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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Correction about the djping - it's more like sliding your head back and forth, like how the Egyptians do it it.

    I thought about that one for a few minutes before I wrote it. It kind of depends on the angle of the picture, but as a general rule, if you placed the head in a box, it would go from an upper corner to the opposite lower corner. Like top left to bottom right. So it's really a back and forth up and down combo. It's scary that I thought about it this hard. But anyhow, The Coop has a scary deep page on the subject, so I figured I'd just point people in his direction.

  2. http://www.thecomputerparamedic.com/files/rc.iso

    I don't know if you've resolved this already or not, but that's a link to an ISO that contains just the Windows XP recovery console. Provided nothing else on your computer is screwed up, you should be able to boot to that CD. Just download the ISO and use and ISO burning program to make the CD. Remember you can't just copy the file to a disc. If you have a CD burning program installed you can probably just double click the file and it'll automatically start the write dialog. Once you get into the recovery console, log ontp the Windows partition and type 'fixmbr.' That'll rewrite the master boot record. Hope that helps.

  3. To save songs, click the download tab on the ReMix detail page, and then right click one of the three links and click save as. Save the file to somewhere on your computer.

    To add the song to iTunes, open iTunes, and in the file menu, click 'add file to library.' Navigate to wherever you saved the file, click it, and click open. It'll show up in your library.

    I'm very familiar with iTunes. If you need anything else, PM me and I'll be more than happy to clear it up.

  4. Also make sure that the PATA channel in the bios is actually turned on, because by default the dell bois is only set up for whats is in the machine when shipped.

    QFE. Also, make sure that you don't have both drives set up for cable select and then have the cable reversed. That's a common problem. I work computing support for over 3000 Dell computers at a lab and I can strongly confirm that their computers are faggotry free. It's fairly likely a BIOS setting is off, or the Motherboard might need a firmware update to accept the change.

  5. You mean you want to convert MP3 files with ID3v1 tags to ID3v2? You can use iTunes to do it. Just select whatever you want to convert, right click, and select convert ID3 tags. You can select what version you want and it'll rewrite them. Just download iTunes for free. I recommend using it to organize your music collection anyways, but I know there's certain people that refuse to use awesome software just to stick it to the man. I hope you're not one of them. :rolleyes: So yeah, anyhow, hope that helps.

  6. Hey everybody! I've been around OCR for 6 years, lurking like a shadow in the closet. One thing that really confused me when I started coming here was all the abbreviations people would post, and I often ended up going to Wikipedia to find out what the heck someone was saying. So I decided to make a post with a list of abbreviations commonly used on these forums, so you can find out what they mean. I'll start with just a few to get things moving, then add them as I find them.

    I've also decided to add links to information regarding the history of OC Remix. For example, if you hang around long enough, you'll hear people talking about the 350 dollar hat thread, the sidebar war, and bad tuna. The Coop, one of our most active forum members, keeps up an awesome site called OCR quirks that explains most if not all of this stuff, so make sure to check it out. (Here's the Link.)

    PLEASE NOTE: I'd love help from the forum members! If you have something you think should be added to the list, PM me and I'll tack it on, just so we can keep all the interesting stuff in the first post.

    MODS: if you find this useful enough to make it a sticky, go right ahead. We'll see how it goes.


    OC Remix Specific Abbreviations and their usage

    1. OCR (OC ReMix)

    What we usually call the site.

    2. DJP (DJ Pretzel)

    The username of our master and commander David Lloyd. It is said that this man once ate two 40 ounce steaks in an hour. He spent the first 45 minutes having sex with his waitress.

    DJP is also a verb around here. DJP'ing is bobbing your head forward and back. For further info, see the Coop's page on the subject at OCR Quirks.

    3. Nice Work & Nice Work Guy

    Used to let someone know they just did something awesome, almost always used with an image of the 'Nice Work Guy.' For more info on this handsome fellow, see the Coop's page at OCR quirks.

    4. ComDisc

    The Community Forum. We decided Comm was a shitty name and we didn't wanna be called Commies, so we came up with this.

    5. GenDisc

    The old name for the Community Forum.

    6. PPR

    The politics, philosophy and religion forum. Beware of trolls.

    7. UnMod

    The unmoderated forum. It doesn't exist anymore, but by God people still talk about it.

    8. OffTop

    The Off Topic forum. It doesn't exist yet at the time of this writing, but the abbreviation has already been invented.

