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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. Hey! At least the Gentlemaster's Club has a decent musician to make music! :3
  2. I wouldn't mind a Sniper and Demo set :3 Zerothemaster1.
  3. Just vote for me. Three times. All's better :3
  4. This is all I have to say: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  5. XD Best retort ever. Especially since Nebby is the youngest of the group here
  6. Accept my apologies too. It is truely a skill to ignore the assholyness of some people, a skill I have not yet mastered.
  7. ...You do know that the reason we noobs post things here is to have guys who actually know what they're doing tell us how to make ourselves better, right? Otherwise this is an utterly pointless forum.
  8. ...because no one puts bad remixes onto the bloody wip forum. Silly noobs. And they expect us to give feedback? Heaven forbid!
  9. ...and that matters how, Snappleman? Just because you remix a source that has already been remixed doesn't make the song bad.
  10. I'm still bewildered as to where people get these ideas. :/ As encouraging as it is
  11. I suppose I just don't know what I'm talking about and am just a little starstruck
  12. Yeah, dawg. Did you like anything? I mean, dang, I understand ripping me apart, cuz mine sucked (btw, seriously, what Zerothemaster are you listening to that can do better than this? I vish I was that good) but tearin apart some of these other guys... i mean dang, considering that these guys had just one week and make some pretty awesome stuff in that one week... Oh well. Personal preference. TWO QUESTIONS FOR EVERYONE Everyone is referencing timing probs in my song... I feel idiotic, but I did not hear any... any specifics? And also, does anyone have some tips about producing guitars? As you prolly know, my guitars were really dry, so what does one do to give it a better sounds? (you can pm me if we don't want to drag this topic way off topic ) Yeah... thanks.
  13. What Zerothemaster is this? I'd like to meet him :/
  14. http://soundcloud.com/zerothemaster/it-may-be-cold-but-well-dance Eh. I like this, and it's one of my better ones, but I don't know if it has the "stuff" to be OCR quality. Thoughts?
  15. I thought it said "Snake Man's on my trail". But I also interpreted it as "Egg Man's on my trail" and "Blade Man's on my trail", so I might not be the best source.
  16. True, I do tend to take things personally WAY too often (the first symptom of noobishness), so I tend to take things hard :/ Sometime I do wonder if they couldn't be just a bit nicer tho. Just me. There was, um, quite the discussion about that in my topic. And now I'm scared to go back. And I haven't had anything to put there anywho. Except one track that no one noticed.
  17. I wish I agreed, but my one experience with the WIP forums was less then decent. :/ I couldn't really tell if everyone hated me or if I was just overreacting :/
  18. I was under the impression that we all are up against each other... Eh, screw it, I had fun ^.^
  19. Well, Strader beat me by miles. :/ CURSE MY LACK OF DECENT MUSIC MAKING SKILLS *hears halc track* I should just give up. ;_; *hears NutS track* What have I gotten myself into... *hears Main track* ... One of my favorite remixers from my favorite fansite crushing me like a small insect... Oh well, at least I wasn't the only person to use Wily laughing samples XD *hears Lidawg track* >.> I am the wimpiest person here *hears AMT track* Dayng. I'm screwed. Kudos for taking Pirate Man, I love him. *hears Covenant track* I am so not worthy to be among these godlike people. *hears my track* ... *hears briggs track* *puts gun to head* *hears SupX track* :/ I have no clue what I'm doing.
  20. I prefer this method, so that people like me can get a vote or two. But we all know the rules here. Darke will decide whatever his whimsy makes him decide, and we can't do a bloody thing about it
  21. How's the voting going to work? Is it going to be a ranking or just pick one to vote for?
  22. Gaaah everyone's putting pressure on me to perform! ;_; This means that everyone will probably hate my mix. OH WELL at least I got 1 point! :3
  23. Finished, uploaded and sent. clocks in at 6:33. It'll blow your mind. Or something. am very tired. Good night.
  24. It is 1 AM in MN. My tracking is finished. It is at 6 min and 30 seconds. Now to mix. I kinda like it. But then, I haven't slept much.
  25. I'm finishing it tonight galdang it, even if it kills me. I get my best (read: weirdest) ideas when I haven't slept. I hope to garner a vote for my team. One would be something at least. I mean... competing with halc and Brandon and Main and NutS and Briggs... I'm screwed. OH WELL :3
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