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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Nah, that's a complete lie, and I dunno where you heard it from. As a panelist, lots of people hated Ari, but he was primarily responsible for the quality bar significantly going up, as well weeding out guidelines violations. I think his votes could have used more detail in a lot of cases, but that was the older days, and he usually gave his reasons. The whole time I was there, he wasn't biased in his decisions and never "refused to quantify" anything. In terms of speed, he was the most frequent voting judge on the panel before I joined. He did a lot to help the process, both in quality and speed.

    And there you have it, folks. The word of someone with a clue.

  2. My apologies, the bit about the judges panel was information I received from someone else years ago. My fault for not checking it out. Prot's negativity did, however, affect a lot of amateur mixers. There were doubtless quite a few that wanted to please him, and that was a fairly impossible thing to do. So, sorry for the misinformation.

    EDIT: Pardon me. After a review of the materials, It would seem he held up the judging process by simply being Ari and refusing to quantify precisely why he voted what he did on a mix. I''m sure there was more to it than that, and one of the judges would know much more about it than me. I am certain, however, that he was a dick.

  3. i didnt know you were a Virginia folk.

    757 Representin' my brutha. I'm from Suffolk.

    It's no different than the cuts of meat a butcher displays in the store.

    Yes, it is. Cuts of meat have a place in a butcher's store. The point here is that using a dead goat at a press conference is a lot like putting a pig on a spit at a black tie office party. It's inappropriate for that kind of gathering. I would say that having a decapitated goat on display is inappropriate in almost any setting. I don't give a shit who decapitated it. It's a goat, and his head is hanging by some tissues. That kind of thing is not appropriate for a media gathering.

    I guess my main issue is this: Gamers and game developers the world over want gaming to be recognized as a mainstream form of entertainment that has something to offer everyone. So why does one of those companies insist on keeping us in the stone age? This kind of one step forward, two steps back mentality is one of the biggest reasons people still treat gaming as a niche industry. Because niche industries often rely on shock tactics to get noticed, rather than the quality of their products. If gaming is ever going to get past the stereotype of horny, sweaty, deviant guys bathed in blood and screaming for another serving of flesh... We might wanna nix the topless women and dead goats at our press conferences guys. That reasoning is precisely why E3 put a chokehold on the booth babes a few years back. THAT, ladies and ladies, is my point.

  4. Children. Children, children, children. Gather round, and papa will tell you a story. Prot was basically banned from OC Remix in early 2005 for being a complete cocksneeze in every way possible. He held up the judging process by refusing to allow good mixes through and being nitpicky. He was and still is incredibly arrogant; he thinks he's the only person in the universe that can make a decent remix. He is also widely believed to have hacked VGMix's website, resulting in the complete destruction of their site, from which they still haven't recovered. So he was banned from here, and his dickly ways and means have lost him any respect he may have had in pretty much any online community anywhere.

    Overall, he's a cockless cock.

    And that, children, is where that old bastard got off to.

    G'night now.

  5. I was looking for UI mods for World of WarCraft today. I ran across an addon for sound or whatever and clicked on it. Thing is, I could care less for the sound addon, I wanna know what mod the guy's using for his chat/bags/map in this screenshot. Does anybody know? BTW, the arrows are his. Ignore them completely.


    It looks like it might be night elf specific or whatever, but I don't care. WE WANTS IT PRECIOUS!

  6. I've seen Sony do a lot of STUPID crap, but this is just over the top:

    Sony decapitates a goat at a press event to promote God of War II.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm a meataholic. I like dead animals as much as the next guy. But decapitating animals and using topless chicks to promote a game? That's simply depraved. I smell more Jack Thompson coming. So why does sony seem so determined to completely f*** themselves? First it was rootkits. Then they released the PSP with a design flaw and insisted that it was meant to be that way. (The square button caught on the edge of the screen on some units and couldn't be pressed down, for those who don't know.) Next up was simply the PRICE of the PS3, the most ungodly tag ever seen for a game system. Now this. I'm not a Sony fanboy, nor am I a Nintendo loyalist. If the system has a game I like, I play it. My question is, why would an old and previously reputable company like Sony allow things like this to be done under their logo? It's like they actually want to lose money. Craaaaaaazy stuff, man.

  7. Alright. I need a program that does something very specific. I need it to log exactly how much data has been downloaded over my network connection, and what time it was downloaded. I didn't figure that was too much to ask, but after a full day of Googling, it would seem it may be. If anybody can recommend me a program, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

  8. what the FUCK does Jack Thompson have to do with anything, and why the fuck are they interviewing him? I have friends at Virginia Tech, how about we fucking interview someone that's not a self-serving jackoff?! Words cannot describe how pissed I am at Fox for grabbing the interview he almost certainly offered to give. His vast knowledge of the subject will fucking clarify everything, I'm sure.

  9. Suzu, I think you'll be pleased to know that Lamentations just popped up as a new mix on my OC Remix RSS feed. Why the hell it did that is beyond me completely. But you got yours, my friend.

    Aaaah, April 1st. It's like weeding the garden. I wonder how many people permanently leave every year because they got pissed?

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