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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. actually, only 16 of the 36 themes were re-picked. That's 20 new themes since the last grmrb, not counting 2010 (which had maybe one or two). And a 44% repick rate isn't that unusual, since there aren't THAT many themes to pick (about 88 ) and considering that some themes will be picked more often than others (Elec, Heat, Air, Flash) and some won't be picked much at all, and some really adventurous noobs (who pick stupid things like Search Man), it's not that overbearing. just speculation EDIT: Some quick calculations: Over three GRMRBs, 64% (56 of 88 ) of the robot master themes have been picked. And with 84 total participants in the three compos (counting every time someone has entered, so I counted Will three times, for example) only 29% of this year's picks were repicks from both years, and from all years 31% of all participants repicked from previous years. also 96% of statistics are made up on the spot but these weren't really
  2. If you'll excuse my refutation of this... Exactly two people chose the same RM, out of 16 that had competed in previous compos. Those two are Brandon (who has a weird fascination with Splash Woman ) and Chernabogue (Crash Man). Otherwise: Hylian Lemon (Hornet wily, Hard 2011) Willrock (Air wily, Elec 2011, Flash 2010) halc (Blade wily, Time 2010) prophetik (Dust wily, Spring 2011) Sir NutS (Blizzard wily, Heat 2011) (lol that's kinda ironic ) Gario (Magnet wily, Wind 2011) geoffio (Tomahawk wily, Skull 2011) Main Finger (Gemini wily, Napalm 2011) Cyril (Shade wily, Blade 2011, Cold 2010) Xarnax (Spark wily, Knight 2011) neblix (Flash wily, Plug 2011, Galaxy 2010) Rozovian (Crystal wily, Chill 2011) LuketheX (Skull wily, Slash 2010) Jakesnke (Grenade wily, Snake 2011) I'm not counting TGH, even though he's had Bubble Man both times, he didn't pick this year, he just replaced Emunator, who had already picked Bubble Man. not meant to offend or anything, I just like making lists. :3
  3. this is the best thing that valve could have done to tf2 I think i might shed a tear... ;_:
  4. thank you ecto my day is now complete and i shall never eat again
  5. Even satan hates that game Oh yeah and the Donkey Kong Country games. They were awesome.
  6. I vote for Super Meat Boy, Machinarium and FF13. I <3 that soundtrack soooo much
  7. Duke Nukem Forever. Actually I recommend the Mega Man Battle Network series, the protagonist is an elementary school kid and all.
  8. Slugabed, Starkey, Schlomo, Baths, Jonwayne, Groundislava, Kuedo, Lone. Also, some or Renard's nom de plumes are cool, like The Quick Brown Fox, Jackal Queenston, Klippa, Mayhem, Adraen and Darius.
  9. I've improved sooooo much too but I still suck oh well i would be game
  10. Though I really don't know anything about him, this is still terrible. I shall be praying. if you care
  11. /Zerothemaster thinks to himself "Oh that would be cool, just for a chance to meet Uematsu." /Zerothemaster remembers that he is on OCR /Zerothemaster remembers that all the music he makes is crap /Zerothemaster goes and cries in a corner for a while
  12. Oh Mega Man. Oh. You REALLY let yourself go after they cancelled Legends 3, didn't you?
  13. My favorite MM game is Mega Man Battle Network 5. *is killed* My favorite robot master is... probably Pluto. But I also like Galaxy Man.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfsFnIhyWZU It's a decent track. Not the best on that soundtrack, but it's alright.
  15. 'bout an hour south of the cities. @Orlouge
  16. Is that north of the Cities?

    I'm about an hour south :P

  17. That would require me to have friends who go to the U. Which I don't. And they know all my friends, so it's pointless to lie
  18. Ohey, I didn't know you were from MN.

    Cool :3

  19. i guess its more like a "I still live with my parents who would think I was an idiot for wasting time going to see people who I don't really know on the internet". I'm such a noob
  20. If the I-dont-have-a-vehicle-or-any-legit-way-to-get-there problem wasn't there, I would totally do Twin Cities but it is so I wont
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