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Shadow Wolf

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Posts posted by Shadow Wolf

  1. Yeah, 2:48's short. But it's the best 2:48 on the entire site in my opinion. Matter of fact that mix is the second I ever downloaded from this site, and it's the reason I've been here for 5 years, and I still haven't found anything I like as much as that song.

    Anyways, none of that is to say you can't put together a hell of a mix. 17 minutes or so would be pretty tight.

  2. At some point, some Godlike genius will find a way to make your own channels for the Wii, and there will be much rejoicing. Until then, I'll hunker down into my hole and glance furtively at the open source crowd to check on their progress.

  3. That's about the only use I see for the EVC. Hopefully some important questions will come up, like "Should the Wii have a music channel?" "Are friend codes more trouble than they're worth?" "Should they be abolished in favor of free play?" "Should Wii support DVD playback?" "Should you be able to load more than ONE TYPE OF JPEG FILE in Photo Channel?" If they start actually acting on the results of questions like these, then we might get somewhere.

  4. Y'all be careful with my Dire Dire docks now. That shit's the soundtrack of my childhood. But you can rest easier in the (somewhat arguable) fact that you simply can't do better than DJP's Sunken Suite.

    Also, if anyone's looking for reference MP3s of the originals and can't find them for some insane reason, I can... provide them. PM me if you need any.

  5. So is anybody else really irritated by the everybody votes channel? My question is, why is Nintendo wasting their time on stuff like this when they could be giving us a music channel, so we can play our MP3s without having to use photo slideshows? I guarantee there's a hell of a lot more interest in that. Or better yet, why don't they update the firmware so the Wii will play DVDs? It's already playing game DVDs, it doesn't need a peripheral to do it. So why not have the functionality? This has to be my biggest gripe with Nintendo. I understand they don't wanna compete with other companies. But these kinds of things are basic functionality anymore. It's not a question of expense or weighing options at this point. DVD playback is a 'why not' proposition! People will use it! My PS2's getting really old and having trouble playing DVDs. If the Wii played them, I could look at Nintendo and say "Thanks guys! Not only did you give me an awesome system, but you saved me having to buy a new DVD player too!" This is the one place where Sony and Microsoft nail their fanbase. People don't want single function machines anymore. If you wanna focus on something, that's awesome. It should be all about the games. But for God's sake, throw in some cheap extras and step into the 90's while you're at it Nintendo!

  6. I was thinking the other day how cool it'd be to be able to browse through top 100 charts from earlier years, so I could remember the titles of some of the songs playing back in 2000/2001, for example, and go grab them off iTunes. The only problem is that Billboard.com makes you pay for this info. So is there a great place to find historic music charts, or am I out of luck?

  7. At the risk of starting a flamewar, I recommend Dell. They don't have any proprietary shit on their drives, so if you're willing to wipe out their recovery partition, you can install whatever OS you want on the drive. They're cheap, they're fast, and the screens are nice. Also, Dell has an outlet where you can get new and refurbished systems for hundreds of dollars off at outlet.dell.com.

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