    9. NWG (Nice Work Guy)

    An abbreviation for our resident smiling Mexicindian guy. What ethnicity is he anyways? I'm sure I don't know.

    10. RTS (Remix:ThaSauce)

    Originally started as an April Fool's joke, this actually became a legitimate remix site.

    11. RKO (Remix.Kwed.Org)

    A remix site dedicated specifically to Commodore 64 remixes.

    12. OLR (OverLooked ReMix)

    A site dedicated to deliberately bad mixes that have no chance of making it past DJP or the judges panel.

    13. CMC (Conceptual Music Competition)

    Copied from the topic: The CMC (Conceptual Music Competition) is designed so that each participant enters a piece of music based on a set theme. The participants take the theme and interpret it as they will to come up with something that fits. Any style can work, as long as it portrays a sense of what the theme is.

    14. PRC(People's ReMix Competition)

    Everyone has one week to remix a specific song from a specific game, with no limitations on style or production. The song for the week is chosen by the previous week's winner. Runs every week.

    15.ORC (Original ReMix Competition)

    Everyone has one week to remix an original made by the winner of the pervious week's ORC, with no limitations on style or production. Runs every week.

    16. FLMC (Fruity Loops Mix Competition)

    A Remix competition where each participant remixes either a specific song or a song from a specific game using only the default sounds that come with FruityLoops. FruityLoops is a music creation program.

    17. VOCR (Vocal Remixing Competition)

    A new mixing competition where each participant submits a mix with vocals. Where the songs come from is relatively unestablished at this point. More to come later.

    18. OCRM (OC Removed)

    A site that host remixes that were removed from OC Remix for one reason or another.


    Common Forum Abbreviations and Their Usage

    1. QFE (Quoted for Emphasis)

    This is usually used in conjunction with a quote of someone else's post, and used to imply agreement with whatever that person said. Basically, it means 'I couldn't have said it better myself.'

    2. FTW (For the Win)

    Usually used in a sentence with something else, such as an image or a user, i.e. 'Pixietricks FTW!' Another way of saying good job, that was funny, etc.

    3. FTL (For the Lose)

    The opposite of the above. Usually used in a sentence with something else, such as an image or a user, i.e. 'Pixietricks FTL!' Another way of saying that was awful, etc.

    4. NSFW (Not Safe for Work)

    Almost always used in the title of a thread to let people know that it contains something that could get you fired and/or go against corporate policy. Probably won't be seen as much anymore with unMod gone, but watch out for it.

    5. AFK (Away from Keyboard)

    Used often when someone has been tracking a live thread closely and then needs to leave for awhile. In other words it's a way of letting people know you're dropping out of a conversation for awhile.

    6. BUMP (Bring Up My Post?)

    Not really an acronym, but seen often. Bumps are used to keep a thread at the top of a forum page, because each response moves the thread title to the top of the page. So it's called 'bumping' a thread, and basically used to keep the thread in the public eye. EDIT: I have been informed that bump is also an acronym for 'Bring up my post.' I'm not sure how accurate that is, but if you choose to believe it I doubt it will have a strong effect on the rest of your life.

    7. Troll

    Again, not an acronym, but a term used for someone who deliberately posts messages to get angry responses out of people. You'll often see them posting on subjects of ethics with insanely twisted views, i.e. 'So what? He ate a little girl's brain. He was hungry. I would too.' The term comes from fishing, where you 'troll' for fish by dragging bait through the water.

    8. YHBT (You Have Been Trolled)

    Used to let someone know they've just bought into an obvious troll post by becoming angry and responding to it.

    9. IBTL (In Before the Lock)

    Actually not used very often on the OC Remix boards. People prefer to actually type it out here for some reason. IBTL is basically a game forum users play where they attempt to respond to a post they know will be locked by a moderator for one reason or another. Also a way of letting a forum user know they've broken the rules in one way or another.

    10. GTFO (Get the F*** Out)

    Used to let somebody know they've probably posted something entirely unnecessary and/or unwanted in a thread.

    11. OMG (Oh my God)

    Does it really need any explanation?

    12. OMFG (Oh my F***ing God)

    Same as before, but with more... feeling.

    11. ZOMG (Zoh My God)

    An intentional misspelling of Oh my God, usually used to make fun of people who use OMG and OMFG in their posts. Kind of a way of saying they're a drama king/queen.

    12. PM (Private Message)

    A messaging system used to communicate with other users without replying to a post. Present on every forum system I'm aware of.

