's rather... off-beat to be put in the official package.
  16. This. "The Other Promise" is a major contributing factor to my interest in music.
  17. Also, if a game requires me to do multiplayer/online stuff in order to 100% it, I find that I'm much less likely to want to 100% it.
  18. I'm extremely obsessive about 100%ing my games. I have to find a game extremely boring (or at least find its 100%ing process extremely boring) before I'll even consider not fully completing everything in it.
  19. I've recently finished my own texture pack. Anyone wanna help me test it? Anyway, it's basically an attempt at a more cartoony look, with brighter colors (and a few changes the objects' shapes here and there, but it's mostly a recolor) - as such, the textures are deliberately over-saturated, so if that's not your thing you probably won't like it. Works really well with the .Also note that it needs to be installed with a patcher for all the changes to be implemented.
  20. I originally just had the Green Brinstar part at the bassline but then I got to thinking that I could put in more of that song and have it fit well with the other source. I've turned that part up as much as I can without having it overwhelm the rest of the song. Could it use a stronger pad, maybe?
  21. I remember teleportations being really broken in Budokai 3, where they were introduced, since any character with a higher baseline Ki was usually guaranteed to emerge the victor in a teleport scuffle. And characters with transformations were broken because their baseline Ki increased instead of gradually draining, as in the previous two titles.
  22. You weren't kidding when you said it was liberal. It sounds really cool, but I don't really hear more than a faint hint of the source. I still like it, though.
  23. Yeah, I've heard that the spawn-reset still doesn't work.
  24. The "Rock the Dragon" cover made me :3 The fact that I don't have a job or much money made me D:
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