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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Inspired by the how to sing thread... I would consider myself a good singer. Perhaps more importantly, other people would consider me a good singer. I like to sing a lot, and I know that occasionally people are looking for collabs with vocalists on the site. I'd be more than willing to try my hand at that, provided I have something decent to record with.

    So... in a home environment, what's a good/affordable mic to record with, and what other equipment would I need besides a really quiet room and a mic?

  2. Jill Goldin should be doing this, but a few tips from someone who sings a LOT:

    Sing with your diaphragm. Learn to control it, and control your breathing while you sing.

    Use your resonating cavities. You have three: Your chest, your mouth, and your nasal cavity. Understand that you won't necessarily use just one of those cavities in ALL your singing. You'll be able to feel by vibration where the notes are resonating. Singing from your chest will give you a powerful and deep sound, whereas singing from your mouth/nasal cavity while locking off some of the resonance from your chest will give you a higher, cleaner, crisper sound.

    It's important to find your range, and to practice compensating if you have to go out of it. My range is bass and baritone, and perhaps a little higher than the top end of baritone range. Obviously not all songs are written in those ranges, so you have to learn to change that. Occasionally I have to pop into falsetto to hit really high notes, which for me involves breathy, quieter singing almost entirely through my nasal cavity to hit those notes. For instance, most of Howie Day's 'Collide' is in my range, but I have to go to falsetto for the top end of the chorus.

    Then experiment with tones. Listen to other singers, and try to emulate the way they sound when you sing something. You'll find that for each different singer, there's a whole different set of tricks to maintain that sound, and what it eventually does is give you kind of a mental portfolio. So you can say, for instance, "I wanna sing this song kinda like James Hetfield does," or maybe "The sound I'm going for is roughly like Peter Shaw." Then you modulate your voice to fit that sound, and you eventually learn to pick and choose things from different singers and develop your own sound. I've developed that ability almost to the point of being scary... I can usually sound almost exactly like Hetfield or Shaw or whoever I want, unless it's a woman. For obvious reasons.

    The main thing is though, and mind you this is coming from someone who hasn't had vocal training since he was 7, Sing everything. Discover your range, and learn how to get into other ones, how to compensate to sing what you want. If you really wanna have fun, learn to harmonize. I adore singing, it's the only musical thing I'm fairly good at. Anyways, I hope some of that helps!

  3. I do too, but size efficiency is more important, I guess.

    True, but what I wonder is how important vertical economy of size is to people on a webpage. I mean, vert scrollbars are pretty much a way of life. We certainly all scroll through these forums enough. So if we could have screenies without increasing page width or cramming up the CSS stylesheet, would it be that bad?

    Honestly, I personally feel like a lot of the information we have as far as mixes and sorting now is TOO text heavy, and crammed too close together, which makes it very difficult to scan quickly. We've got a LOT of choices as to how to sort and view the mixes, but it's almost like there's TOO many different ways to do things. From a design perspective, I feel like a little bit of the visually artistic side of the site has given way to cold hard info that's difficult to see.

    Don't get me wrong Dave, I'd sell my soul to be able to code up a site like this. The above is really my only gripe.

  4. I wasn't one of the poor fools waiting for Super Mario RPG on VC because I have that shit on a cartridge, BOXED on my shelf. Not a pretty box, but that and DKC3 are the only 2 boxed SNES games I own.

    Looking over at my desk right now, I have, hooked up and ready to play:







    The gamecube is unhooked and sitting behind me in my closet, because the Wii plays those. Same with the PS1. I kept the PS2 because it's so damn hard to find a PS3 that plays PS2 games on the market and I have a suspicion they'll remove that ability via firmware update eventually anyways.

    I have:

    22 NES games

    12 SNES games (just bought Secret of Mana 3 weeks ago)

    18 Genesis Games

    23 N64 games

    30 Gamecube games

    Fuckton of PS1 games

    19 PS2 games

    I don't include Wii and PS3 games because they aren't retro. But yeah, I love my old systems. Ironically, the only systems I won't leave for my bros when I move out are the SNES and the N64.

  5. Yeah, new announcement from Nintendo on October 2nd-3rdish. Linkage.

    In this event, Nintendo announces their uberhuge 512 meg expansion hard drive, manufactured under exclusive contract with Sun Microsystems. Because it wouldn't be cool to be able to store all your shit on one drive.

    Let us speculate.

    Wait no, y'all speculate, I'll just make fun of Nintendo. Make sure you bash the games industry too so we can get John 'Wangless' Burnett in here to make imprecations from his pregnant widowskin chair.

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