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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Well after looking around my room once, I'm selling:

    - Complete WoW/Burning Crusade Disc Sets: $20.00 for each game.

    - Purple Gamecube (system only, no wires or controllers.): $40.00

    PM me if you're interested in any of the above and we'll talk pricing.

    Pics of any of the above available on request too.

  2. Oh god what.



    Well, the oldest SNES games were released in about 1991, and the batteries have a lifetime of 15 years before their stated expiration date. For example, when I cracked my SoM cart, the expiration date said 7/08, about a month before I bought it.

    Give or take a few months, a lot of gamesave batteries will be expiring soon, especially games like Super Mario World that were released early in the system's lifecycle. The good news is they aren't that hard to replace, and the batteries used in the carts are still readily available at Wal-Mart.

  3. I actually buy SNES and Genesis games on cartridge usually because I so prefer playing them with their original controller. Although I did have to crack My Secret of Mana cartridge after I got it and replace the save battery because the original expired. That'll probably be happening to a lot of SNES cartridges fairly soon.

  4. Wow. Today we get World of Goo, Cubello, Secret of Mana, and Super Street Fighter II: SCE.


    But perhaps most interesting to me is Secret of Mana. Aside from my extreme irritation that I finally caved and bought this on a cartridge for 40 bucks not even a month ago, it is a Square game. On virtual console. That likely means there will be MORE Square games on Virtual Console in the future. That makes me happy.

    I already Have SF2 on a Genesis cart, but I'll definitely picking up World of Goo. Aside from Animales De La Muerte, which looks like potentially the funniest game of ALL TIME, World of Goo is the WiiWare game I'm most excited about.

  5. I just love the idea of being in a squad and getting orders from a real general who can see the whole battlefield and make decisions on how to beat the enemy

    If you've played WoW Battlegrounds before, you know there's a problem in the execution of this though. BG's randomly assign a BG master who's supposed to instruct everyone else on the field. But all it really ever comes down to is everyone bitching about the uselessness of every class but their own, other people's mothers, the size of their genitalia, etc.

    In other words, if they were to have actual generals for these matches, I'd like to see an actual EARNED ranking system, perhaps based on the number of traditional RTS matches won, or better yet, based on the votes and ratings of people who have played with them before. If rank advancement was based on other people's opinions of your skills, it would give everyone an incentive to play well and cooperate, so everyone can advance.

  6. See, now I don't usually say much about companies being greedy. I mean, it's their money. But let's be honest. When I quit WoW a year ago, they'd just capped 10 million players. Figure 12 to 15 bucks a month for each of those accounts, and Blizzard rakes in around 150 MILLION a month on WoW alone. These people pay for the dev costs of a new game every month. They don't NEED to charge for anything to make it financially viable. Outside of MAYBE Electronic Arts, they are probably the single most financially successful 3rd party game studio in the world.

    That said, it's their properties, their games, and if they wanna charge monthly fees for their goods, they can go right ahead and do it, it's a free country. I'm not sure I'll pay for it, but they can do it.

    Now if they mix it up crazy and make a kind of WoW/Starcraft mixup where a ton of players get together and each control a separate unit on an entire battlefield a la WoW Battlegrounds, then hell yes I'm paying for it. I really have a hunch we'll see something like that with the new SC multiplayer too. WoW style battleground matches are far to popular to ignore that formula.

  7. So basically I was right. I for one am quite excited about having a whole game for each race. One of the things I didn't like about the original Starcraft, and there wasn't much to NOT like, is that I just didn't get enough time to spend with each race.

    Each SC race already has a kind of meta-game if you will, that made each race vastly different to play, more than any other RTS I've ever played. If you even look at WarCraft III, each race played more or less the same. There were balancing differences, yeah, but not huge amounts of difference for each race. What Blizzard did in StarCraft, and I think one of the reasons for its enduring popularity, is practically give you 3 different games depending on which games you played.

    For example, Terrans are the only ones that can deliberately repair their buildings. That gave you a distinct advantage with them. I'm sure the repair/upgrade/survive component of the Terrans will be a large part of the Terran game.

