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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. I'm always open to gifts. :3 Feel free to poke me on Steam. ~Zero
  2. .... RULES READING FAIL derp
  4. Mega Man Knowledge Man To The RESCUEEEeeeee Bond Man was a prototype robot master for the original Mega Man game, but was not included because they decided to only have six RMs instead of 8. http://www.themmnetwork.com/wiki/index.php?title=Bond_Man You probably heard a fan version, I remember hearing that too.
  5. BTW My picks (will change if GB games are allowed) Search Man Hornet Man Tomahawk Man Magnet Man Galaxy Man
  6. That was a rapper which makes this a real song! Dear god, I can rap better in my sleep. With a pillow in my nose. Drowning in a vat of butter. with bacon. I could go into all the reasons its bad (boring chords, god-awful singing, weak soundscape) but why bother? It sucks. AND WHY DOES THIS GET A MILLION VIEWS AND I GET NONE Internet... what to do with you.
  7. From reading the rules, I assume I can't pick themes from Mega Man II or Mega Man V? Just checking, because I like those soundtracks.
  8. I'm good with it if Amphibious is good with it.
  9. I will take you on, if you want crappy ol' me.
  10. I'M SO IN ON THIS I'll join whoever wants me. I don't care. blahblahPMmeblahblah Will post picks later :3
  11. Someone, back in ages past, decided that people didn't know enough, and decided to educate them. This created a giant roadblock to playing TF2 called college. BLAH I just have NOT had time recently. BUT IF I DO I will try that new server out.
  12. Says the guy with the .77 k/d ratio. compared to my 0.28. I feel so bad for you. </sarcasm> Naw, I just suck at the game XD
  13. It sounds to me a lot like the Peace Treaty remix of DJ Fresh's "Louder". Except the song parts you use just don't really gel with the song. I think it's the key: It could work, but you need to figure out the key of it first.
  14. If you use 7 (or Vista too, I think), WMP is really very difficult because you can't really edit the mp3 tags from there. You'll need to use a third-party tagging program to make it work. I think there's a "mp3IDtagit" or something out there, I can't remember. Buuuut I would recommend moving to iTunes, much easier to us, but whatevs.
  15. Define "classical music". It's very broad, and some people mean older orchestral instead of modern "classical" music. I'd say, look into Edgard Varese, John Cage, and Richard Wagner. Those are some of my favorites
  16. @Kanthos: Both. As I said, there's some good stuff there, but it's not nearly as memorable as the early stuff. And that's kind of the key thing. How memorable is the song? That's probably the best way to go about judging the songs. Sure, modern stuff is far better in a compositional way, but it's not nearly as memorable as the older songs, with some exceptions. There will always be exceptions (PS I actually came in on the Battle Network series. I've never played the Classic or X series )
  17. Hmmm. An interesting thought. If you want a game series that supports your thesis, the Mega Man series would be an excellent choice. The classic and X series have some of the best music in the music world, but the quality has slowly declined. The Zero and BN series had good music, but not great, and Star Force, Legends and ZX series have generally forgettable music. Now, this does not mean that every track in those series is exactly like that. There are some classic and X songs that aren't very good, and there are some ZX tunes at least that are pretty sweet (look for Green Grass Gradation, one of my favorite tunes). And I don't know if I agree that it has been declining in quality, mostly because composers nowadays have FAR more tools at their disposal. Also, a lot of music tracks nowadays are very ambiguous and ambient (listen to all of Portal 2's soundtrack. It's really very minimal) due to the lessened limitations on their tools. Also, there are some GREAT indie game composers out there, like Danny B of Team Meat, who still make dang good music. You just have to look around a bit. Good luck with your paper!
  18. Team Fortress 2 Audiosurf Demo VVVVVV Demo Global Agenda ... I'm a cheapskate and do not spend moneys
  19. That would require me to have $15 and a credit card. I don't have the second one I also don't have time. Oh well, there's always christmas XD
  20. I haven't even completed the first person mission yet. Heck, I don't own the game.
  21. Wish I could make it, but I can't. yup.
  22. Mega Man 2: [Lazer Sharp Moves] - Clear Quick Man's Stage without using Flash Stopper. Pokemon Red: [Extraterrestrial Sighting] - Encounter Mew on the Pewter City (?) Bridge. [Pokemon.exe has performed an illegal function] Or [Does Not Compute] - Encounter Missingno. [Ghostbuster], [Yo mama so dead] or [Children have died to this] - Defeat the Lavender Town Ghost.
  23. Yeah, I made a mix for it too, and it was rejected for being "too liberal" in the arrangement. Which is fine. It's Darke's album, not mine. It's not amazing, and can be improved, but here's my contribution to Concrete Man Day. A glitch-hop remix. I hope to improve this in the future, but for now, here 'tis. http://soundcloud.com/zerothemaster/crushing So... yeah. There you go.
  24. Wait, game reviewers actually give critical inspection to games? *shock and awe*
  25. Dang, hard as I try, I've got absolutely nothing. :/ Oh well, i'll vote!
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