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Phonetic Hero

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Everything posted by Phonetic Hero

  1. Heh, I had originally planned to go along with the story, but after restarting I kinda had to roll with whatever was functional unfortunately Source pick this week RULES, can't wait to hear what people do with it
  2. What if I'm an active user of Guitar Center employees...?
  3. Chordally and melodically, it progresses very well, and I'm happy with it on that front because I'd been in a "oh let's just reuse this progression!" rut for a while. It's too close from when I finished to judge the rest of it objectively, but for now I'll say transitions were rough, instrumentation could've been expanded more, and there was more than one instance of copy/paste given time constraints. Some of the sections don't feel all that great together, but they COULD'VE worked; it wasn't a problem with the writing, just with the time I had for polishing (which was none). Interp was fun though and the soundscape is unique, if nothing else. Not bad for a 12 hour span of time though, which includes work and stuff I'm not really sure why I posted all that now that I think about it... bedtime
  4. In the last 25 hours, I have not slept, worked 2 shifts, AND wrote my entire remix, since I scrapped my shit and started over. If I can do all that in a day Brandon, surely you can write your track being short only one day
  5. Welp, my mix is ending up super weird. I was going to still try to go outside my comfort zone a little bit, but then when I got to the main lead writing it ended up going all chippy. It's still quite different, and... actually not half bad, considering the how late I got started. I'll also post the main chunk of the track I gave up on later, if anyone's interested EDIT: Shit I just realized I ended up reverting to the Gameboy version of Enker's theme, because I played Mega Man I like crazy when I was a kid and the main melody morphed back into that version. Oops
  6. Alrighty, made it home from work, let's see what I can do with 15 hours
  7. Balls, might have to abandon my current mix idea. I started it off with a bang, and I wanted to make it work so I clung to what I had, but it has gone absolutely nowhere. Time to scrap and cram?
  8. What's with this influx of people who can't take constructive criticism? If you just want people to pat your ass and tell you how good you are, don't put your tracks up in a workshop forum...
  9. I've had Finale since I was probably 13... but I didn't really do much with it. There'd be a couple weeks at a time every six months to a year or so where I'd write out like a quarter of a video game cover (MIDI rock! Yeah!) and then stop. I'd arranged a Super Metroid marching show opener when I was 18 for school, then dropped composition again for a while. I decided music was what I wanted to do with myself and got much more serious about it. I got FL Studio a couple years ago when I was 19. I'm 21 now
  10. I lafft Jeez, we're STILL on this? You'd think you guys had never played a Sega Genesis game before
  11. I was too for a while, but I started thinking of my track in terms of the WCRG narrative and it's actually helped me a lot. In my mind, Enker has tracked down Tengu Man and confronts him in the desert where a huge battle between them takes place. Now I'm having much more fun with it
  12. So anyway, tracks, how they comin'? I know at least Gario got an early start, which normally doesn't happen. I'm intrigued.
  13. God does nobody understand that the repetition was a joke? Lighten up guys
  14. Haha, seems like every time we're in the same round, you feel like you need a head start Shut your butt
  15. He tried to get me to watch a stream of it with him while I was at work over the weekend, haha
  16. Had myself a good laugh, I did shutupstep
  17. Fuck. Yes. You guys are dead. This week's source reveal is the biznizz
  18. Agreed, this is excellent. Loved that build during the last 1/3 or so
  19. Haha, I meant it more in the sense that voting in itself is a form of feedback, and that Brandon's reasons for not voting were dumb because it's not about the person voting, it's about the people you're voting for (or not voting for) But I agree, more reviews I'd be very ok with. Thanks for getting in there, rnn Also lol, forgot about that WWRR track
  20. I'm sure the mixers find the lack of feedback to be meaningless too
  21. I almost did too. It's pretty strange not having till the next batch are due, but I guess it's a bit of extra time to tally things up
  22. Thanks so much on both accounts :D :D

    I actually came across Groovin' on the Hilltop last night; it came up on my OCR playlist for the first time in probably a year haha. Thinking I might have to polish that one up, especially that little wimp of a snare :P

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