    13. AFAIK (As Far as I Know)

    Means just that, it's abbreviated when people don't feel like typing it out.

    14. TL,DR (Too Long, Didn't Read)

    Used when someone's made a massive post, to let them know it needs to be shortened to get the main point across quicker, or that the user simply didn't care to bother reading it.

    15. RTFM (Read the F***ing manual)

    Used to let someone know the answer to their question can be found in the forum rules\stickies or the manual of whatever they were asking a question about. A term of irritation used to answer obvious, dumb questions.

    16. QFT (Quoted for Truth)

    Used with a quote, obviously, to let people know what the quote is true. A confirmation.

    17. STFU (Shut the F*** Up)

    A lazy insult, this is the primary weapon of a flamewar.

    18. ITT (In This Thread)

    Used when referencing something in the thread, obviously.

    19. IIRC (If I Recall Correctly)

    Just a way to save some typing time.

    20. BBQ (Bitch be Quiet)

    A secondary weapon of flamewars. Used more like a grenade than an automatic weapon such as STFU.

    21. WTF (What the F***)

    This one's so famous you find it printed on coffeemugs and t-shirts.

    22. IMHO (In My Humble Opinion)

    As mentioned by Pyrion further down, this is a fairly useless prefix to a post, since if you're making a post, we can be fairly certain we're about to get your opinion anyways.

    23. TTIUWP (This Thread is Useless Without Pics)

    Self-explanatory, but I think this one falls firmly into the realm of "It took me a hell of a lot longer to look the meaning of that abbreviation up on Wikipedia than it would've taken you to type it out in the first place abbreviations."

    24. LOL (Laughing Out Loud)

    Used when someone said something funny.

    25. ROFL (Rolling on Floor Laughing)

    Used when someone says something extremely funny.

    26. ROFLMAO (Rolling on Floor Laughing My Ass Off)

    Used when somebody posts a picture like this:


    27. TBH (To be Honest)

    Self explanatory.

    28. IDD (Indeed)

    Why? Just type the word.

    29. JEOMK (Just Ejaculated on My Keyboard)

    Did you really wanna know? I don't think you did.

    30. TMI (Too Much Information)

    Usually used right after something like the above is posted.

  7. How long have any of you been using the internet? Haven't ANY of you seen anything like this happen?

    1. having a vagina gives you massive power on the internet. If the notion "i could get laid some time in my future" is entertained, then the internet is once again introduced to a pseudo-chivalry.

    2. unmod is gone. the staff doesn't seem to really understand the logical reasons that anyone cares and i'm fairly certain that they simply don't want to.

    3. bitching will change nothing. Bringing back unmod would come off as an "i was wrong. i made a mistake. sorry." and the average person with a penis AND the internet won't do anything that could come off like that without ending it with a condescending "now don't you do it again" phrase and tone or something that'd be the equivalent of that.

    Were you born an asshole, or did someone teach you how?

  8. Umm.... no. As a site dedicated to video game remixes, OCR is a vastly impressive accomplishment, with a vibrant community of semi-sentient musicians, artists, and plain old human beings, with prices starting in the 300's. As a back alley cesspool where people come to troll, post porn, or start flamewars, I'm afraid it's rather lacking at this point. If you want that, I recommend going here, where the majority of unMod has gone anyways, and where I will continue to go when I feel like doing dirty deeds on the internet.

  9. It's been a hell of a week. In 5 years I don't think I've ever seen quite so much excitement here, except maybe the 350 dollar hat thread and the great sidebar war of '06. But seriously, as confusing as it is to sort out all the issues, UnMod needed to go. There was definitely fun to be had there, but overall the forum had almost nothing to do with OCR. I think its deletion bothers people simply because it was the redheaded stepchild we hid in the basement for so long that it felt right to have it there.

    But OCR isn't a site for posting porn, trolling, etc. And if Dave allows that to grow, we'll be just like the GameFAQs forums in a couple of years. Nobody wants that. Nobody. NO. BODY. I have been suprised by the amount of banned members and locked threads, and I'm not sure I agree with retrobanning in certain cases (i.e. You did something evil 4 years ago and now you're screwed), But truth be told, the mods have had a fairly good reason for every thread they've locked, consolidated, or moved. It's incredibly difficult for even a group of people to maintain order on a forum this active, especially because none of us like having our intarwebs stepped on. But the culling is necessary, because there's a huge amount of adbots, spambots, trollers, and generally mean people that simply detract from whatever thread they post in.

