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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Looks good, but it definitely needs more WC2 love. Another thing I'd like to know: On the WoW OST, track 2 is called "The Shaping of the World." That song is, in my opinion, the best song Blizzard has ever composed for any of their games. Don't ask me why, it just hit me that way. Thing is, it wasn't used in the game AT ALL. I've always wondered if anyone had any info on that. Was it composed just for the album, or what?

  2. Okay, this might be an odd question, but were there different difficulties of SoM depending on which version you had? Because I'm playing it again and frankly, I'm just destroying the game. I have tons of money (when I had flammie, I could upgrade everyone to Gold Town armor and now I just upgraded to the final armors and still had over 100k to spare.) I remember finding this game kinda hard, and well, now I don't even need to spam spells (even if it is fun to destroy a boss without stopping the onslaught of magic and mp absorb).

    No, there wasn't, but I'll bet you've done something this time you may have missed back in the day. Secret of Mana, more than ANY other RPG I've ever seen, required you to keep up with the best armor in the game in order to move forward. For example, the first time I beat the game a couple years ago, I got my ass handed to me by the snake in Matango. Several times. If he touched me, it did 200 damage. I was pissed because I had JUST upgraded my armor. Lo and behold, when I went through some other cities and looked very carefully, there was a complete armor upgrade for all my characters. As soon as I put it on, the hit damage dropped from 200 to either 20 or a block.

    Paying close attention to the armor upgrades, and reselling your old armor as you upgrade, will allow you to hand everything in that game its own ass and make tons of money.

  3. Personally, I think playing characters besides the Jedi could be quite compelling. I imagine some type of pilot class that's a mix of the engineer profession and the hunter class from WoW, where you can create and level your own machinery and brute force your way past any Force powers. I think it would be awesome. I'd be far more likely to play that than any Jedi.

    Thing is, the use of the Force in a videogame doesn't mean it has to be the be all end all of the entire universe. Because this is, y'know, FICTION, in a FICTIONAL universe, the force is subject to balancing just like every other attribute in the game. The power it holds in any situation is entirely up to the writers, cuz it ISN'T REAL.

  4. I believe it's a reference to the new manufacturing technique, which carves the MacBook's chassis out from one solid brick of aluminum.

    If you're serious about that, I must say it seems rather wasteful. I hope they melt down the leftovers and make new bricks?

  5. Glad Shariq chimed in. I did wanna clarify that I was simply being a dork above. I know it's not a deathchant. I was giggling at all the people that DO get their knickers in a twist over something like this. The actual e-mail from the message board was very tactful and appropriate, and while I still don't like the fact that release got pushed back, they couldn't have asked much nicer.

  6. Weirdness. Seems to me that people would appreciate hearing their holy text spreading around, however it might happen. Or maybe they're just sore cuz we're not supposed to know about the part where they kill everybody. Like if it said 'Allah makes me happy like a fluffy bunny' would it be OK? I dunno. On the other hand, there are militants who probably would pitch a fit over this. On the other other hand, it conveniently gives me a little more time to save up for the game before it comes out.

  7. I wouldn't say that sending out roughly 5 administrative emails a year is abuse of power. I also wouldn't say it because OC Remix is not a democracy that caters to your every whim. It's Dave's site, and we get to come here because he's a pretty cool guy like that. I've given you two options to permanently fix the problem.

    If you truly feel that strongly about the third, there's a site suggestions thread a little way up the page. You can go ask Dave to put an unsubscribe link in emails. If you ask nicely, he will probably either do it, or give you a very good reason why he hasn't already.

  8. I've never played up to the half-way point in the Terran campaign, and I'm still here :-D

    That's because it's like Foxdie. You don't KNOW when it'll get you. One of these days you could just be making an omelette, and all of a sudden you'll feel your heart start to flutter. You'll slowly crumple to the floor, clutching your chest. Minutes later, writhing in unimaginable agony, you will arch your back and scream your last scream, and as your final breath wrenches your soul from your chest and begins its final journey, you will whisper...

    Should... have finished... Starcraft...

    And then you'll die.

  9. I'm pretty certain that when you registered a forum account here, you agreed that you were OK with receiving emails from OC Remix. If you dislike recieving those emails, you can go to your user control panel, click edit options, and uncheck the box about recieving email from administrators. You'll never hear from them again. Or, since you have less than 50 posts in 7 years and you obviously aren't using it much, you can just close your forum account if you'd like.

    Next time, consider asking a question first before being angry about it.

  10. Oh Jesus H. Crispies, can't you just answer the fucking question without starting a discussion of semantics?!

    Post of the week. Not for what it was addressing, I've just never heard the Son of God called Jesus H. Crispies specifically.

    And I'm gonna have to actually go with C. I've always considered one hit deaths and time limits kind of a basic feature of platformers, so I just deal with them without complaint. As far as D, I've always thought there's no such thing as an unavoidable enemy or the game would by default be unbeatable.

    But seeing that fire flower and having no blessed way to get to it... MAN. IRRITATING. I suppose you could apply my logic for D to this and say they wouldn't actually put an unreachable powerup in the game. But lots of times you had to do something 5 levels back to be able to get it. Which makes them currently unreachable. So I'm pretty sure I have a logical reason for picking C.

  11. I send in a few Guardians in a staggered formation. Once your bunkers are gone, the marines will run straight into their icky yellow bullet things.

    Then you'll sen in some Wraiths, I'll send in Mutilisks, you'll send in Golis, I'll send in waves of Zerlings, you'll send in Ghosts or something, blah, blah, blah...

    Basically correct, except I never ever send in just one unit. I'd be far more likely to have those bunkers backed by an assload of air defense towers, 10 at the very least, along with the wraiths and Goliaths for air combat and Mutalisk management. Hopefully that would fend off the leading edge of most attacks. Then about 24 to 36 firebats to deal with the Zerglings and however many marines I could afford for whatever's left over. I also hardly ever use ghosts, I find them to be a terribly overrated unit.

  12. Also ugly. They are ugly and boring and play pretty generically.

    Insult the Terrans one more time. I will bunker hunker your ass into oblivion. 4 marines in a steel lined hole in the dirt, handing your ASS to you from the comfort of their own home. And two SCVs laughing at whatever you try to do while they repair all the damage. Ugly and boring and generic my ass.

  13. The Zerg are not yucky, the Zerg are legion, and they control your soul. So basically, Starcraft 2 has gone from one unbelievably massive and cumbersome game that they probably would have trimmed to keep the size down to 3 massive and awesome games that have free reign to fully explore each campaign the way Blizzard wanted.

    Honestly, look at it this way: If Blizzard had trimmed the campaigns to make Starcraft 2 workable as a single game, you would've ended up with two expansion packs anyways in order to finish out the original vision and story they had for the game. All they're really doing is being upfront about it and giving themselves creative room to breathe with each race.

    Your multiplayer is completely intact, in every version of the game. Your single player will be bigger, better executed and more robust due to the split. You will pay for whatever version you want, or you will pay for all three. Blizzard is not forcing you to do anything. Furthermore, they aren't doing anything different than what they've done with every other game they've ever released on PC: they announced the game and 2 expansion packs. For some reason the fact that they did it all at once is pissing people off. Don't ask me why.

  14. Well they're for sale all over eBay, so I think probably so. I'll check into it though.

    Nevermind, I was mistaken. You can transfer CD Keys, but only if it was purchased in the last 90 days. I could go into how faggoty it is to make games literally impossible to resell, but I won't. I guess someday I'll play TF2, when I've upgraded my darn computer.

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