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Everything posted by JoeFu

  1. http://www.square-enix.co.jp/dragonquest/20th/DQ9PVL.html DQIX video. Game looks amazing.
  2. Japanese site for It's a Wonderful World, that one SE game that's coming out next year. http://www.square-enix.co.jp/subarashiki/ Game looks interesting, there is a trailer, and the music is awesome.
  3. Something about games having their own friend list and the xfire thing doesn't work when you are in a game. If someone sends you a message to play another game while you are playing Resistance or something, you wouldn't be able to tell unless you quit. I think that's what one of the main problems was.
  4. Fourth Dungeon boss was the most fun. Just going at such high speeds and dodging stuff is fun. I liked the dungeon too, but it was a little anticlimactic once you got the weapon. I really wished it was used more too.
  5. lol i kant wate 2 ply ridgre raser adn screm RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDGE RACER! nd den bash it wit a hamr.
  6. CRAB! JOE!! :]what's up g? gets on teh skype for the chats!
  7. Do you know what I think will suck in the end? YOU!!!!!
  8. Anybody that can read japanese wanna translate this? http://gemaga.sbcr.jp/ it seems DQ9 is headed for the DS?? It's pretty much confirmed now. Seems like it will be 4 player online too.
  10. I want to try the Co Op with someone! PLEASE PLAY WITH ME!
  11. Game carrying thing. Well, the stylus can extend, so I like it.
  12. Healing Woods on Dhsu's site is awesome. There needs to be more MM mixes.
  13. I would like to hear one though. MM had some awesome music, even if some were reused from OOT. Too many oot mixes, no MM mixes
  14. I don't care that much for reviews. As long as it's a 2d Castlevania, the game should be good. Anyways, we preordered it for the sweet preorder bonus.
  15. So Castlevania is almost out right? Today is the shipping date, so some guys might have it already.
  16. WTF still talking about the mirroring? How it can bother anyone confuses me. If no one told you the game was mirrored, I doubt you guys would have cared. The game is still the same, instead of left, you turn right. OMFG THE WORLD IS GOING TO END! Such a stupid thing to complain about. Anyways, I finally had time to play so I beat the 6th dungeon today and currently am at the 7th one. This game is so awesome. I can waste 2 hours just running around Hyrule and exploring. I just wish the
  17. Well, you need that speed, considering the incredibly complex programming that is required to flip the giant crab over and attack its weak spot for massive damage. I'm sorry. I had to. It's almost done being funny. Only a few more weeks and absolutely nobody will even remember it. Then it's done, I swear. Can't go wrong with the classic RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDGE RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACER! Anyways, I'd would like to see more games that loaded like the Nintendo made Gamecube games, as in no load at all, or cleverly hidden with the doors and such in Metroid Prime.
  18. I love killing badguys that hard kinda hard to kill and then pressing "A". I love the way he puts his sword back.
  19. Beat the snow place last night. Now that school has started back up, I can't play all the time now
  20. Just beat the fourth temple. I love the new item, it's pretty sweet. I can't wait to see what the other ones bring. The boss fight was pretty fun there.
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