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Bagel Fuzzynuts

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  • Real Name
  • Location
    Fighting crime in a motherf'ing hazmat
  • Occupation
    yo momma

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Composition & Production Skills
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Female
    Vocals: Male
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Singing saw

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  1. This thread is still going? I'm not even mad, that's amazing.
  2. I got the spacebeam, yeah
  3. Haha, Lurch got way too excited about my dong. Glad to hear it still brings joy into the life of others (whom I've never met). And, the comeback tours line was good. I felt I needed to quote it. Thanks for all you do, in regards to the Love & Relationship thread. I know you've helped a lot of people over the years. All I've done is show pictures of my wang.
  4. That's harsh. Can we stop with the furry conversation in this thread? I think it has run its course.
  5. Unknown Hinson - Let's Talk American
  6. Go back to 1985 Don't come back.
  7. DJ Pretzel. Check out my album this fall.
  8. And what were you doing visiting my profile, bagel?

    I knew my ravishing good looks would entice you eventually.

  9. I had never seen that post. Wow.*
  10. This reminds me of Ron Paul taking the heat during the Republican debates for calling 'bullshit' on "They hate us for our freedom" and other republican sayings. Who knew that 'childish trash' (to borrow from mephisto) would act like enraged childish trash when their playground was destroyed, instead of fading quietly into the night. Surprise!
  11. Goddamn, that sounds like a shitty time.
  12. Holy shit, I didn't realize Xenophule was such a badass!
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