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Everything posted by Zerothemaster

  1. too bad. Skull's been getting to me too, that's why my mix was late I don't know how I feel about my mix. Some parts I like, some parts I don't... At least I finished it
  2. For a moment I thought "Oh, that'd be cool". But then I remembered that I suck. nvm.
  3. It wasn't really a "choose"... I made it for a compo, and was curious if anyone thought that I might have a chance to be posted with it, since I like it quite a bit... perhapz not XP I've got some others on the horizon, so that's good. It is a horrid song to remix, because it gives you all of two motifs to utilize in a remix (remember kids, using important sounding musical terms makes you sound like you actually know what you're doing ) You guys could also check out the rest of my soundcloud, its got some more recent stuff on there (which isn't that great, a remix of Sonic 3 and Link To The Past), which spam voice samples, something that I'm wont to do. I am quite honored at a longtime musician commenting on my little mix, but I'm torn between accepting it as good advice (which it is) and dismissing it as hate mail (for lack of a better term). While I'm very, very honored, OC's whole post gives off a feeling, less of harsh reality, but more of "silly noobs thinking they can make music". I'm sure that's not what you intended to say (right...?) but it did have that quality about it. Besides, how are you going to get better if you don't make a bunch of crap first?
  4. Thanks for the input! pH: I see what you mean about the meandering of it, and I think I can reign it in (solidify the wubs and bass drum) but could you elaborate on what you mean by the soundscape being thin? I'm curious what exactly you mean. HoboKa: There really isn't much of a "Lead" to go off of with this song... I've posted the source in the first post. There isn't really a melody at all, which makes it quite difficult. Also, if you (or anyone else) could direct me to some good, free drums samples, I'd be eternally grateful OverCoat: I didn't see your post before XP But, man, you don't pull any punches, do you? I seriously don't have any idea how to respond. From what you're saying, I might as well scrap it and not bother :/ Part of it is, a lot of the dubstep that I've heard, never has more than 3-4 instruments at once. For example, listening to Bassnectar's "Bass Head", it only has two instruments (from what I can hear) most of the time: bass and drum. And when you put too many instruments in there at once, it gets muddy. But, I am relatively new at this, so I don't know. But, heck, you ain't gonna get better unless you try, right? AND FOR THE RECORD: I only cut off two notes of the melody, and I thought they were echoes.
  5. d'awwwww :3 thanks, man. And thanks for the extension, Bunde. I'll have it in on time! ~Zero
  6. Good morning, gents (and ladies, I guess ) I have a song that I would really like to remix, but it's from a super-obscure game and there are no midis for it at all. So I was wondering if there was someone out there who is much better at hearing notes by ear who could help me with a midi file. I find it quite difficult to remix without a midi that I can plug into Finale and get the sheet music for. Soooooo is there anyone out there who can help? The song is "The End" from the flash game Mata Nui Online Game. here's the Youtube of the song: If there's a better place for this, put it there Also, if the motif is from a song I don't know and wouldn't be allowed at OCR, that would be nice to know This soundtrack did do it before, so... yeah. Any/all help appreciated!
  7. I don't think I'll have time... I might be able to finish it tomorrow night or Tuesday, but it's too late then, isn't it?
  8. Since Bots are better than I thought... I couldn't backstab a blind noob who didn't have thumbs. THE POINT IS I can't play spy too well. I've never even gotten a domination. Well, one. But that's all. I can't even play my best class on this server (sniper) because i stink so bad
  9. DUDE I, like, suck at this game. I get my arse handed to me on a silver platter every time I play OCR's servers. Any regular who's seen me can probably attest to that. But I don't care. I keep playing anyways. PLAY ON oh and don't listen to brush give me all your items
  10. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is TheGuitahHeroe's "Spring My Bubble"... I played Audiosurf to it and it was trippy as heck.
  11. Well, you have a lot of vintage and genuine stuff, and a lot of hats... you could get quite a bit. Especially with the vintages. And hats. I would love the Deus Ex items, but, alas, cannot trade anything to you
  12. Hey a MMBN Mix. Awesome. Sounds fairly similar to source. But it is nice.
  13. That Zelda theme sounds suspiciously like Ice Cap Zone.... XP EDIT: Chroxic beat me to it EDIT 2.0: Hoorah! This means I can make a weird experimental piece with loads of funky CDi samples! Hold yo seats for a song full of MAH BOIs and BONKING SOME DODONGOS! Gee, it sure is boring around here
  14. As I said, I can do a frontpage writeup like the official GRMB front page if you want. I might even design a nice banner
  15. MATCH INDEX Match #1: SilvernixSP Vs. Geeky Stoner (Air Man Vs. Flash Man) SilvernixSP Remix: Flashing Sky Geeky Stoner Remix: Flares Remixers who may be Challenged: SilvernixSP (Astro Man) Taken, vs. Zerothemaster Chernabogue (Gravity Man) Geeky Stoner (Flash Man) Zerothemaster (Search Man) Taken, vs. SilvernixSP SuperiorX chroxic zach72 (Drill Man) Just fixing it up a bit to be prettier. Can do a full writeup for it if you wish. And Astro Man... Hmm. This'll be fun I might be able to do it next week or the week after... School starts Monday and that makes things interesting. We'll see.
  16. Which Astro Man? There is the MM8 or the MM&B. Sure, I'm good with it. You should consider posting finished pieces in the first post Like have "#1: Flash Man vs. Air Man (Geeky Stoner vs. SilvernixSP)" and links to the pieces. Just a suggestion.
  17. You mean you're giving them away or trading for them? Cuz I'm f2p and can't "trade" but can accept people giving me stuff.
  18. Just so you know, Bundeslang, I'll be gone most of the day tomorrow, but I'll make sure to check in the evening in case I win (hahahahahayeahright), so I might not get my selection in very quick. just so you know.
  19. If you'll excuse me, I need to vacuum all the parts of my face which melted off while listening to this. Mom's not going to like the that stain on the carpet. I think it came from my nose. :/
  20. If Chernabogue doesn't mind, I can take on someone else. I'm Search Man from MM8. EDIT: Forest Man? herpaderpalerp.
  21. Press E to call for a Medic. MEDIC! MEDIC! C'MON DOC! ImmastillwaitingforCherna.
  22. Hey guys, I made this mix for the PRC 199, and I really liked it, and thought that I might be able to improve it enough to submit it, so I was wondering if the helpful community out there would offer some suggestions to me. http://soundcloud.com/zerothemaster/evolution Source: It's a combination of Ethereal, Dubstep and chiptune music. I know that the ending is a little muddy and can be fixed, but is there any other suggestions? Thanks!
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