    Hopefully it'll settle down after the wheat is removed from the chaff, but it's gonna be hairy for awhile. But I think the mods are doing a good job. I also don't believe the judges are Nazis for that matter. Furthermore, the site belongs to Dave, and I say hooray for keeping the original vision in view. The timing of the deletion might've been (read: was) rather bad, but deleting a forum like that is never gonna be pretty So keep on keepin' on, shtymod/jdg/djpfgts.

  10. A Xanga post that I spit out some time ago. Had a hell of a lot of fun writing it.

    Yeah, I should write a book someday. It would be filled with things like "+20 enchanted swords of (almost but not quite) excessive sparkliness", and "Holy thrice Blessed mana encrusted earmuffs of complete and total protection from pretty much anything bad." The main character would be a gangly kid named Sedgewick. I would fly in the face of the whole worn out "orphan pig farmer discovers his true heritage and saves the world" thing as well. If you've played enough RPGs, you know exactly what I'm talking about. I find it ironic that time and cliche have made the orphan pig farmer, the proverbial unlikely hero, into the most obvious choice for the job. Give me a room full of brawny barbarians and blonde haired egotistical British men clad in shining steel and scantily clad women who happen to have claymores and one small inconsequential orphan pig farmer who is (bless his soul) only there for the food, and I tell you, I would know what to do. Like the climactic final moments of Indiana Jones' (purportedly) Last Crusade, I swipe away the jewel encrusted chalices of kings, meaningless trinkets, all of them, only to wrap my fingers around the carpenter's goblet. The honor of my sword rests on the shoulders of the orphan pig farmer.

    "Do you not see your folly?" scream my 'loyal subjects.' "He's the PIG BOY!"

    "I know." I say, as I lean back into my warm coat of burgundy dyed weasel skins, "And if you'll do me the honor of waiting 80 or so hours for the rest of the game to go by, we can all go outside and celebrate his inevitable victory by watching thousands of Japanese names scroll through the sky. Victory is assured, I tell you. But I warn you as well, it could be as many as 120 hours. It really depends on whether he's a side-quest type of orphan pig farmer or not." And with a low burp, I hunker down into my weasel skins and begin snoring fitfully, as my subjects look on in amazement.

    And hark! 92 hours, 37 minutes, 11 seconds, 78 levels, untold millions in profits and 7684 swords later, the credits roll, the universe is saved, and the 'orphan' pig farmer returns, having killed his evil father using aid from his mother who happened to be a goddess, riding a very nice horse of destiny, sporting a spiffing suit of spiky armor, and hauling a mammoth blade of justice and truth. Thank goodness we chose the right man to wrench closed the gaping doors of Oblivion.

    Oh silly me. I forgot the unfortunate beautiful girl he ran across shortly after reaching level 5. You know, the princess that ran away from her dull life at the castle to wander the wilderness looking for adventure. Well, she hit the inn a few miles out and ran out of money, So she's trying to find a Western Union to mooch off dad. Anyways, he found her and they hung out and of course they fell in love but she's the princess and he's the orphan pig boy so it could never work. Que sera sera says she, I love you all the more. That's all fine and dandy says he, but I could never give you the life you desire. Oh but you could says she, you manhunk you. I think if you get to around level 78 and get a horse and some spiky armor and a massive blade of justice and truth and wrench the gates of Oblivion closed and come riding back victorious, we might be able to make it work. So of course he does. The only thing about it that doesn't make any sense is that she's a magician. The princess is always a magician. No arguments. Couldn't she conjure up some clothing? Kinda sketchy, I think.

    You think I'm joking. Neal Foster is very likely laughing through the tears of hysteria and Eric Overmeyer, if he reads this, is nodding sagely, stroking his chin with one hand as he plays World of WarCraft with the other. Nay, ladies and gentlemen, I seek the higher path. In my story, the gangly kid has parents. Sedgewick knows exactly who his parents are. His father's a blacksmith and his mother's a baker, and he's actually their child, no extramarital strings attached, and he likes it, and there's not a single pig to be found for three fiefdoms around. He's a regular kid.

    Good lord, this is a masterpiece. I love it.

  11. Yeah, 609 of 'em. Sorted by year I downloaded them, from 2002 'till now. I've downloaded every single mix released since mid 2003. I get to close the 2006 playlist in a few days. Every time I close a year in my OC ReMix folder I have an extra glass of champagne. It's my geeky tradition.

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