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Everything posted by SkyRiderX

  1. I should have a pretty solid WIP for my Naruto track soon!
  2. Well OCR Heroes just hit their first series and it was a very "SILLY" win that got us there.. Support leona with smite and jungle runes and smiteless jungle amumu with support runes...nuff said...
  3. Edit: Link broken...soundcloud going haywire on me..I'll try to get it working again. This thread can be deleted if it needs to be...
  4. I really feel its a lack of resources to do it mixed with song complexity. You can find Midi's and sheet music alot easier for older games than you can for new ones which means you have to remix the melody by ear and that can seem intimidating to remixers I think, especially new ones. On top of that songs nowadays already have a crap ton of layers to them and a fusion of multiple genres which makes it harder to think of new or interesting ways to remix songs. This is just my thought on this...
  5. @ Brushfire : No we don't atm. I have a few ideas and I was going to get one made for us soon. ATTENTION ALL OCR HEROERS - NEWS ABOUT TOURNAMENT!! IT'S BEEN CANCELED! So I finally got word back from the guy in charge of running the tournament. Apparently there was a major issue with a local gaming community that had a bit of a falling out...and they apparently had 4 teams that were supposed to compete and now aren't....so that brings the number of teams competing too low for the tournament to run... I'm sorry for getting your hopes up guys..if you guys want I can try to find another tournament down the line for us to join in?
  6. The MMR system is weird...I've heard of odd stories about it and the way it functions.. Also a huge apology for no being at tuesday's practice! Some urgent stuff came up and I spent the whole night on the phone and online dealing with stuff about my accident... Another note: Our tournament is supposed to be this saturday however I havent heard much about how many teams will show up or much at all for that matter so I'll try to inquire more and keep you guys posted.
  7. OCR Heroes had 3 straight amazing victories for ranked play tonight! We are almost at our first series for Silver 3 and may even skip a division or two if we're lucky xD Very well done guys! Amazing plays! We'll shortly have some top plays and highlights coming your way from brushfire so stay tuned for some sweet plays from yours truly and the rest of the skilled OCR Heroes team!
  8. Just a reminder!!! OCR Heroes will have ranked practice tonight at around 9pm EST. If you would like to join or want to stick around for in houses and such please feel free to shoot me a PM or message me in game!
  9. Yeah I'm sorry guys... I've been busy with alot since my accident and I'm still recovering from my concussion so I deemed it best to take a break from practice. I'll be there for saturday for sure!
  10. Sure. Just shoot me a PM with your summoner name and prefer role and champs!

  11. I'm taking him into bot as a support. I'm going to redefine passive laning xD
  12. Nasus was recently nerfed which sent him back into mid-tier champs. Riot HAD buffed his range on all abilities PLUS bonus range when ulting but they took all that away so now he's ok again but still scales well like he always has. @TheDerrit - If you want to join OCR's LoL team "OCR Heroes" please just shoot me a PM that you're interested and I'll help you from there. Thank you.
  13. If all those guys were plat and diamond then I think we did very well and that OCR Heroes can aim pretty high in terms of ranking xD We've got a solid team and more importantly we've got a team we enjoy being around and have good communication with.
  14. I agree with Zircon. I think next time we might try swapping and letting me stroll in the jungle a bit. If things dont work out so well I'll just stick to support. We're still getting comfortable in our roles so anything is up to change still xD
  15. We're ranked que and occasional tournaments. If anyone wants to sign up and join in just shoot me a PM or something!
  16. The official OCR LoL team "OCR Heroes" has made the community proud by going 2/3 out of our first 3 ranked placement games! There were some nice plays and some stressful moments but I think we're off to a good start.
  17. I'll see if I can get time to try my hand at this. This sounds like a fun idea!
  18. @relyanCe - I made an earlier post with a link to some of the details. You can search or I can discuss it all in a PM if you want. @Koriantor - Cool. Glad to have you. I'll be shooting everyone who showed interest a PM to confirm their roles, tournament details and availability.
  19. Due to popular demand they've changed the tournament to a 5v5 tournament so it's to time to call forth TEAM OCR!!! I think this is how the lanes would work: Team 1 ------ Mid- Kitty Jungle- SkyRiderX Adc- Zircon Support- K-wix Top- (Kitty)- open Team 2 ------- If more people want to join in..
  20. I usually main jungle and I made it up to Gold II. @Zircon - That last game was crazy but fun! Some great plays we did as a duo xD
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