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Everything posted by Turtle

  1. "Kindred." So much. :3
  2. This is some good stuff. "Atlantis" reminds me of something one might hear while playing Minecraft.
  3. This. Perhaps you could listen and give some thoughts: -How do the instruments sound? Good? Bad? Any suggestions for additions, subtractions, or replacements? -Is the tempo too fast for a "sneaky" song? -What does the scouter say about its power level?
  4. Pretty good listen. A nice look at the Uncharted soundtrack.
  5. I like it. It's got a nice and varied beat (which is harder to do than it sounds) and good melody and instruments. Nice.
  6. I'm perfectly willing to admit that I could be wrong. I was told this information by a person who doesn't generally spout rumors as fact, so... I dunno. Although if you compare last generation to this generation, it isn't too implausible to think that the PSP2 will be less affordable and have less battery life than its Nintendo-produced competition.
  7. My DS Lite works perfectly, other than a reduced battery life due to the sheer amount of use it's seen. I even dropped it on a tile floor once and it suffered nothing more than a couple of cracks on the outer casing. Of course, battery life is something that isn't quite as good with the 3DS. But compare it to the PSP2 or whatever they're going to call it, and it suddenly seems a lot longer. Same goes for the high price. I think Sony just shot themselves in the foot. Again.
  8. Great song. I love the melody. Always did have a soft spot for the harp. This song is a good example of why that is.
  9. Is it just me, or is there not a single new track in Final Mix that isn't amazing? I mean, Birth by Sleep already has what is arguably the best soundtrack of the series (which is saying something), but then it got even better with the (unfortunately, Japan-only) re-release. I wish I had a PSP.
  10. I'll probably pick one up at some point. Way too many good titles to ignore. New Paper Mario game, Kingdom Hearts: 3D, OoT... I'm hoping for a new Metroid title.
  11. I actually quite enjoyed Final Fantasy XIII. Not necessarily for the story or characters (though I didn't dislike those), but for its balanced difficulty. I didn't have to grind once! Well, not until Chapter 11. Then it got a little ridiculous. That's when I got turned off to the game and quit. I despise grinding.
  12. It's a little loud (I hope a Newgrounds link will suffice?). Made using Anvil Studio and FL Studio 9 Demo. It's not super awesome or anything. Just figured I'd post it here since it's my latest song. How'd I do, keeping in mind that I'm still using the default sound bank that came with Anvil?
  13. Hello, all. Name's Turtle. I've been writing music (both fan works and original stuff) for a few years now, but it's pretty rough. Part of the reason is the fact that I'm still using Anvil Studio as notation software (something to note about me - I'm ridiculously cheap). The other part is the fact that I'm still learning. In the interest of learning, I've decided I can't afford to ignore this site as a resource for growth. I can play the piano, for given definitions of the words "play" and "piano." Basically I'm quite lazy and while I could play intermediate or even advanced pieces if I put my mind to it and applied myself, I don't practice nearly enough. I'm working on doing that more. Some other things to know about me: I suck. I have self-esteem issues. I sometimes have a strange sense of humor. I'm a little shy and don't open up to people easily. Please don't take it personally. I have a passion for fictional works of any sort, usually video games; but also books, film, and television. I'm socially and politically conservative. I don't really plan on debating in this forum, but just for future reference... I'm a staunch believer in using proper grammar on the Internet. no txt spk pl0x
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