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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. Well, now that I'm in an official thing, I don't care about you guys anymore. *turns up nose*. MWAHAHA just kidding. But, I am working hard on my Wily Castle song, but will probably throw together a quick tune in the next two weeks for my match w/ Silv. Are we still on? does that work for you?
  2. Just passed 3 min, added a random solo that will BLOW YOUR ****IN MIND, am hitting sack. All nighter tomorrow, folks! :3
  3. I'm at, like, 2:30~, and haven't gotten Search Man's theme in yet.
  4. You're becoming more like your father. ... HEY I needed some kind of Star Fox quote Anywho that's kinda funny
  5. The difficult part is that it utilizes a lot of pitch-shifting that's very hard to replicate. I love the theme (#10 of all robot masters for me :3). but there are some notes I just cannot get a nail on... like they're microtones inbetween notes. If someone has a really accurate sheet music or midi showing exactly where the pitch shifts end up at, would really be appreciated In the meantime, I need to figure out how to convert it to C minor. :/
  6. You could give some of that... uh... getting-better-ness to me. I could use some. happy birthday (again)
  7. ... hi. I'm slowly discovering that this theme HATES ME. God, trying to track the thing in midi... its almost impossible >.< Needless to say, there'll be more Wily than Search theme in mine. I love his theme, but man, it's a cruel beastie.
  8. I was wondering about this too.
  9. Yo. Happy Birthday. And all that. Woot.
  10. Oh, no, I didn't mean it like that I just need to figure out how to do that And Neblix: too bad I use Ableton.
  11. Why thank you. I'll get back to you once I figure out how to do that :/ My song has gone from: folk to dubstep to hiphop to some kind of creepy sample heavy electronica. im gonna lose this competition kthxbai
  12. The decent part. I don't have sampler, analog or the other synthesizer program for Ableton, so I'm basically limited to Simpler (uber basic sampler) for it. I can get it to wobble, but it doesn't have that "punch" that I try to get. It sounds weak. Yknow, when the bass drops on your standard dubstep track, the wobble bass usually is the "punch your subwoofer out" type feel, but I can't seem to get it to do that. Thanks (I've kind of abandoned the dubstep idea, in favor of something more hip-hop, but the advice is still appreciated )
  13. My tune is at least good in theory, I just need to get the execution down. Anyone know how to make a decent wobble bass in ableton using only simpler? Any assistance is appreciated.
  14. ...Gmt? Oh, Greenwich mean time. Okay then. Thanks guys. Guess who's waking up early next saturday.
  15. The interwebs aren't helping me right now. 12 EDT. When is that in Minnesota? is that 11 Central or 1 Central time? thanks :/
  16. silly halc thats not how you spell zerothemaster
  17. Zerothemaster shall be the first contestant for The Gentlemaster's Club. So we can get the noobiest of us out of the way first. XD
  18. Since this song seems to be the subject of some controversy, I'll just say that I really dig it and love those deep wubs. Good job, Mr. Kelk.
  19. Am I allowed to ask about a Mega Man 8 Search Man av? I can make it if need be, but I'd like one for the wily castle tourney. Thanks!
  20. There is no avatar of Search man....
  22. I'm sorry, bunde, I haven't been able to find time, and now that I'm in the Wily Gauntlet, I'll have even less... I'm sorry. I'll maybe take a stab at the next one, I need to get ready from WCRG2011. Gimme something good and simple to work with, Sggod.... Nothing too complex
  23. I enjoy some dubstep, but having tried to make it, I know it's not as easy as you think. I listen to more trip hop and glitch now, like Slugabed and Kuedo, but like the occasional Wub here and there. I dunno if I'd qualify Skrillex as dubstep, while he uses wubs a lot, he doesn't usually subscribe to the rule I find almost more important than wobbles: half-step beats. He keeps a very steady four-to-the-floor beat on his wubs, unlike guys like Skream, etc, who keep that half step which gives it that off-feel. I like that feel best, which is why I like triphop and glitch and such. And yes, its very much more production than you think. I can make a dubstep track (I have, actually... I got so many peeps hatin on me for it) but I'm still learning production, cuz I has no monies XD It's far more than just a wobble and a half step, it's usually produced until dead. That's the best.
  24. Got some stuff since last time: Audiosurf Demo Champions Online Global Agenda Half Life 2 Deathmatch Half Life 2 Demo Half Life 2 Episode One Half Life 2 Lost Coast Half Life 2 Deathmatch: Source Team Fortress 2 VVVVVV Demo War Inc. I got HL2E1 at a used game store for $5. X3
  25. Zerothemaster, C7 and Amphibious are to be known as The Gentlemaster's Club. And I wish for my image of Search Man to have a monocle. (loljk)
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