    The Zerg, on the other hand, operate on the idea of cheap, disposable units and buildings and massive overwhelming swarms to get the job done. You have to work with them in a totally different way to get the job done. I'm not sure how 'diplomacy' will be worked into a Zerg campaign, or if their idea of 'diplomacy' involves blocking out whatever sun they're orbiting with a 500 strong swarm of guardians, but we'll find out.

    At any rate, I love the idea of fully separating each race to expand on the differences they already had.


    the Overlords shit creep.

    SEE? CREEP SHITTING OVERLORDS!!! How could you NOT want this?

  8. I don't suppose I really have any issue with it if each game has as many missions as the original Starcraft. I know as far as single player went, I vastly preferred playing Terrans and Zerg to Protoss in the original Starcraft, and I'm all about having a CRAPLOAD of missions for both. I think what probably happened is that Blizzard has gotten used to making massive, sweeping, epic stories over the years, and it would've been too much of a cram to pack them all into one game.

    In a sense, what this could do for multiplayer would be quite interesting. There are people who play ONE race and one race alone in multiplayer, and have for over a decade. You now have an entire game dedicated to each race. What better way to hone your skills with that race? By making each game separate, Blizzard has the ability to modify the structure of EVERYTHING to be tailor made for that race. Not that they'll change the engine or anything, but I expect the Terran game will be different from the Zerg game will be different from the Protoss game in perhaps more than looks.

    So will I pay for all 3? Heck yes, as soon as I pay for the new rig I'm putting together in 09 just to play Starcraft II.

  9. Well I can't say I overtly appreciate a gigantic red SAUCED logo in my text editing box when I make a forum post, but I'm pretty sure that might be a code mistake anyhow. My real question is, how do I go about loading this stylesheet in Opera. I read on the Opera Wiki that any userstyles.org stylesheet can be made to work with Opera if you, quote, "remove the Mozilla bits at the top and the bottom." Problem is, I don't know what the Mozilla bits are.

    Then the only other question I have is, can I change the ridiculous SAUCED logo in the upper left of the page to something a bit... i dunno... less obnoxious?

  10. I think the biggest problem people are having is this: Nintendo announced an UPDATE for the DS. UPDATE has historically meant MOVING FORWARD. But it has LESS battery life, it still only has one touch screen, and it has LESS support for games, and not just the last generation's games, but there are actual DS games that connot be played on a DS at this point because of it! I don't care what updates you want to release, if you release a new version of a game system, I better by God not have to stick with an earlier version to play all my games! They did it with the GBA too.

    What amazes me is simply Nintendo's consistent business model of slowly screwing all their customers with each further update of their systems, and then they pull out a 'new' system that simply does everything they promised the LAST one would do, and people bow at their feet and call them gods.

    Now I grant that DS and Wii had truly revolutionary features that made them different from the last generation. But what Nintendo does is leave things OUT that current gen consoles have had for YEARS, and then they put the LAST generation's tech in the NEXT generation, along with a cool NEW feature, and watch the money roll in. The Wii doesn't even have DVD playback. The PS2 did. They could fix that with a firmware update for God's sake. The Wii's max resolution is 480p. Every other system currently on the market lives and breathes 1080p. The Wii's full storage capacity is 512 megs. My first computer, built in 1996, had a 1.6 gig hard drive. Nintendo does not revolutionize anything. They develop one cool thing to hang their hats off of, then they screw you over everything else while you're looking the other way.

    I'm indifferent to it at this point because I rarely game anymore, but it's really kinda sad to watch the fanbase buy into this milking of the cash cow EVERY TIME.

  11. What? No one has posted that video of the annoying guy ranting about Kingdom Hearts?

    Good. It's not that funny and it's been done to death.

    I never got into the series... seems kind of "meh" in a lot of ways.

    Nice music though. Was Simple and Clean made for the game or before?

    The one where he compares KH2 to Resident Evil 4? Because that video was unbelievably hilarious.

    And yes, Simple and Clean was written for the game, alothough I'm proud to say I totally forget who did it. My years of nerd may finally be wearing off.

  12. More extraordinary than its original context in Beethoven's 9th? Regardless, I'ma go find this and listen to it -- I'm interested in hearing what they do with it.

