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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Honestly though, I've beaten 3 through 6, with 4 being my favorite personally. It wasn't so much a problem with MegaMan2, but the first game I think had some serious control issues. Simply put, he didn't jump far enough. Capcom would put that next platform you needed to get to at the absolute bleeding edge of your jump range, and sometimes beyond. So you had to invent workarounds to even continue playing the game. Nostalgia doesn't get in my way on this one, so I'm willing to call that bad design that detracts from the fun factor of the game.

  2. You know what? I say fuck Megaman. I suck so bad at those games, I can literally feel my e-peen shrink every time I boot one of them up. Little blue bastard, I swear he blows up spontaneously just to piss me off.

    I'm from the SNES generation. MegaMan X represent. That's one of my favorite games of all time. Oh and it's mad easy so I can feel like I kick ass when I play it. At least it's mad easy after 35 playthroughs.

  3. I doubt that the all the backstory of FF7 was as fleshed out in 1997 as it is now. So to answer the initial question, I would say no, in 97 they didn't plan for Crisis Core.

    However, because of the nature of the story in FF7, there were many, many places to plug in an extra story tangent. You jump into the middle of an ongoing story, right from the beginning of the game. What's Cloud's story? That was FF7. You have this massive company dominating the entire world. How did they rise to power? There's Before Crisis. What about this Zack Kid he hung with back in the day? We only saw flashbacks of that in the game. There's Last Order and Crisis Core. What happens after Sephiroth is beaten? Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus.

    I don't think Square initially planned for the mind boggling popularity of FF7, but since it had far and away the most enigmatic (and hole filled) plot of any FF game ever, they unintentionally created a cash cow within a cash cow. You flesh out all those tangents as people demand to know more. Like RD said, they have a general idea of all the story, but they may not really clarify it until people really want it.

  4. Oh man, this site has been such a huge part of my life. Back in June 2002, I was all excited about Metroid Prime coming out that November. I was making a PowerPoint of all the screenshots, because I wanted to learn how to use PowerPoint too. I needed music. So I googled "Metroid MP3s" and this site popped up. I downloaded one mix, called Bluebase Incidental. It's not even posted here anymore if I remember correctly.

    At any rate, I was intimidated by the sheer amount of the music here, so I didn't come back for awhile. But in October 13th, 2002, I got bored and came back. I downloaded a mix by Dave called Sunken Suite, and fell in love. Since then, I've been to this site literally every single day, and I've downloaded every single mix posted since mid 2003. There's too many awesome memories to count, even though I've never met any of you. It's been a hell of a ride.

  5. I agree with Dave to an extent. It's very difficult to be as plugged in as Gray was and then simply disappear off the internet literally without leaving a trace. Furthermore, he's done it for YEARS now. His last forum login was August 2006. Unless he moved to Pennsylvania and became Amish, I don't understand how he could be so hard to get hold of. Furthermore, we never had any kind of indication that Gray was displeased with anyone here, or even that he wanted to cut ties with remixing and move on with his life. He just LEFT.

    What vaguely concerns me at this point is that from a medical standpoint, it's actually very common to see these kinds of situations when people develop very VERY deep depression. It strikes close for me, because I had a dear friend take her own life this Spring, and a month before it happened, she deleted every possible connection she had with the internet.

    I never knew Gray well at all, and I don't know if he was the type to be given to depression, and I also don't want to freak anyone out. It just sounds sadly familiar.

  6. You know, I was thinking about him the other day. I have never seen a man disappear so utterly and entirely, especially after being so involved in a community this huge. I wish he'd come back, he was the closest thing we had to a new age artist.

  7. Obviously the shape of the inside of the car will change the acoustics, but one of the biggest problems back in the day used to be that the door speakers were always placed such that your leg was always right in front of them while they were playing music. Kind of ruins the sound, blocking out a speaker with your leg. I've noticed more and more in newer cars that the speakers are placed towards the top of the door now, and even on crap stock systems it sounds much better.

    In other news, I won't even talk about my sound system. Or my car. I'll get back to you on that whole thing.

  8. So Cho Aniki on VC this week. I think I'll pass on that one. ITT let's alternate between talking about how fricking crazy Cho Aniki is and bitching because Nintendo can't seem to release anything decent for VC. If you're gonna import some obscure shit, how about a translation of Bahamut Lagoon?

  9. I love the amount of screen real estate it gives me without forcing me to turn anything off. But then again, it really doesn't have enough features for me. As usual, Opera trumps for offering a huge amount of options in a tight, well designed UI. I do like the idea of segregated tabs in memory, but they'll need to use less than 22 MB each before it really becomes viable, methinks.

  10. Looks potentially hot. I noticed they stole Speed Dial from Opera... and the thing literally has a porno mode. "You can go into 'incognito mode' and nothing from this tab will ever be logged toyour computer. *WINK*."

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