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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. Oh, I didn't mean to say that this is only in FL. This is with any and all audio that goes through my 'phones, from any application. It's just that I can just use my earbuds for most of it but would love the use of my good headphones for music production.
  2. Especially addressed to people who might be familiar with AKG K240 'phones: Fairly recently (a few weeks back, while working on music) I noticed that the sound from my headphones seemed a bit odd. I didn't try too hard at the time to put my finger on it since I was still in school at the time, but now that I'm off for the summer, I decided to look more into it. Cursory experimentation in FL Studio reveals that the headphones don't properly play things in the "center" area of the stereo field. Panning hard to the left or right makes it play at full volume but equal left and right amounts - whether centered on one channel or all the way left and right on two respective channels - drastically mutes the sound. The closer to center the more muted. Additionally, some reverb seems to be accentuated in whatever music/sound is playing, although this might just be the lack of a full mix playing that's making the existing reverb in the audio more noticeable. Would anyone happen to know what my problem is here? My friend Google says it's not a very common issue. Time to get a new cord? New (*gulp*) headphones altogether? Anyway, some help would be much appreciated.
  3. Good stuff. The only thing I'm not a fan of here is the synth that comes in at 0:25, and is used again later for Cortex's leitmotif. Just seems really jarring compared to the rest of it, I guess. Everything else is great, though. Puttin' the laugh in at the beginning was a nice touch. Also, you get points from me for remixing a theme from the Crash Bandicoot series, which desperately needs more love.
  4. Gotta admit, I wasn't expecting something so mellow for a remix of the Rundas battle music. But you seem to have pulled it off very nicely. I particularly liked where it picked up at 1:50. What kind of bugs me about it is that it calms down a bit too soon for my tastes. The climax was great, but short-lived. But, yeah, I really like this. Great job.
  5. Tomba! needs a comeback. Up until recently, I would've also mentioned Rayman, but that series seems to be headed back in the right direction with Origins.
  6. Wow. Dissonance. I would like everything much better if the notes were... I dunno, "prettier" (mind you, that has a lot to do with my preference for more pleasant music in general)? Also, I wouldn't count this as "conservative" by a long shot. I can definitely recognize the Traverse Town theme in there, though.
  7. No denying this. Sometimes it's really difficult for me to remember exactly why I'm playing piano in the first place. I really do love to play, and I enjoy that moment when I master a song, but I lack patience and it's been so long since I've taken the time to learn a piece that well.
  8. Actually, it may be part of the problem that I've never really gone after a specific style - just... piano in general, I guess.
  9. So, um, I was debating making a thread about it, but my question would seem to fall under the category of "learning instruments," so here I am. I've taken piano lessons since about age seven or eight (although there was a period of time where I didn't have any lessons for several months), but for the past year (and probably longer) I've felt that I've hit an impasse. It seems that my skill has not matured much at all for some time. Which isn't to say that I don't know why that is. I know exactly why - I haven't practiced nearly as much as I should, and I'm generally just impatient when I do practice. My question is this: how do I get the most out of my practice time? I've heard "play songs through at a crawl" before, which makes a certain amount of sense. My teacher swore by playing the right and left hands in a song separately, although that never seemed to do much for me. Can anyone recommend ways to exercise my fingers and develop better coordination? I saw Ectogemia point out that sheet music might be a hindrance rather than a help; is it time I stopped using it? Or am I over-thinking all of this and do I just need to buckle down and play something as the best way to improve?
  10. I really like what you've got so far. The only real issue I have is that the percussion gets a bit overwhelming because it seems to stay at the same volume throughout and doesn't always match the volume of the rest of the instruments.
  11. This stuff is so far beyond my realm of expertise I don't even know. That said, it sounds better than ever.
  12. Rest assured that you're not the only one who wants a Crash remix on the site. ...you're just seemingly the only one with the talent and drive to get one there. :^|
  13. What does Minecart Mania do?
  14. This may have been brought up before, so forgive my poor memory and my being too lazy to search the thread, but... ...what mods are being run on the server, or is it Vanilla? Are hostile mobs turned on? What is and isn't allowed in terms of PvP?
  15. Actually, its Wikipedia article says it's getting released on the European PlayStation Store. I gladly stand corrected if this is true. Anyway, I was under the impression that since WPC went under, the owner of the rights to the game has been in question.
  16. Tomba! is to Sony what EarthBound is to Nintendo. That is: wacky, off-beat, incredibly fun, a sales flop, and never going to be re-released due to legal issues.
  17. Can't really blame him to be honest. Whenever I'm down in a mine, I always have a bucket of water on hand for lava emergencies.
  18. Water can't be placed in the Nether.
  19. First: wow, that Portal sucks. I didn't think that was possible. Second: why would you take a diamond pickaxe into the Nether? Netherrack mining is lightning fast with as little as stone. Actually a cheap pickaxe and a Flint and Steel - and maybe a couple of buckets, if you want lava - are all you need.
  20. ...until it strikes a Creeper. Then you're screwed.
  21. Turtle


    As in, the original Rayman. Before the reboot of questionable quality, before the Rabbid crap, before the slapstick of Rayman 3, and before the epic Rayman 2, there was this quirky, fun, and fiendishly difficult platformer set in a world where arms and legs don't exist. (a few samples from the huge selection of awesome songs to be heard).Yet there is a disturbing lack of Rayman remixes on OCR.
  22. I have "Want You Gone" stuck in my head and can't get it out. Not that that's a bad thing.
  23. Mmmm, chocolate.
  24. I keep hearing great things about GX, but have never played it, or any other F-Zero title.
  25. I've never visited the recruitment forums before - I was under the impression they were for something else entirely...? I guess I'll have to check them out now. Thanks for the input, fellas!
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