    Well, speaking about Beethoven's 9th as a whole, I don't think there's been much music in the history of mankind that equals it. But TSO took the Ode to Joy and just gave it this extraordinary, raw POWER that just floors me every time I hear it. I almost think that if Beethoven had had electric guitars available, that's what HE would've done with it.

    Also of note is that at the beginning of that song, he really is playing the Flight of the Bumblebee on an electric guitar, like with his hands and stuff. Mind blowingly fast. I've watched him do it live, and it's just.... WOAH.

  13. A Last Illusion, from Trans-Siberian Orchestra, the last 3 minutes of the song. It's he most extraordinary rendition of the Ode to Joy I've ever heard. Also, What Child is This from the same band. Dave's mix Sunken Suite actually moved me to tears the first time I heard it. I never had any idea before hearing that song that people were DOING this with game music, music that I had so many great memories associated with.

    I have also been moved to tears by so called "Christian music," not specifically just because I'm a Christian, although that has a lot to do with it, but simply because it was beautiful music and it meant a lot to me.

    OH, and to top out the nerdometer, I totally teared up when I hear "Arrival at Earth" from the Transformers Score. When I saw the movie for the first time, I was utterly ignoring the actual movie. I had my eyes closed, totally locked into that piece of music. Beautiful.

  14. Well, the writeup mentioned absolutely nothing about FF7, but it was a source in the judge's decision, and listening to the mix, I can kinda hear it. Enough to let you off the hook anyways. You're a lucky man tonight David Lloyd. A very lucky man.

    Anyhow, I understand how it's more extensible to leave the screenies off the game listings. I just loves mah screenies, I've been here so long I can see a screen pop up on the front page and I know what the game is before reading the title. Granted that's probably because most of the screens ARE the title.

  15. OK, this looks AWESOME:


    My only question is, why do I get the pictures there if, for instance, I search for a remixer and click his name to see his mixes, but when I click a letter at the top of the page to browse the mixes, I still get this?:


    If I actually click the title of a game to view mixes for it, I'll get a screen next to each mix, but no screen for the game title in the lists. In other words, it looks like the screenies are implemented on the remix listing level, but not on the game listing level. It'd be helpful to have them there as well. And pretty.

    In other news, while gathering screenies for this post, I found what would seem to be a sort tag problem in the FF7 remixes:


    OK I'm done with my image heavy bitching now. Thanks Dave!

  16. While I would love wii controls for prime 1 and 2, remember: This is Nintendo. They're probably going to take the easy road, which IMO is fine by me.

    My only hope there is that Retro Studios actually has a LOT of creative control over the Prime games, and Retro half asses NOTHING. So I think if they remake the controls, they'll do a bang up job of it.

    That's not punishing early adopters, that's punishing people who never bought in despite knowing that eventually the slot would be removed. I bought a DS at launch and have had it since, and will get a DSi.

    That's quite possibly the silliest argument I've heard in weeks. Some people, like myself, haven't bought in because they can't afford it at the moment. But never have I heard a person say "You know, I'd buy it, but it just does too many cool things. I think I'll wait a few months until they take some of the cool features away, and pick up the one with less functionality."

    Your late adopters are waiting for the PRICE DROP. The ONLY thing removing the GBA slot does is reduce the size, and I have ALWAYS disagreed with removal of functionality in favor of miniaturization. Now I know there's ways around this, I'll go out probably quite soon and pick up a DS Lite for dirt cheap thanks to this thing. But i shouldn't have to go with the last generation because the NEW gen is missing something it had before.

  17. both metroid primes

    Metroid Prime 1 with Wii controls would be amazing. Like, you take the best game in the world, and then you mash it with the best controller in the world. It would retroactively make it like, the double best game in the world times infinity. I would likely shit myself.

    EDIT: As if anyone cared, I did wanna weigh in on the DSi. I'm EVENTUALLY gonna buy a DS, because I do love the system. But I totally won't buy it without a GBA slot. I like GBA games. A lot. My point is, Nintendo kinda screws new adopters doing this kinda stuff, even if it is late in the hardware cycle. It seems to me all they've really done with this announcement is REMOVE functionality from the DS, and offer a few downloads to replace it. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I don't actually own one and I haven't really tracked the hardware very hard.

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